

  • Spacetime and Geometry

    作者:Sean Carroll

    Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity provides a lucid and thoroughly modern introduction to general relativity. With an accessible and lively writing style, it introduces modern techniques to what can often be a formal and intimidating subject. Readers are led from the physics of flat spacetime (special relativity), through the intricacies of differential geometry and Einstein's equations, and on to exciting applications such as black holes, gravitational radiation, and cosmology.
  • 物理力学讲义


    《物理力学讲义(新世纪版)》第1章绪论阐明了物力学的内容、观点和方法,第2、第3、第4章是基础原理,第5章到第9章分别处理气体、固体的液体的热力学性质,说明了从分子结构计算宏观性质的方法,第10章到第13章处理各种输运过程,像热传导、粘滞性、扩散、中子慢化及热辐射等。 《物理力学讲义(新世纪版)》的特点是给出了明确具体而切实可行的计算方法,使得工程介质和材料的热力学性质可以不完全依靠实验就能确定。 物理力学是一门新兴的学科,它从物质的微观结构出发。提供计算机工程技术和所用介质和材料的热力学性质的方法。
  • 量子力学原理

    作者:山卡(R. Shankar)

    《量子力学原理(第2版)》主要内容:Review: `An excellent text....The postulates of quantum mechanics and the mathematical underpinnings are discussed in a clear, succint manner.' - American Scientist, from a review of the First Edition Book Description Reviews from the First Edition:"An excellent text … The postulates of quantum mechanics and the mathematical underpinnings are discussed in a clear, succinct manner." (American Scientist) "No matter how gently one introduces students to the concept of Dirac's bras and kets, many are turned off. Shankar attacks the problem head-on in the first chapter, and in a very informal style suggests that there is nothing to be frightened of." (Physics Bulletin) "This massive text of 700 and odd pages has indeed an excellent get-up, is very verbal and expressive, and has extensively worked out calculational details——-all just right for a first course. The style is conversational, more like a corridor talk or lecture notes, though arranged as a text. … It would be particularly useful to beginning students and those in allied areas like quantum chemistry." (Mathematical Reviews) R. Shankar has introduced major additions and updated key presentations in this second edition of Principles of Quantum Mechanics. New features of this innovative text include an entirely rewritten mathematical introduction, a discussion of Time-reversal invariance, and extensive coverage of a variety of path integrals and their applications. Additional highlights include: - Clear, accessible treatment of underlying mathematics - A review of Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian mechanics - Student understanding of quantum theory is enhanced by separate treatment of mathematical theorems and physical postulates - Unsurpassed coverage of path integrals and their relevance in contemporary physics The requisite text for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition is fully referenced and is supported by many exercises and solutions. The book's self-contained chapters also make it suitable for independent study as well as for courses in applied disciplines.
  • A First Course in String Theory

    作者:Barton Zwiebach

    An accessible introduction to string theory, this book provides a detailed and self-contained demonstration of the main concepts involved. The first part deals with basic ideas, reviewing special relativity and electromagnetism while introducing the concept of extra dimensions. D-branes and the classical dynamics of relativistic strings are discussed next, and the quantization of open and closed bosonic strings in the light-cone gauge, along with a brief introduction to superstrings. The second part begins with a detailed study of D-branes followed by string thermodynamics. It discusses possible physical applications, and covers T-duality of open and closed strings, electromagnetic fields on D-branes, Born/Infeld electrodynamics, covariant string quantization and string interactions. Primarily aimed as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses, it will also be ideal for a wide range of scientists and mathematicians who are curious about string theory.
  • 普通物理学(下册)


    《普通物理学(第六版)》是普通高等教育“十一五”国家规划级教材,是在程守洙、江之永主编的《普通物理学》(第五版)的基础上,参照教育部物理基础课程教学指导分委员会新制定的《理工科非物理类专业大学物理课程教学基本要求》修订而成的,书中涵盖了基本要求中所有的核心内容,并精选了相当数量的拓展内容。《普通物理学(第六版)》在修订过程中继承了原书的特色,尽量做到选材精当,论述严谨,行文简明,对经典物理内容进行了精简和深化,增强现代的观点和信息,对近代物理内容进行了精选和普化,加强学习新知识的基础,并适当介绍现代工程技术的新发展和新动态。 《普通物理学(第六版)》分为上、下两册,上册包括力学、热学、电磁学,下册包括振动、波动、光学和量子物理。配套的有网络课程、电子教案、习题分析与解答、思考题分析与拓展、学习指导书等资料。本书是《普通物理学(第六版)》下册,可作为高等学校理工科非物理类专业的教材,也可供相关专业选用和社会读者阅读。
  • 软物质物理学导论


