

  • 物理学中的群论导论

    作者:John F.Cornwell

  • Mathematical Methods for Physicists

    作者:Arfken, George B.; W

    Now inits 7th edition, Mathematical Methods for Physicists continues to provide all the mathematical methods that aspiring scientists and engineers are likely to encounter as students and beginning researchers. This bestselling text provides mathematical relations and their proofs essential to the study of physics and related fields. While retaining thekey features of the 6th edition, the new edition provides a more careful balance of explanation, theory, and examples. Taking a problem-solving-skills approach to incorporating theorems with applications, the book's improved focus will help students succeed throughout their academic careers and well into their professions. Some notable enhancements include more refined and focused content in important topics, improved organization, updated notations, extensive explanations and intuitive exercise sets, a wider range of problem solutions, improvement in the placement, and a wider range of difficulty of exercises. Revised and updated version of the leading text in mathematical physics Focuses on problem-solving skills and active learning, offering numerous chapter problems Clearly identified definitions, theorems, and proofs promote clarity and understanding New to this edition: Improved modular chapters New up-to-date examples More intuitive explanations
  • Conformal Field Theory and Topology

    作者:Toshitake Kohno

  • 孤独的科学之路


    本书讲述了印度裔美国天体物理学家、诺贝尔物理学奖得主钱德拉塞卡(1910-1995)的故事。本书的写法让读者看到了一个尽可能接近原貌的钱德拉。 传记作者卡迈什瓦尔?瓦利教授,同为印度裔,是钱德拉的后辈和崇拜者,他怀着钦佩的心情多次访问钱德拉。两人进行过广博而发人深思的对话,依据这些对话以及钱德拉的论文、信件,瓦利运用风趣流畅的手笔,追踪钱德拉一生各个时期的足迹和轶事,精彩内容层出不穷。传记介绍了钱德拉如何在其叔父、诺贝尔奖得主拉曼的影响下,从小立志献身科学。又详尽披露出钱德拉与导师爱丁顿就白矮星理论展开的激烈争论。因遭到爱丁顿的极力否定,“钱德拉塞卡极限”(白矮星的恒星质量上限)被认为是错误的而遭摒弃,直到多年后才得到公认,这是鲜为人知的故事。传记还讲述了钱德拉奖《天体物理学杂志》从一本校级刊物发展成世界著名学术刊物的经过,以及与拉莉莎经过6年飞鸿传情,虽有波折终成眷属的动人故事。 钱德拉毕生从事科学研究,期间遭遇种族歧视、讥笑嘲讽等种种困难,但这些都没有令他放弃,他的坚持令人动容,他是一位隐秘而才华横溢的科学家。
  • Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics(Revised ed)

    作者:Frederick W. Byron,R

    Well-organized text designed to complement graduate-level physics texts in classical mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and quantum mec hanics. Topics include theory of vector spaces, analytic function theory, Green's function method of solving differential and partial differential equations, theory of groups, more. Many problems, suggestions for further reading. This textbook is designed to complement graduate-level physics texts in classical mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and quantum mechanics. Organized around the central concept of a vector space, the book includes numerous physical applications in the body of the text as well as many problems of a physical nature. It is also one of the purposes of this book to introduce the physicist to the language and style of mathematics as well as the content of those particular subjects with contemporary relevance in physics. Chapters 1 and 2 are devoted to the mathematics of classical physics. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 — the backbone of the book — cover the theory of vector spaces. Chapter 6 covers analytic function theory. In chapters 7, 8, and 9 the authors take up several important techniques of theoretical physics — the Green's function method of solving differential and partial differential equations, and the theory of integral equations. Chapter 10 introduces the theory of groups. The authors have included a large selection of problems at the end of each chapter, some illustrating or extending mathematical points, others stressing physical application of techniques developed in the text. Essentially self-contained, the book assumes only the standard undergraduate preparation in physics and mathematics, i.e. intermediate mechanics, electricity and magnetism, introductory quantum mechanics, advanced calculus and differential equations. The text may be easily adapted for a one-semester course at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level.
  • 理论力学

