

  • 从欧拉的数学直觉谈起


  • Adventures of a Mathematician

    作者:Stanislaw M. Ulam

    The autobiography of mathematician Stanislaw Ulam, one of the great scientific minds of the twentieth century, tells a story rich with amazingly prophetic speculations and peppered with lively anecdotes. As a member of the Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1944 on, Ulam helped to precipitate some of the most dramatic changes of the postwar world. He was among the first to use and advocate computers for scientific research, originated ideas for the nuclear propulsion of space vehicles, and made fundamental contributions to many of today's most challenging mathematical projects. With his wide-ranging interests, Ulam never emphasized the importance of his contributions to the research that resulted in the hydrogen bomb. Now Daniel Hirsch and William Mathews reveal the true story of Ulam's pivotal role in the making of the "Super," in their historical introduction to this behind-the- scenes look at the minds and ideas that ushered in the nuclear age. An epilogue by Franoise Ulam and Jan Mycielski sheds new light on Ulam's character and mathematical originality.
  • I Want to Be a Mathematician

    作者:P.R. Halmos

  • 我和爷爷熊庆来


    《我和爷爷熊庆来》讲述了:作者熊有德女士曾在爷爷熊庆来身边度过了她的青少年时代。正是因为这段难忘的岁月,使熊有德女士能够有机会近距离地接触和了解一代数学大师的思想和生平。不少的媒体都刊登过有关熊庆来先生的回忆文章,坊间也有多种关于他的传记作品,但熊有德女士都不太满意,她觉得很多作品仅仅是从学术的角度来解读,有的甚至把爷爷熊庆来神化了,尤其是对他的生活和思想,很少有客观真实的描写。所以,她一直有个夙愿,在有生之年用文字给世人留下一个真实的熊庆来。在熊庆来先生去世四十周年之际,熊有德女士终于写完了这部厚重的回忆录,而此时她已是花甲之年。 熊有德女士坦言除了了却夙愿,这部作品她也是专门写给年轻人看的。她在序言里写道:“我的这一本书写在爷爷去世四十周年纪念的前夕,是对爷爷的纪念,也是对后来人的一个鼓励,希望后人接过接力棒,把知识分子的美德,清贫刻苦、努力钻研、为国为民的好风格代代传下去。”虽然逝者已去,但他用毕生精力所铸就的不朽丰碑仍将永远耸立在那里,他的精神也将永留世间。
  • My Brain Is Open

    作者:Bruce Schechter

    Paul Erdõs, one of the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century, and certainly the most eccentric, was internationally recognized as a prodigy by age seventeen. Hungarian-born Erdõs believed that the meaning of life was to prove and conjecture. His work in the United States and all over the world has earned him the titles of the century's leading number theorist and the most prolific mathematician who ever lived. Erdõs's important work has proved pivotal to the development of computer science, and his unique personality makes him an unforgettable character in the world of mathematics. Incapable of the smallest of household tasks and having no permanent home or job, he was sustained by the generosity of colleagues and by his own belief in the beauty of numbers. Witty and filled with the sort of mathematical puzzles that intrigued Erdõs and continue to fascinate mathematicians today, My Brain Is Open is the story of this strange genius and a journey in his footsteps through the world of mathematics, where universal truths await discovery like hidden treasures and where brilliant proofs are poetry.
  • 数学与生活


    《数学与数学人》是一套国际化的科学普及丛书,我们将邀请当代一流的中外科学家谈他们的数学人生——研究经历和成功经验。活跃在研究前沿的数学家们将会用轻松的文笔,通俗地介绍数学各领域激动人心的最新进展、某个数学专题精彩曲折的发展历史以及数学在现代科学技术中的广泛应用。 数学是一门很有意义、很美丽,同时也很重要的科学。从实用来讲,数学的方法和应用遍及到物理、生物、化学、工程等各个领域,甚至与经济等社会科学有很密切的关系。数学为这些学科的发展提供了必不可少的工具,对于解释自然界的纷繁现象具有最基本的重要性;而与此同时,数学还兼具诗歌与散文的内在气质,既是严谨的又充满想象的张力。所以,数学是一门很特殊的学科。她既有文学性的一面,也有应用性的一面,我本人对这几方面都很感兴趣,探讨它们之间妙趣横生的关系,让我真正享受到了研究数学的乐趣。
  • 逻辑的引擎

    作者:[美] 马丁·戴维斯

  • 华罗庚


  • 一个定理的诞生

    作者:[法]塞德里克·维拉尼 著,[法]克劳

  • 无法解出的方程


    内容提要 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的音乐、自然界的基本力、魔方、配偶的选择有无共通之处?它们共同的特点是都具有某种对称性。对称性概念为科学和艺术之间、理论物理世界和我们日常生活的世界之间架起了桥梁。然而关于对称的“语言”——数学中的群论——却产生于最意想不到的来源:一种无法解出的方程式。几千年来,在遇到现在所说的五次方程之前,数学家已经逐渐解决了越来越困难的代数方程。但几个世纪过去了,五次方程仍然没有解,最后,两个数学天才彼此独立地发现了它不能用通常的方法解出,群论由此产生。这两个年轻的天才是挪威数学家尼尔斯·亨里克·阿贝尔和法国数学家埃瓦利斯特·伽罗瓦,他们最后都悲剧性地死去。事实上,伽罗瓦(时年20岁)在他致命的决斗前夕,草草地记录了他的证明的另一份简要总结,笔记本的边上有一句话:“我没有时间”。 无法解出的方程的故事是一本关于才华横溢的数学家的故事,也叙述了数学如何为其他学科添光增彩。在这本栩栩如生、曲折动人的书中,马里奥·利维奥以一种容易被人接受的方式展示了,群论是如何解释自然界和人造世界的对称性和秩序的。
  • 数学前沿


