

  • 早期著作


    为了让中文世界更完整、更深入地理解海德格尔思想,经过反复酝酿而出版了本套《海德格尔文集》,其中收入海德格尔的代表性著作30卷,其中前16卷为海德格尔生前出版的全部著作,其余14卷为海德格尔的重要讲座稿和手稿。可以说,本套文集基本呈现了海德格尔哲学的总体面貌。 本书是海德格尔早期著作的汇集,按年代编成,主要为1912-1917年之间的论文,包括作者的博士论文等重要文献,对于了解1919年之前海德格尔思想具有特别重要的意义。
  • 路标

    作者:[德] 马丁·海德格尔

  • 海德格尔文集:论哲学的规定


    马丁·海德格尔(Martin Heidegger 1889-1976),德国著名哲学家,20世纪存在主义哲学的创始人和主要代表之一。 为了让中文世界更完整、更深入地理解海德格尔思想,经过反复酝酿而出版了本套《海德格尔文集》,其中收入海德格尔的代表性著作30卷,其中前16卷为海德格尔生前出版的全部著作,其余14卷为海德格尔的重要讲座稿和手稿。可以说,本套文集基本呈现了海德格尔哲学的总体面貌。 本卷《论哲学的规定》包括海德格尔早期弗莱堡时期的最早两个讲座,第一个讲座(1919年战时补救学期讲座)《哲学观念与世界观问题》被认为是海氏思想的真正开端,具有重要学术价值;第二个讲座《现象学与先验价值哲学》(1919年)则是海氏对当时主流哲学新康德主义的一个考察。
  • 时间概念史导论

    作者:[德] 马丁·海德格尔

    本书德文版的主要文本来源是马丁·海德格尔1925年夏季学期的马堡大学讲课稿(由海德格尔本人手书但尚未按音标抄写)以及经过海德格尔授权同意并增补的西蒙·摩塞尔(Simon Moser)的听课笔记,由佩特拉·耶格尔(Petra Jaeger)负责整理、编辑并于1979年初版问世(本译本所依据的是1994年的第三版)。本书是海德格尔划时代巨著《存在与时间》的第二稿,同时又被认为是海氏的一部完全独立的代表作。
  • 荷尔德林诗的阐释

    作者:[德] 马丁·海德格尔

  • 从弗洛伊德到海德格尔


  • 海德格尔思想与中国天道


    《海德格尔思想与中国天道:终极视域的开启与交融(修订第3版)》揭示中西哲学的一个交点,它可能是一颗种子,孕育未来的思想。这个揭示要求原本地领会海德格尔,包括准确把握原初文献,厘清有关的哲学史脉络,发现隐藏着的思想源头,以及贴切地理解这位哲学家的晦涩的思想方式和表达风格,乃至这种方式与风格的相互需要。对于中国和印度古代哲理的解释,则要求突破流行的概念化方法,以现象学的柔性方式直接感受它们生动卓越的思想特性。 由此,才能探测到中国古代哲理与海德格尔思想的内在相关性。这种相关性既有事实(包括作者独自发现的事实)的支持,又有来自某种哲学的亲缘联系。这亲缘性不仅表现为家族的相似,还显现为一些相映成趣的区别。 这本书是否做到了这些?回答只在读者的阅读体验中。如果它毕竟在这些方面迈出了真实的步子,那么在几重意义上,此书都是一个原初的发现。海德格尔独特的思想方式,中国古代哲理的时机化、终极境域化的特性,海德格尔与中国古哲特别是老庄道家的内在关联,以及东西方对话的潜在场域,等等,都由于这个发现而进入被多重阴影映衬着的澄明。
  • 海德格尔


