

  • 改变世界的方程


    一个简单的数学方程果真能够改变世界吗?它究竟隐含着如何深邃的物理意义?作者以简明清新、通俗易懂的文笔讲述了狭义相对论的基本思想,其中著名的质能方程E=mc2在人们认识自然界的物质结构和性质之中扮演了核心的角色。原子弹爆炸的巨大能量来源正是基于这个方程所描述的物理原理,因此后者通过前者而改变了整个世界。 本书的主要内容是以虚拟的三人讨论的形式来表述的,参与者包括艾萨克·牛顿、阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和一位虚构的名叫阿德里安·哈勒尔的理论物理学教授。他们代表了物理学发展的三个不同时代。通过三人之间生动活泼的对话,读者可以切身领会相对论的时空观,比如光速不变性原理、时间延缓和空间收缩。而质能关系的出现则加深了我们对物质世界的理解:核裂变、核聚变、粒子与反粒子的产生和湮没等等不可思议的现象都是物质和能量之间相互转化的例证。
  • 普朗特流体力学基础


  • Mathematica for Theoretical Physics (2nd edition)

    作者:Baumann, Gerd

    Review From the reviews of the second edition: "The new edition contains a lot of additional material and new examples, and more emphasis is put on an interactive problem solving. In particular, advantage is taken of many special functions and frequently used operations which are available in Mathematica, in order to demonstrate how Mathematica can be used to replace lengthy ‘by-hand’ calculations and to give graphical support. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing examples and programs." (M. Plum, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1095 (21), 2006) Product Description Class-tested textbook that shows readers how to solve physical problems and deal with their underlying theoretical concepts while using Mathematica® to derive numeric and symbolic solutions. Delivers dozens of fully interactive examples for learning and implementation, constants and formulae can readily be altered and adapted for the user’s purposes. New edition offers enlarged two-volume format suitable to courses in mechanics and electrodynamics, while offering dozens of new examples and a more rewarding interactive learning environment. CD-ROM presents the entire text contents and interactive examples in Mathematica® Notebooks for problem solving and learning. From the Back Cover Mathematica for Theoretical Physics: Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, and Fractals This second edition of Baumann's Mathematica® in Theoretical Physics shows readers how to solve physical problems and deal with their underlying theoretical concepts while using Mathematica® to derive numeric and symbolic solutions. Each example and calculation can be evaluated by the reader, and the reader can change the example calculations and adopt the given code to related or similar problems. The second edition has been completely revised and expanded into two volumes: The first volume covers classical mechanics and nonlinear dynamics. Both topics are the basis of a regular mechanics course. The second volume covers electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, and fractals and fractional calculus. New examples have been added and the representation has been reworked to provide a more interactive problem-solving presentation. This book can be used as a textbook or as a reference work, by students and researchers alike. A brief glossary of terms and functions is contained in the appendices. The CD-ROM accompanying each of the two volumes contains Mathematica® notebooks as well as Mathematica® programs. The notebooks contain the entire text of the corresponding volume and can interface with Mathematica®. The examples given in the text can also be interactively used and changed for the reader’s purposes.
  • Programming the Universe

    作者:Seth Lloyd

    Is the universe actually a giant quantum computer? According to Seth Lloyd, the answer is yes. All interactions between particles in the universe, Lloyd explains, convey not only energy but also information–in other words, particles not only collide, they compute. What is the entire universe computing, ultimately? “Its own dynamical evolution,” he says. “As the computation proceeds, reality unfolds.” Programming the Universe, a wonderfully accessible book, presents an original and compelling vision of reality, revealing our world in an entirely new light.
  • 普通物理学(上册)


    ?  本书是普通高等教育“十一五”国家规划级教材,是在程守洙、江之永主编的《普通物理学》(第五版)的基础上,参照教育部物理基础课程教学指导分委员会新制定的《理工科非物理类专业大学物理课程教学基本要求》修订而成的,书中涵盖了基本要求中所有的核心内容,并精选了相当数量的拓展内容。本书在修订过程中继承了原书的特色,尽量做到选材精当,论述严谨,行文简明,对经典物理内容进行了精简和深化,增强现代的观点和信息,对近代物理内容进行了精选和普化,加强学习新知识的基础,并适当介绍现代工程技术的新发展和新动态。 本书分为上、下两册,上册包括力学、热学、电磁学,下册包括振动、波动、光学和量子物理。配套的有网络课程、电子教案、习题分析与解答、思考题分析与拓展、学习指导书等资料。本书可作为高等学校理工科非物理类专业的教材,也可供相关专业选用和社会读者阅读。
  • String Theory and M-Theory