    编者考虑到国内读者对软物质物理学学习和研究兴趣的日益增加以及缺乏基本参考书的现实,应同行们的要求,编者们根据暑期学校的教学交流内容,邀请两位讲演人和部分专家根据自己的研究领域撰写了有关章节,编出了这本《软物质物理学导论》。本书共分三篇26章:第一篇5章为软物质物理学概论,介绍了软物质的基本特性和研究方法;第二篇9章论述了软物质的表面和界面物理;第三篇12章分别介绍了软物质物理学研究的若干领域,包括软物质的自组织、生物膜膜泡形状、胶体物理、电流变液、二维泡沫系统、生物大分子和颗粒物质等方向。、   本书的第一篇以英文文稿交稿,第二篇以法文文稿交稿。第三篇中也有两章以英文文稿。
  • 力学和对称性导论


    本书阐述了力学与对称性的理论及其进展, 将力学中的几何观点与固体分析结合起来, 深入研究了力学中诸如连续介质力学的变分和哈密顿结构、流体力学、等离子体物理等基本问题; 提供了具体模型中有用的工具, 如应用能量- 开西米尔和能量-动量方法的新的稳定性和分岔准则, 基于具有几何精确性的更新程序和变分积分子的新的数值码,以及在控制理论和机器人学中的新的再定向技术等;介绍了对称性在力学中的广泛应用, 如在约化, 稳定性, 分岔, 关于一个给定的系统对称群的解的对称性的破坏, 可积系统求显式解, 以及对于特殊系统(如Kowalewski顶)的深入理解等问题中的应用。   本书(英文版)附有解题指南和互联网补充, 为读者提供了重要的相关知识。   作者美国加州理工学院Marsden 教授和加州大学圣克鲁斯分校及瑞士联邦工学院Ratiu教授都是相关领域的国际著名专家, 他们从丰富的视角, 深刻阐述了力学和对称性基本理论的大部分内容, 为读者提供了广博而详实的理论和应用分析。
  • Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

    作者:David J. Griffiths

    For one-semester/-year, junior-/senior-level courses in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Chemistry. This text first teaches students how to do quantum mechanics, and then provides them with a more insightful discussion of what it means. Fundamental principles are covered, quantum theory presented, and special techniques developed for attacking realistic problems. Two-part coverage organizes topics under basic theory, and assembles an arsenal of approximation schemes with illustrative applications.
  • 时空的大尺度结构


  • 天文爱好者手册


    浩瀚无垠的宇宙,为人类提供了一个不断开拓进取、溯源探新的广阔领域。为了让广大读者了解更多的天文知识,这本书按照当今最新的探索,介绍了宇宙的面貌、天文学的新发现、各类天体的特点、自制简易天文望远镜和天文观测的各种方法,还介绍了春、夏、秋、冬四季的星空和星图等,引导人们进入天文学的殿堂。 按照当今最新的探索,宇宙的面貌是怎样的?天文学有哪些新发现?各类天体有些什么特点?如何自制天文望远镜?怎样进行天文观测…… 本书是中国当前最权威、最实用的天文爱好者工具书。汇集全国优秀的天文普及作家群,从基础知识讲起,注重实际观测,并详述天文望远镜的使用,爱好者望远镜的自制。书中还介绍了春、夏、秋、冬四季的星空和星图,37个附录收入大量必备观测数据、天象预报等内容。容量宏大,资料全面。
  • 流体动力学 (第5版)


