

  • 例解回归分析(原书•第5版)

    作者:Samprit Chatterjee,A

  • IBM SPSS数据分析与挖掘实战案例精粹


    《IBM SPSS数据分析与挖掘实战案例精粹》以IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0和IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1为工具,提供了医疗、金融、保险、汽车、快速消费品、市场研究、互联网等多个行业的数据分析/挖掘案例,基于实战需求,详细讲解整个案例的完整分析过程,并将模型和软件的介绍融于案例讲解之中,使读者在阅读时能突破方法和工具的局限,真正聚集于对数据分析精髓的领悟。《IBM SPSS数据分析与挖掘实战案例精粹》所附光盘包括案例数据和分析程序/流文件,读者可完整重现全部的分析内容。
  • Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics

    作者:Dr. Neil J. Salkind

    The bestselling text Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics teaches an often intimidating and difficult subject in a way that is informative, personable, and clear. Researchers and students who find themselves uncomfortable with the analysis portion of their work will appreciate this book’s unhurried pace and thorough, friendly presentation. Salkind takes students through various statistical procedures, beginning with correlations and graphical representation of data and ending with inferential techniques and analysis of variance. In addition, there is coverage of SPSS (and data sets for hands-on experience), and a review of more advanced statistical techniques, such as reliability, validity, introductory non-parametric statistics, and more. Pedagogical features include sidebars offering additional technical information about the topic and set-off points that reinforce major themes. Finally, questions to chapter exercises and a complete glossary are located at the back of the book.
  • Time Series Analysis and Its Applications

    作者:Robert H. Shumway,Da

    Time Series Analysis and Its Applications presents a balanced and comprehensive treatment of both time and frequency domain methods with accompanying theory. Numerous examples using non-trivial data illustrate solutions to problems such as evaluating pain perception experiments using magnetic resonance imaging or monitoring a nuclear test ban treaty. The book is designed to be useful as a text for graduate level students in the physical, biological and social sciences and as a graduate level text in statistics. Some parts may also serve as an undergraduate introductory course. Theory and methodology are separated to allow presentations on different levels. Material from the earlier 1988 Prentice-Hall text Applied Statistical Time Series Analysis has been updated by adding modern developments involving categorical time sries analysis and the spectral envelope, multivariate spectral methods, long memory series, nonlinear models, longitudinal data analysis, resampling techniques, ARCH models, stochastic volatility, wavelets and Monte Carlo Markov chain integration methods. These add to a classical coverage of time series regression, univariate and multivariate ARIMA models, spectral analysis and state-space models. The book is complemented by ofering accessibility, via the World Wide Web, to the data and an exploratory time series analysis program ASTSA for Windows that can be downloaded as Freeware. Robert H. Shumway is Professor of Statistics at the University of California, Davis. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and a member of the Inernational Statistical Institute. He won the 1986 American Statistical Association Award for Outstanding Statistical Application and the 1992 Communicable Diseases Center Statistics Award; both awards were for joint papers on time series applications. He is the author of a previous 1988 Prentice-Hall text on applied time series analysis and is currenlty a Departmental Editor for the Journal of Forecasting. David S. Stoffer is Professor of Statistics at the University of Pittsburgh. He has made seminal contributions to the analysis of categorical time series and won the 1989 American Statistical Association Award for Outstanding Statistical Application in a joint paper analyzing categorical time series arising in infant sleep-state cycling. He is currently an Associate Editor of the Journal of Forecasting and has served as an Associate Editor for the Journal fo the American Statistical Association.
  • 统计学(第二版)

    作者:吴喜之 编著

  • Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis

    作者:John A. Rice

    This is the first text in a generation to re-examine the purpose of the mathematical statistics course. The book's approach interweaves traditional topics with data analysis and reflects the use of the computer with close ties to the practice of statistics. The author stresses analysis of data, examines real problems with real data, and motivates the theory. The book's descriptive statistics, graphical displays, and realistic applications stand in strong contrast to traditional texts that are set in abstract settings.
  • Discovering Statistics Using R