    作者:[俄罗斯] 马尔契夫

    本书是数学天元基金和高等教育出版社共同推出的《俄罗斯数学教材选译》系列中的一本。 本书在选材和叙述上特色鲜明。在内容方面,既讲授经典的理论力学内容——运动学、静力学和动力学,又详细介绍分析力学、刚体动力学、运动稳定性、振动、撞击运动、变质量系统、天体力学等相关课程的基本内容,同时全书贯穿渗透了近几十年来的最新科研成果。 本书适用于数学、力学专业的本科生和研究生,也可供相关专业的科研人员、工程技术人员、教师和学生参考。
  • 数学物理学导言

    作者:费朗克斯 (Jean-Pierre Fr

  • 物理学中的几何方法


  • 群论


  • 矢算场论札记


    《矢算场论札记》试图在数学和工程实际之间架起一座桥梁,给广大的初学者和工程技术人员提供重要的基本概念、清晰的数学构架、重要的方法工具和典型的应用范例。大量的物理场,包括数量场、矢量场和张量场是本书的研究对象;Hamilton算子是描述场与空间相互作用的统一工具;而各种不同的坐标系则是场发挥作用的不同场合。于是,场、算子和坐标系构成了本书的主要内容。《矢算场论札记》从最基本的矢量概念讲述到高维Stokes定理,内容上的大跨度可以适合各类读者的需要。书后完备的附录也给广大工程技术人员带来很大的方便。 点击链接进入新版 : 矢算场论札记
  • Our Mathematical Universe

    作者:Max Tegmark

    Max Tegmark leads us on an astonishing journey through past, present and future, and through the physics, astronomy and mathematics that are the foundation of his work, most particularly his hypothesis that our physical reality is a mathematical structure and his theory of the ultimate multiverse. In a dazzling combination of both popular and groundbreaking science, he not only helps us grasp his often mind-boggling theories, but he also shares with us some of the often surprising triumphs and disappointments that have shaped his life as a scientist. Fascinating from first to last—this is a book that has already prompted the attention and admiration of some of the most prominent scientists and mathematicians. “Tegmark offers a fascinating exploration of multiverse theories, each one offering new ways to explain ‘quantum weirdness’ and other mysteries that have plagued physicists, culminating in the idea that our physical world is ‘a giant mathematical object’ shaped by geometry and symmetry. Tegmark’s writing is lucid, enthusiastic, and outright entertaining, a thoroughly accessible discussion leavened with anecdotes and the pure joy of a scientist at work.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) “Lively and lucid, the narrative invites general readers into debates over computer models for brain function, over scientific explanations of consciousness, and over prospects for finding advanced life in other galaxies. Though he reflects soberly on the perils of nuclear war and of hostile artificial intelligence, Tegmark concludes with a bracingly upbeat call for scientifically minded activists who recognize a rare opportunity to make our special planet a force for cosmic progress. An exhilarating adventure for bold readers.” —Bryce Cristensen, Booklist (starred review) “Our Mathematical Universe boldly confronts one of the deepest questions at the fertile interface of physics and philosophy: why is mathematics so spectacularly successful at describing the cosmos? Through lively writing and wonderfully accessible explanations, Max Tegmark—one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists—guides the reader to a possible answer, and reveals how, if it’s right, our understanding of reality itself would be radically altered.” —Brian Greene, physicist, author of The Elegant Universe and The Hidden Reality “Daring, Radical. Innovative. A game changer. If Dr. Tegmark is correct, this represents a paradigm shift in the relationship between physics and mathematics, forcing us to rewrite our textbooks. A must read for anyone deeply concerned about our universe.” —Michio Kaku, author of Physics of the Future “Tegmark offers a fresh and fascinating perspective on the fabric of physical reality and life itself. He helps us see ourselves in a cosmic context that highlights the grand opportunities for the future of life in our universe.” —Ray Kurzweil, author of The Singularity is Near “Readers of varied backgrounds will enjoy this book. Almost anyone will find something to learn here, much to ponder, and perhaps something to disagree with.” —Prof. Edward Witten, physicist, Fields Medalist & Milner Laureate “This inspirational book written by a true expert presents an explosive mixture of physics, mathematics and philosophy which may alter your views on reality.” —Prof. Andrei Linde, physicist, Gruber & Milner Laureate for development of inflationary cosmology “Galileo famously said that the universe is written in the language of mathematics. Now Max Tegmark says that the universe IS mathematics. You don’t have to necessarily agree, to enjoy this fascinating journey into the nature of reality.” —Prof. Mario Livio, astrophysicist, author of Brilliant Blunders and Is God a Mathematician? “Scientists and lay aficionados alike will find Tegmark’s book packed with information and very thought provoking. You may recoil from his thesis, but nearly every page will make you wish you could debate the issues face-to-face with him.” —Prof. Julian Barbour, physicist, author of The End of Time “In Our Mathematical Universe, renowned cosmologist Max Tegmark takes us on a whirlwind tour of the universe, past, present—and other. With lucid language and clear examples, Tegmark provides us with the master measure of not only of our cosmos, but of all possible universes. The universe may be lonely, but it is not alone.” —Prof. Seth Lloyd, Professor of quantum mechanical engineering, MIT, author of Programming the Universe “A lucid, engaging account of the various many-universes theories of fundamental physics that are currently being considered, from the multiverse of quantum theory to Tegmark’s own grand vision.” —Prof. David Deutsch, physicist, Dirac Laureate for pioneering quantum computing
  • 游戏编程数学和物理基础