  • 我在MIT燃燒物理魂


    華爾達 盧文(Walter Lewin),當代頂尖的天文物理學家,在美國麻省理工學院(MIT)任教逾三十年,發表科學論文超過450篇。但花去他最多心力的,卻是開設在大學部的三門基礎物理課。 「我一直嘗試將物理活生生地呈現在學生面前……幫他們用不同的角度看這世界……這也是本書的用意:幫你開啟雙眼,讓你看到物理是以多麼特別的方式支配著這世界,也讓你見識到物理本身令人讚嘆的優雅與美麗!」 他把自己的身體當成實驗器材,而上課,則經常像魔術表演或玩命的特技,「畢竟,科學需要有人做點犧牲。」這是他的口頭禪。 例如在教室裡變出一片藍天及一朵白雲;教你在自家做出一道彩虹,並且把它握在手上;或者在課堂上對著兩個油漆罐開槍,結果裝滿水的那罐炸了開來,九分滿的卻沒有,目的是跟學生證明,水是無法壓縮的,但是空氣可以;甚至將自己充電到三十萬伏特,讓頭髮全都豎立起來,然後告訴學生:高電壓本身並不會致命,關鍵是穿過你身體的電流有多少…… 「物理是對的!」他大叫。
  • 引力的量子效应导论


  • 解码宇宙

    作者:(美) 塞费

  • The Universe in a Helium Droplet

    作者:Grigory E. Volovik

    There are fundamental relations between three vast areas of physics: particle physics, cosmology and condensed matter physics. The fundamental links between the first two areas, in other words, between micro- and macro-worlds, have been well established. There is a unified system of laws governing the scales from subatomic particles to the Cosmos and this principle is widely exploited in the description of the physics of the early Universe. The main goal of this book is to establish and define the connection of these two fields with condensed matter physics. According to the modern view, elementary particles (electrons, neutrinos, quarks, etc.) are excitations of a more fundamental medium called the quantum vacuum. This is the new 'aether' of the 21st Century. Electromagnetism, gravity, and the fields transferring weak and strong interactions all represent different types of the collective motion of the quantum vacuum. Among the existing condensed matter systems, a quantum liquid called superfluid 3He-A most closely represents the quantum vacuum.Its quasiparticles are very similar to the elementary particles, while the collective modes of the liquid are very similar to electromagnetic and gravitational fields, and the quanta of these collective modes are analogues of photons and gravitons. The fundamental laws of physics, such as the laws of relativity (Lorentz invariance) and gauge invariance, arise when the temperature of the quantum liquid decreases. This book is written for graduate students and researchers in all areas of physics.
  • 全世界优等生都在做的经典物理趣题


    物理无处不在,影响着我们的生活。《全世界优等生都在做的经典物理趣题:像物理学家一样思考》汇集了数十个来自生活的物理趣题,涉及物理学的各个领域。解答这些趣题不需要高深的物理知识,答案简单明了,但要得出答案却绝非易事。这些题有不少是几百年来的经典,《全世界优等生都在做的经典物理趣题:像物理学家一样思考》作者又向其中加入了许多新鲜元素。各章最后给出了每个问题的解答。 《全世界优等生都在做的经典物理趣题:像物理学家一样思考》语言诙谐,解题方法独到,涉及较多物理及数学知识,适合中学生及以上文化程度的物理学爱好者阅读。这本书将帮助你颠覆直觉,激发想象力,领悟物理之美。
  • 未来总统的物理课


    《未来总统的物理课》讲述了:·恐怖主义:许多人可能担心发生核恐怖的悲剧,但恐怖分子更容易用普通爆炸物来制造大量杀伤。·能源:告诉人们,他们可以随便调节空调的温度,但要让他们相信,他们家的墙壁可以用某些很好(也可以很便宜)的绝缘材料。·核能:政治家认为核废料问题从本质上说是技术的,而科学家和工程师相信问题是政治的。总统先生需要向公众解释核废料问题已经解决了。·空间:如果过分担心宇航员的安全,不如把他们的工作交给了不起的机器人去做。·全球变暖:要阻止全球变暖,重点应该帮助发展中国家实现二氧化碳储藏。 点击链接进入英文版: Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines
  • 宇宙极问


  • A First Course in General Relativity

    作者:Bernard Schutz

    Clarity, readability, and rigor combine in the second edition of this widely used textbook to provide the first step into general relativity for undergraduate students with a minimal background in mathematics. Topics within relativity that fascinate astrophysical researchers and students alike are covered with Schutz’s characteristic ease and authority – from black holes to gravitational lenses, from pulsars to the study of the Universe as a whole. This edition now contains recent discoveries by astronomers that require general relativity for their explanation; a revised chapter on relativistic stars, including new information on pulsars; an entirely rewritten chapter on cosmology; and an extended, comprehensive treatment of modern gravitational wave detectors and expected sources.