    《数学先锋·数学前沿1590年:现在》作为“数学先锋”丛书的第五本,收录了10位20世纪后半叶的数学家,他们每个人都在数学史上留下了自己的足迹。在美国成为数学研究中心的时代里,他们是更加多元化的国际数学大家庭的成员,构成了这个大家庭的横截面。在这个时期内,很多长期以来开放性的问题得到了解决,纯数学和应用数学得到了大发展,新的数学思想的引入使得主要技术进步成为可能。 《数学先锋·数学前沿1590年:现在》中收录的数学家反映了数学大家庭越来越多元化的趋势。数学知识的进步是所有民族、种族、国家和性别的天才共同智慧的结晶。他们来自美国、大不列颠、中国的香港和台湾、比利时和爱尔兰,他们是国际数学界的代表。
  • 走近高斯

    作者:周明儒 编

  • 神秘的阿列夫


    《神秘的阿列夫:数学、犹太神秘主义教派以及对无穷的探寻》主要内容:19世纪末,一位杰出的数学家在一所精神病院里身心逐渐衰弱而死去。他一系列先进观点造成的最伟大的成就,是他对无穷的特性的超前理解。这就是乔治·康托(GeorgCantor)的故事:他如何得到他的理论,他的改变了世界面貌的研究成果对后代产生了怎样深远的影响。 康托充满智慧的、深奥哲学观点的研究工作,有古希腊数学和在喀巴拉——中世纪犹太神秘主义教派里的源头。康托用阿列夫aleph——希姆莱字母表中的、伴有非同寻常联想的第一个字母——这个神秘数字来表示所有正整数的集合。它不是最大的数,因为——不存在最大的数,但它是一个总能趋近的终极数:恰如数字1之前不存在最后的分数。
  • 突破维数障碍


    斯蒂芬·斯梅尔是美国著名数学家,美国科学院院士和美国艺术与科学院院士。所获奖项有1966年菲尔兹奖、1996年美国国家科学奖章和2007年沃尔夫数学奖(迄今为止只有12位数学家同时获得菲尔兹奖和沃尔夫数学奖)。他是一位有着独特人生经历的当代数学大师,在数学的许多领域中做出了卓越成就,例如首先证明将球体从内向外翻转在理论上是可能的,提出了混沌概念的先声——斯梅尔马蹄等等。斯梅尔首先突破了维数障碍,在高维庞加莱猜想上取得重大进展,证明一个六维的世界有可能比一个三维世界更为简单。然后转向研究动力系统,作出重要成就,还勾划出研究计划,给很多研究者实行。他也做过数学经济的工作,近期也探究了不同的计算理论。不仅如此,斯梅尔还是一名发起了旨在终结越南战争的反战运动的孤胆骑侠,并与美国的科学管理机构进行过维护学术自由的不懈斗争。他有丰富的业余爱好,不但被公认为顶级的矿石收藏家,而且还热衷于摄影、航海、登山。为表彰他的贡献,一颗1982年发现的小行星于2000年便以他来命名。《突破维数障碍(斯梅尔传)》由一位十分熟悉他的数学家撰写,不但以极其通俗的语言,介绍了斯梅尔数学成就的迷人之处,更令我们看到了一个特立独行、勇于追求、执着探索的数学家形象。 《突破维数障碍(斯梅尔传)》的作者是史蒂夫·巴特森。
  • The Fractalist

    作者:Benoit Mandelbrot

    A fascinating memoir from the man who revitalized visual geometry, and whose ideas about fractals have changed how we look at both the natural world and the financial world. Benoit Mandelbrot, the creator of fractal geometry, has significantly improved our understanding of, among other things, financial variability and erratic physical phenomena. In The Fractalist, Mandelbrot recounts the high points of his life with exuberance and an eloquent fluency, deepening our understanding of the evolution of his extraordinary mind. We begin with his early years: born in Warsaw in 1924 to a Lithuanian Jewish family, Mandelbrot moved with his family to Paris in the 1930s, where he was mentored by an eminent mathematician uncle. During World War II, as he stayed barely one step ahead of the Nazis until France was liberated, he studied geometry on his own and dreamed of using it to solve fresh, real-world problems. We observe his unusually broad education in Europe, and later at Caltech, Princeton, and MIT. We learn about his thirty-five-year affiliation with IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center and his association with Harvard and Yale. An outsider to mainstream scientific research, he managed to do what others had thought impossible: develop a new geometry that combines revelatory beauty with a radical way of unfolding formerly hidden laws governing utter roughness, turbulence, and chaos. Here is a remarkable story of both the man’s life and his unparalleled contributions to science, mathematics, and the arts.
  • The Man Who Knew Infinity

    作者:Robert Kanigel

    In 1913, a young unschooled Indian clerk wrote a letter to G H Hardy, begging the pre-eminent English mathematician's opinion on several ideas he had about numbers. Realising the letter was the work of a genius, Hardy arranged for Srinivasa Ramanujan to come to England. Thus began one of the most improbable and productive collaborations ever chronicled. With a passion for rich and evocative detail, Robert Kanigel takes us from the temples and slums of Madras to the courts and chapels of Cambridge University, where the devout Hindu Ramanujan, 'the Prince of Intuition,' tested his brilliant theories alongside the sophisticated and eccentric Hardy, 'the Apostle of Proof'. In time, Ramanujan's creative intensity took its toll: he died at the age of thirty-two and left behind a magical and inspired legacy that is still being plumbed for its secrets today.
  • 数学与数学人

    作者:杨振宁,André Weil,周炜良,I

  • 科学家的辩白


  • 费马大定理

