

  • 数学家读报


  • 社交网站的数据挖掘与分析

    作者:Matthew A. Russell

    Facebook、Twitter和LinkedIn产生了大量宝贵的社交数据,但是你怎样才能找出谁通过社交媒介正在进行联系?他们在讨论些什么?或者他们在哪儿?这本简洁而且具有可操作性的书将揭示如何回答这些问题甚至更多的问题。你将学到如何组合社交网络数据、分析技术,如何通过可视化帮助你找到你一直在社交世界中寻找的内容,以及你闻所未闻的有用信息。 每个独立的章节介绍了在社交网络的不同领域挖掘数据的技术,这些领域包括博客和电子邮件。你所需要具备的就是一定的编程经验和学习基本的Python工具的意愿。 •获得对社交网络世界的直观认识 •使用GitHub上灵活的脚本来获取从诸如Twitter、Facebook和LinkedIn之类的社交网络API中的数据 •学习如何应用便捷的Python工具来交叉分析你所收集的数据 •通过XHTML朋友圈探讨基于微格式的社交联系 •应用诸如TF-IDF、余弦相似性、搭配分析、文档摘要、派系检测之类的先进挖掘技术 •通过基于HTML5和JavaScript工具包的网络技术建立交互式可视化
  • 深入浅出统计学

    作者:Dawn Griffiths

    样章试读请到下面的链接下载: 目录 http://goo.gl/tlCLf 序言 http://goo.gl/65x6e 第一章 http://goo.gl/WTnC9 第二章 http://goo.gl/5WUhT 若下载遇到问题,请邮件联系:lispython@gmail.com。谢谢! 《深入浅出统计学》具有深入浅出系列的一贯特色,提供最符合直觉的理解方式,让统计理论的学习既有趣又自然。从应对考试到解决实际问题,无论你是学生还是数据分析师,都能从中受益。本书涵盖的知识点包括:信息可视化、概率计算、几何分布、二项分布及泊松分布、正态分布、统计抽样、置信区 间的构建、假设检验、卡方分布、相关与回归等等,完整涵盖AP 考试范围。本书运用充满互动性的真实世界情节,教给你有关这门学科的所有基础,为这个枯燥的领域带来鲜活的乐趣,不仅让你充分掌握统计学的要义,更会告诉你如何将统计理论应用到日常生活中。
  • 生物统计学基础


    本书是国外优秀教材Fundamentals of Biostatistics (第五版)的中译本,由哈佛大学具有丰富教学经验的一流教授编写。 本书是介绍生物统计学重要知识和基本应用的导论性教材。书中运用丰富的医学和生物学实例及流程图,生动形象地阐明了生物统计学的概念内涵和方法公式。为了便于读者自学,本书尽量贯穿初等数学讨论,而不过多涉及高等数学证明,并且每章末附摘要、练习题和参考文献,书末有习题解答、索引及数据光盘。 本书适用于高等院校生物学和医学相关专业师生。
  • 统计学


  • An introduction to categorical data analysis

    作者:Alan Agresti

    Praise for the First Edition "This is a superb text from which to teach categorical data analysis, at a variety of levels. . . [t]his book can be very highly recommended." — Short Book Reviews "Of great interest to potential readers is the variety of fields that are represented in the examples: health care, financial, government, product marketing, and sports, to name a few." — Journal of Quality Technology "Alan Agresti has written another brilliant account of the analysis of categorical data." —The Statistician The use of statistical methods for categorical data is ever increasing in today's world. An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, Second Edition provides an applied introduction to the most important methods for analyzing categorical data. This new edition summarizes methods that have long played a prominent role in data analysis, such as chi-squared tests, and also places special emphasis on logistic regression and other modeling techniques for univariate and correlated multivariate categorical responses. This Second Edition features: Two new chapters on the methods for clustered data, with an emphasis on generalized estimating equations (GEE) and random effects models A unified perspective based on generalized linear models An emphasis on logistic regression modeling An appendix that demonstrates the use of SAS(r) for all methods An entertaining historical perspective on the development of the methods Specialized methods for ordinal data, small samples, multicategory data, and matched pairs More than 100 analyses of real data sets and nearly 300 exercises Written in an applied, nontechnical style, the book illustrates methods using a wide variety of real data, including medical clinical trials, drug use by teenagers, basketball shooting, horseshoe crab mating, environmental opinions, correlates of happiness, and much more. An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, Second Edition is an invaluable tool for social, behavioral, and biomedical scientists, as well as researchers in public health, marketing, education, biological and agricultural sciences, and industrial quality control.
  • Statistics And Truth

    作者:C Radhakrishna Rao

    This book deals with the philosophical and methodological aspects of information technology and the collection and analysis of data to provide insight into a problem, whether it is scientific research, policy making by government or decision making in our daily lives. The author seeks to dispels the doubts that chance is an expression of our ignorance which makes accurate prediction impossible and illustrates how our thinking has changed with quantification of uncertainty by showing that chance is no longer the obstructor but a way of expressing our knowledge. Indeed, chance can create and help in the investigation of truth. This theory is eloquently demonstrated with numerous examples of applications that statistics is the science, technology and art of extracting information from data and is based on a study of the laws of chance. It shows how statistical ideas played a vital role in scientific and other investigations even before statistics was recognized as a separate discipline, and how statistics is now evolving as a versatile, powerful and inevitable tool in diverse fields of human endeavour such as literature, legal matters, industry, archaeology and medicine. The use of statistics to the layman in improving the quality of life through wise decision-making is emphasized.
  • All of Statistics