    作者:Katrin Becker,Melani

    String theory is one of the most exciting and challenging areas of modern theoretical physics. This book guides the reader from the basics of string theory to recent developments. It introduces the basics of perturbative string theory, world-sheet supersymmetry, space-time supersymmetry, conformal field theory and the heterotic string, before describing modern developments, including D-branes, string dualities and M-theory. It then covers string geometry and flux compactifications, applications to cosmology and particle physics, black holes in string theory and M-theory, and the microscopic origin of black-hole entropy. It concludes with Matrix theory, the AdS/CFT duality and its generalizations. This book is ideal for graduate students and researchers in modern string theory, and will make an excellent textbook for a one-year course on string theory. It contains over 120 exercises with solutions, and over 200 homework problems with solutions available on a password protected website for lecturers at www.cambridge.org/9780521860697.
  • Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals

    作者:Richard P. Feynman,A

    The developer of path integrals, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman presents unique insights into this method and its applications. Feynman starts with an intuitive view of fundamental quantum mechanics, gradually introducing path integrals. Later chapters explore more advanced topics, including the perturbation method, quantum electrodynamics, and statistical mechanics. 1965 edition, with 2005 emendations.
  • 共形场论 第1卷


    《共形场论(第1卷)》共18章,分为3个部分。 第1部分——简介。第1章中对《共形场论(第1卷)》涉及的相关概念进行了简单回顾。第2章是量子场论的一些基本概念,如自由玻色(费米)子,路径积分,关联函数,对称与守恒量,以及能动张量。第3章则涉及统计力学的一些基本概念,如玻尔兹曼分布,临界现象,重整化群和转移矩阵。 第2部分——基础理论。首先,第4章介绍了全局的共形不变。然后,第5章详细论述了有关二维共形不变基本而重要的概念,内容包括初级场、关联函数、Ward恒等式、自由场、算子积展开和中心荷等等。第6章则是更为详细论述算子表述下的共形场论,此章的重点是Vimsoro代数:和顶点代数。随后两章论述了极小模型,极小模型是共形场论中最重要的模型之一。第9章和第10章分别介绍库仑气体和模不变,屏蔽算子和Verlinde公式等重要概念亦先后引入。第11、12两章分别介绍了Q-态Potts模型和二维Ising模型。 第3部分——具有李群对称性的共形场论。第13章介绍了单李代数的一些基本内容,如单李代数的结构,最高权表示和特征标等等。第14章为仿射李代数(亦称Kac-Moody代数),内容基本与第13章平行。第15~17章,讨论的主题都是WZW(Wess-Zumino.Witten)模型。WZW模型是二维共形场论中另一个最重要的模型,它集中体现了二维共形场论的各种性质。最后一章,即18章为陪集构造。陪集构造是共形场论最重要的手段之一。对于物理学或是数学工作者而言,陪集构造方法将二维共形场论的研究带入到一个新的天地。 《共形场论(第1卷)》各章之后有大量的练习题,可检验和加深对所学内容的理解。
  • 相对论通俗演义


  • 物理学中的群论


    本书为《中国科学院研究生教学丛书》之一。 本书是物理类研究生的群论教材。主要内容包括群的基本概念和线性表示理论、转动群、晶体的对称性、置换群、SU(N)群、SO(N)群、李群和李代群。内容详实。每章后均配有适量习题,便于读者切实掌握有关知识。
  • 为什么E=mc2


    伟大神奇的相对论终于脱下艰涩难懂的外衣向读者走来。欧洲核子研究中心两位顶级科学家用轻松易懂的语言带你一同畅游相对论的奇幻世界。 重温科学巨人带着可贵的想象力质疑亚里士多德、牛顿创造相对论的曲折历程,你会是下一个勇于突破,走向未来的人吗?
  • 量子理论-牛津通识读本