  • 同一与差异

    作者:[德]] 马丁·海德格尔

    《同一与差异》是海德格尔发表在《存在与时间》之后的最重要的著作,思考了作为人与存在之关系的这一关系本身。 海德格尔是二十世纪重要的哲学家。海德格尔对同一性问题曾经沉思数年之久,在他的著作中一次又一次提到这个命题。他曾指出《同一与差异》是他发表《存在与时间》以来最重要的论著。《同一与差异》是海德格尔本人编定的《全集》的第11卷,全书分为三编。第一编由作于50年代中后期的三个思想深刻的演讲文本构成,即“这是什么——哲学?”“同一律”“形而上学的存在-神-逻辑学”,其中后两者曾以《同一与差异》为名于1957年出版。第二编收录了两篇演讲,第三编收录了两封书信。
  • 海德格尔的政治时刻

    作者:刘小枫,陈少明 主编

  • Continental Divide

    作者:Peter E. Gordon

    n the spring of 1929, Martin Heidegger and Ernst Cassirer met for a public conversation in Davos, Switzerland. They were arguably the most important thinkers in Europe, and their exchange touched upon the most urgent questions in the history of philosophy: What is human finitude? What is objectivity? What is culture? What is truth? Over the last eighty years the Davos encounter has acquired an allegorical significance, as if it marked an ultimate and irreparable rupture in twentieth-century Continental thought. Here, in a reconstruction at once historical and philosophical, Peter Gordon reexamines the conversation, its origins and its aftermath, resuscitating an event that has become entombed in its own mythology. Through a close and painstaking analysis, Gordon dissects the exchange itself to reveal that it was at core a philosophical disagreement over what it means to be human. But Gordon also shows how the life and work of these two philosophers remained closely intertwined. Their disagreement can be understood only if we appreciate their common point of departure as thinkers of the German interwar crisis, an era of rebellion that touched all of the major philosophical movements of the day—life-philosophy, philosophical anthropology, neo-Kantianism, phenomenology, and existentialism. As Gordon explains, the Davos debate would continue to both inspire and provoke well after the two men had gone their separate ways. It remains, even today, a touchstone of philosophical memory. This clear, riveting book will be of great interest not only to philosophers and to historians of philosophy but also to anyone interested in the great intellectual ferment of Europe’s interwar years.
  • 海德格尔哲学概论


  • Poetry, Language, Thought

    作者:Martin Heidegger

    Essential reading for students and anyone interested in the great philosophers, this book opened up appreciation of Martin Heidegger beyond the confines of philosophy to the reaches of poetry. In Heidegger's thinking, poetry is not a mere amusement or form of culture but a force that opens up the realm of truth and brings man to the measure of his being and his world.
  • Being-in-the-World

    作者:Hubert L. Dreyfus

    Being-in-the-World is a guide to one of the most influential philosophical works of this century: Division I of Part One of Being and Time, where Martin Heidegger works out an original and powerful account of being-in-the-world which he then uses to ground a profound critique of traditional ontology and epistemology. Hubert Dreyfus's commentary opens the way for a new appreciation of this difficult philosopher, revealing a rigorous and illuminating vocabulary that is indispensable for talking about the phenomenon of world.The publication of Being and Time in 1927 turned the academic world on its head. Since then it has become a touchstone for philosophers as diverse as Marcuse, Sartre, Foucault, and Derrida who seek an alternative to the rationalist Cartesian tradition of western philosophy. But Heidegger's text is notoriously dense, and his language seems to consist of unnecessarily barbaric neologisms; to the neophyte and even to those schooled in Heidegger thought, the result is often incomprehensible.Dreyfus's approach to this daunting book is straightforward and pragmatic. He explains the text by frequent examples drawn from everyday life, and he skillfully relates Heidegger's ideas to the questions about being and mind that have preoccupied a generation of cognitive scientists and philosophers of mind.Hubert L. Dreyfus is Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • 林中路

    作者:海德格尔 (Heidegger)

  • 道路之思


  • 论海德格尔


  • 海德格尔


  • 海德格尔与东亚思想


    作 者:(德) 莱因哈德·梅依著 张志强译 页数:252页 出版社:中国社会科学出版社 出版日期:2003 简介:并列英文题名取自版权页:著者规范汉译姓: 迈:有书目 (第239-250页)