  • 数学物理方法

    作者:梁昆淼 编,刘法 缪国庆 修订

    《数学物理方法(第4版)》是在第三版的基础上,根据当前的教学实践情况修订而成的。全书南复变函数论、数学物理方程两部分组成,以常见物理问题中三类偏微分方程定解问题的建立和求解为中心内容。《数学物理方法(第4版)》保持了前三版数学紧密联系物理、讲解流畅的特点,并对内容作了适度的调整,以适应当前的要求。 《数学物理方法(第4版)》可作为高等院校物理类、电子工程类各专业“数学物理方法”课程的教材.亦可供高等学校的其他有关专业选用。
  • 物理学家用微分几何


  • 游戏开发的数学和物理

    作者:[ 日] 加藤洁

    本书严格选取了游戏开发中最常用的数学和物理学知识,通过游戏开发实例,配上丰富的插图,以从易到难的顺序进行讲解。第1章到第5章分别讲解了物体的运动、卷动、碰撞检测、光线的制作、画面切换的细分处理。这五章将2D游戏必需的知识一网打尽,同时还严格挑选了少量3D游戏编程的基础内容以供参考。第6章系统梳理了游戏开发的数学和物理学理论,帮助读者更好地理解前五章的内容。 本书适合网络和手机游戏开发者阅读。
  • Geometry, Topology and Physics, Second Edition

    作者:Mikio Nakahara

    Differential geometry and topology have become essential tools for many theoretical physicists. In particular, they are indispensable in theoretical studies of condensed matter physics, gravity, and particle physics."Geometry, Topology and Physics, Second Edition" introduces the ideas and techniques of differential geometry and topology at a level suitable for postgraduate students and researchers in these fields. The second edition of this popular and established text incorporates a number of changes designed to meet the needs of the reader and reflect the development of the subject. The book features a considerably expanded first chapter, reviewing aspects of path integral quantization and gauge theories. Chapter 2 introduces the mathematical concepts of maps, vector spaces, and topology. The following chapters focus on more elaborate concepts in geometry and topology and discuss the application of these concepts to liquid crystals, superfluid helium, general relativity, and bosonic string theory. Later chapters unify geometry and topology, exploring fiber bundles, characteristic classes, and index theorems.New to this second edition is the proof of the index theorem in terms of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The final two chapters are devoted to the most fascinating applications of geometry and topology in contemporary physics, namely the study of anomalies in gauge field theories and the analysis of Polakov's bosonic string theory from the geometrical point of view. "Geometry, Topology and Physics, Second Edition" is an ideal introduction to differential geometry and topology for postgraduate students and researchers in theoretical and mathematical physics.
  • 悖论

    作者:吉姆·艾尔-哈利利 (Jim Al-Kh

  • 特殊函数概论


  • 微分几何入门与广义相对论(上册·第二版)


    《微分几何入门与广义相对论(上)》共10章。前5章讲授微分几何入门知识,第6章以此为工具剖析狭义相对论,第7~10章介绍广义相对论的基本内容。《微分几何入门与广义相对论(上)》强调低起点(大学物理系本科2~3年级水平),力求化难为易,深入浅出,为降低难度采取了多种措施。 《微分几何入门与广义相对论(上)》适用于物理系高年级本科生、研究生和物理工作者,特别是相对论研究者。不关心相对论而想学习近代微分几何的读者也可把《微分几何入门与广义相对论(上)》前5章作为入门阶梯。