    作者:Larry Wasserman

    WINNER OF THE 2005 DEGROOT PRIZE! This book is for people who want to learn probability and statistics quickly. It brings together many of the main ideas in modern statistics in one place. The book is suitable for students and researchers in statistics, computer science, data mining and machine learning. This book covers a much wider range of topics than a typical introductory text on mathematical statistics. It includes modern topics like nonparametric curve estimation, bootstrapping and classification, topics that are usually relegated to follow-up courses. The reader is assumed to know calculus and a little linear algebra. No previous knowledge of probability and statistics is required. The text can be used at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level.
  • 商务与经济统计技术


  • Visual Explanations

    作者:Edward R. Tufte

  • 概率统计讲义


  • 概率论与数理统计教程


  • 统计推断

    作者:George Casella,Roger

    《统计推断(翻译版·原书第2版)》从概率论的基础开始,通过例子与习题的旁征博引,引进了大量近代统计处理的新技术和一些国内同类教材中不常见而又广为使用的分布。其内容既包括工科概率入门、经典统计和现代统计的基础,又加进了不少近代统计中数据处理的实用方法和思想,例如:Bootstrap再抽样法、刀切(Jackkrlife)估计、EM算法、Logistic回归、稳健(Robest)回归、Markov链、Monte Carlo方法等。它的统计内容与国内流行的教材相比,理论较深,模型较多,案例的涉及面要广,理论的应用面要丰富,统计思想的阐述与算法更为具体。《统计推断(翻译版·原书第2版)》可作为工科、管理类学科专业本科生、研究生的教材或参考书,也可供教师、工程技术人员自学之用。
  • Statistical Analysis of Network Data

    作者:Eric D. Kolaczyk

    In the past decade, the study of networks has increased dramatically. Researchers from across the sciences—including biology and bioinformatics, computer science, economics, engineering, mathematics, physics, sociology, and statistics—are more and more involved with the collection and statistical analysis of network-indexed data. As a result, statistical methods and models are being developed in this area at a furious pace, with contributions coming from a wide spectrum of disciplines. This book provides an up-to-date treatment of the foundations common to the statistical analysis of network data across the disciplines. The material is organized according to a statistical taxonomy, although the presentation entails a conscious balance of concepts versus mathematics. In addition, the examples—including extended cases studies—are drawn widely from the literature. This book should be of substantial interest both to statisticians and to anyone else working in the area of ‘network science.’ The coverage of topics in this book is broad, but unfolds in a systematic manner, moving from descriptive (or exploratory) methods, to sampling, to modeling and inference. Specific topics include network mapping, characterization of network structure, network sampling, and the modeling, inference, and prediction of networks, network processes, and network flows. This book is the first such resource to present material on all of these core topics in one place.
  • 统计数字会撒谎

    作者:[美] 达莱尔·哈夫

    这本书是美国统计专家达莱尔·哈夫的传世之作,该书引发的“编造虚假信息”话题受到美国社会持续普遍的关注和美国权威媒体的激烈争论。书里面大胆地揭露了至今仍然被销售员、广告撰稿人、记者甚至专家频频使用的大量的统计操纵技巧,同时还配有别具一格的风趣插图以及众多幽默的案例。神秘的统计学在这里被哈夫像讲故事一样一一道来,莞尔一笑中让你知晓深奥的统计学基本原理,掌握揭露“虚假数据”的最有力武器…… 自50年代出版以来,此书不断再版,并被翻译成多种文字,在世界的影响力持久不衰,被誉为美国商业人士、研修人员的重要入门必修书之一。
  • 统计学习方法


  • 社会研究的统计应用


  • 统计推断

    作者:George Casella,Roger

    雷奥奇·卡塞拉、罗杰L.贝耶编著的《统计推断(英文版原书第2版)》从概率论的基础开始,通过例子与习题的旁征博引,引进了大量近代统计处理的新技术和一些国内同类教材中不能见而广为使用的分布。其内容包括工科概率论入门、经典统计和现代统计的基础,又加进了不少近代统计中数据处理的实用方法和思想,例如:Bootstrap再抽样法、刀切(Jackknife)估计、EM算法、Logistic回归、稳健(Robust)回归、Markov链、Monte Carlo方法等。它的统计内容与国内流行的教材相比,理论较深,模型较多,案例的涉及面要广,理论的应用面要丰富,统计思想的阐述与算法更为具体。《统计推断(英文版原书第2版)》可作为工科、管理类学科专业本科生、研究生的教材或参考书,也可供教师、工程技术人员自学之用。
  • Applied Linear Statistical Models

    作者:Michael Kutner,Chris

    "Applied Linear Statistical Models, 5e" is the long established leading authoritative text and reference on statistical modeling. The text includes brief introductory and review material, and then proceeds through regression and modeling for the first half, and through ANOVA and Experimental Design in the second half. All topics are presented in a precise and clear style supported with solved examples, numbered formulae, graphic illustrations, and "Notes" to provide depth and statistical accuracy and precision. The Fifth edition provides an increased use of computing and graphical analysis throughout, without sacrificing concepts or rigor. In general, the 5e uses larger data sets in examples and exercises, and where methods can be automated within software without loss of understanding, it is so done.
  • 数理统计学简史