    作者:Andy Field,Jeremy Mi

  • Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition

    作者:Andrew Gelman,John B

    This third edition of a classic textbook presents a comprehensive introduction to Bayesian data analysis. Written for students and researchers alike, the text is written in an easily accessible manner with chapters that contain many exercises as well as detailed worked examples taken from various disciplines. This third edition provides two new chapters on Bayesian nonparametrics and covers computation systems BUGS and R. It also offers enhanced computing advice. The book's website includes solutions to the problems, data sets, software advice, and other ancillary material.
  • 分位数回归模型


  • R Inferno

    作者:Patrick Burns

    An essential guide to the trouble spots and oddities of R. In spite of the quirks exposed here, R is the best computing environment for most data analysis tasks. R is free, open-source, and has thousands of contributed packages. It is used in such diverse fields as ecology, finance, genomics and music. If you are using spreadsheets to understand data, switch to R. You will have safer -- and ultimately, more convenient -- computations.
  • The Art of R Programming

    作者:Norman Matloff

  • What is a p-value anyway? 34 Stories to Help You Actually Understand Statistics

    作者:Andrew J. Vickers

    What is a p-value Anyway? offers a fun introduction to the fundamental principles of statistics, presenting the essential concepts in thirty-four brief, enjoyable stories. Drawing on his experience as a medical researcher, Vickers blends insightful explanations and humor, with minimal math, to help readers understand and interpret the statistics they read every day. What is a p-value Anyway? is the perfect complement to any introductory statistics textbook and will succeed in demonstrating the everyday importance of statistics to your class.
  • R in a Nutshell

    作者:Joseph Adler

    R is rapidly becoming the standard for developing statistical software, and R in a Nutshell provides a quick and practical way to learn this increasingly popular open source language and environment. You'll not only learn how to program in R, but also how to find the right user-contributed R packages for statistical modeling, visualization, and bioinformatics.
  • 统计学(第四版)


    《普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材•教育部推荐教材•国家统计局优秀教材•21世纪统计学系列教材•统计学(第4版)》内容简介:统计学是收集、分析、表述和解释数据的科学。作为数据分析的一种有效工具,统计方法已广泛应用于生产、生活和科学研究的各个领域,成为各学科领域研究者和实际工作者的必备知识。《普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材•教育部推荐教材•国家统计局优秀教材•21世纪统计学系列教材•统计学(第4版)》作者多年从事统计教学,具有丰富的教材编写经验。《统计学》(第四版)是在第三版的基础上修改而成的,在保留第三版内容框架的基础上,删除了一些相对较难的内容,同时更加突出计算机的应用。 《普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材•教育部推荐教材•国家统计局优秀教材•21世纪统计学系列教材•统计学(第4版)》可作为高等院校经济管理专业本科生统计学课程的教材,也可作为MBA的教材或参考书,对广大实际工作者也极具参考价值。 点击链接进入新版: 21世纪统计学系列教材:统计学(第5版)
  • 统计学


  • 统计学


  • 统计学

    作者:贾俊平 编

    本书结合作者多年的教学实践经验和国外优秀统计学教材的成果编写而成。内容包括描述统计方法、推断统计方法以及工商管理中常用的一些统计方法。在写法上与计算机紧密结合,大部分统计方法都给出了Excel的计算过程和结果,并在书后配有教学和学习辅助光盘,方便教师授课和学生自学。 本书可作为高等院校经济、管理类各专业本科生统计学课程的教材,也可作为MBA的教材或参考书,对广大实际工作者也极具参考价值。
  • 初级统计学


    初级统计学,ISBN:9787302073482,作者:(美)马里奥·F·特里奥拉(Mario F.Triola)著;刘新立译;刘新立译
  • 统计学原理(下)


  • 统计学原理(上)


    统计学是论述收集. 分析并解释数