    作者:[英] 约翰•波尔金霍恩

    【著名物理学教授李淼推荐】 在物理学领域,量子理论是自牛顿以来最具革命性的发现。《量子理论》以简明的、非数学式的语言,剖析了一些奇异古怪又激动人心的观念,正是这些观念,使亚原子世界与我们的日常世界如此迥异。约翰•波尔金霍恩清晰而透彻地探讨了不确定性、不可预见性、波粒二象性以及悬而未决的测量问题等, 为量子理论这一物理学史上最伟大的发现、20世纪最杰出的智力成就之一揭开面纱。
  • 定性与半定量物理学


    《定性与半定量物理学(第2版)》是北京大学物理系赵凯华教授在选修课讲义基础上编写的,全文曾在《大学物理》杂志(1988年第10期到1990年12期)刊载,深受广大读者欢迎。经作者增补修改后汇集出版。第一版出版于1991年,根据科学的最新发展,在第二版中某些章节做了较大的修改和补充。 赵凯华教授在书中把基础物理知识生动地、巧妙地与当今物理学前沿如粒子物理、生物物理、天体物理、对称性分形等等新鲜概念与课题结合起来,与物理学思想、方法及其历史发展结合起来,古今纵横、上下环宇,格调清新、启人心智,是物理爱好者和师生们不可多得的参考资料,也有利于物理教学改革的探索。 本书内容有绪论及对称性原理、量纲分析、数量级估计、自然界的物理学等四章,并有较丰富的例题。 《定性与半定量物理学(第2版)》可作为各类高等学校本科和专科物理专业及学习物理课程的其他理工农医专业大学生、研究生、有关教学或科研人员的参考读物,也可供中专、中学教师及物理爱好者阅读或作进修之用。
  • Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering

    作者:K. F. Riley,M. P. Ho

    The third edition of this highly acclaimed undergraduate textbook is suitable for teaching all the mathematics for an undergraduate course in any of the physical sciences. As well as lucid descriptions of all the topics and many worked examples, it contains over 800 exercises. New stand-alone chapters give a systematic account of the 'special functions' of physical science, cover an extended range of practical applications of complex variables, and give an introduction to quantum operators. Further tabulations, of relevance in statistics and numerical integration, have been added. In this edition, half of the exercises are provided with hints and answers and, in a separate manual available to both students and their teachers, complete worked solutions. The remaining exercises have no hints, answers or worked solutions and can be used for unaided homework; full solutions are available to instructors on a password-protected web site, www.cambridge.org/9780521679718.
  • Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity

    作者:Muniain, Javier P.

    This is an introduction to the basic tools of mathematics needed to understand the relation between knot theory and quantum gravity. The book begins with a rapid course on manifolds and differential forms, emphasizing how these provide a proper language for formulating Maxwell's equations on arbitrary spacetimes. The authors then introduce vector bundles, connections and curvature in order to generalize Maxwell theory to the Yang-Mills equations. The relation of gauge theory to the newly discovered knot invariants such as the Jones polynomial is sketched. Riemannian geometry is then introduced in order to describe Einstein's equations of general relativity and show how an attempt to quantize gravity leads to interesting applications of knot theory.
  • Group Theory and Physics

    作者:S. Sternberg

  • 物理学与偏微分方程(上)


  • 平衡态统计力学;非平衡态统计力学

    作者:费朗克斯 (Jean-Pierre Fr

  • 物理学家用的微分几何和李群

    作者:斯洛伐 费茨科

  • 群论及其在固体物理中的应用


    本书系作者在为研究生讲授群论的讲义的基础上编写的。 全书共分八章。前两章讨论有限群及其表示的基本数学理论;第三、第四章讨论点群在分析晶体宏观性质中的应用;第五章讨论群论与量子力学的关系;第六章讨论空间群的不可约表示及其在能带理论中的应用;最后两章介绍晶格动力学中的群论方法,色群及其表示理论。全书内容详尽,结构完整,特别是针对固体物理学中的问题讨论了群的性质和应用,有助于读者有效地应用群的知识,简洁的处理有关计算问题。 本书可供理科硕士研究生和高年级本科生作教材使用,亦可供有关科研人员参考。