

  • Phaidon Design Classics (3 Volume Set) (Pts. 1, 2 & 3)

    作者:Editors of Phaidon P

    PHAIDON DESIGN CLASSICS is the first comprehensive and authoritative collection of classic design objects. This beautifully illustrated three-volume set of books presents 999 industrially manufactured products, carefully selected by a group of experts. It is the first definitive illustrated sourcebook on the evolution of design to include such a wide scope of objects in detail. From cars to furniture, from tableware to cameras, from everyday objects to airplanes, this breadth of design has never before been collected in such a way before. PHAIDON DESIGN CLASSICS tells the story of design’s evolution around the world from the late 1600's to the present, bringing together patents, prototypes, old advertisements, original drawings, images showing the process of manufacturing, as well as rare archival photographs. The anthology features an astonishing 4,000 images. The objects are presented chronologically, beginning with an elegant pair of Chinese bonsai scissors from the early 1600s, still in production today, and ending with Barber Osgerby’s Lunar bath accessories, destined to become a classic. Glancing through the volumes, the reader will gain an understanding not only of the history of design, but a history of taste and culture. The book is an extraordinary journey through the objects that have shaped our society, from the first attempts to combine function and beauty in the nineteenth century, through the machine aesthetics of the thirties, the advent of plastic and other new materials in the fifties and sixties, up to the classics-to-be of the last ten years. The book includes not only objects created by internationally renowned designers, such as Breuer, Le Corbusier, Dreyfuss, Eames, Yanagi and Castiglioni, but also anonymously designed pieces, such as the clothes peg, the corkscrew and the chopstick, which, in spite of lacking a specific designer, have achieved such perfection in design and functionality that they have eliminated the possibility of improvement. PHAIDON DESIGN CLASSICS is a laboriously selected examination of some of the world’s best products ever made, most of which are still in production. The objects truly encapsulate what design is and what it will be for decades to come. It is a key reference tool for the designer or architect, as well as a fascinating and accessible design history for the newcomer. The collection comes in a specifically commissioned carrying unit exclusively designed by Konstantin Gricic.
  • Making and Breaking the Grid

    作者:Timothy Samara

    For designers working in every medium, layout is arguable the most basic and most important element. Effective layout is essential to communication and enables the end user to not only be drawn in with an innovative design but to digest information easily. Making and Breaking the Grid is a comprehensive layout design workshop that assumes that to effectively break the rules of grid-based design one must first understand those rules and see them applied to real-world projects. Text reveals top designers' work in process and rationale. Projects with similar characteristics are linked through a simple notational system that encourages exploration and comparison of structure ideas. Also included are historical overviews that summarise the development of layout concepts, both grid-based and non-grid based, in modern design practice.
  • The Art of Looking Sideways

    作者:Alan Fletcher

    Describing himself as a "visual jackdaw", master designer Alan Fletcher has spent a lifetime collecting images, useless information, quotations and scraps that take his fancy. This work distils this collection into a quirky and entertaining feast for the eyes and the mind. Loosely arranged in 72 "chapters", the book explores the workings of the eye, the hand and the brain.
  • The Non-Designer's Design Book, Second Edition

    作者:Robin Williams

    So you have a great concept and all the fancy digital tools you could possibly require—what's stopping you from creating beautiful pages? Namely the training to pull all of these elements together into a cohesive design that effectively communicates your message. Not to worry: This book is the one place you can turn to find quick, non-intimidating, excellent design help.

    In The Non-Designer's Design Book, 2nd Edition, best-selling author Robin Williams turns her attention to the basic principles of good design and typography. All you have to do is follow her clearly explained concepts, and you'll begin producing more sophisticated, professional, and interesting pages immediately. Humor-infused, jargon-free prose interspersed with design exercises, quizzes, illustrations, and dozens of examples make learning a snap—which is just what audiences have come to expect from this best-selling author.
  • The Design of Design

    作者:Frederick P. Brooks

    Making Sense of Design Effective design is at the heart of everything from software development to engineering to architecture. But what do we really know about the design process? What leads to effective, elegant designs? The Design of Design addresses these questions. These new essays by Fred Brooks contain extraordinary insights for designers in every discipline. Brooks pinpoints constants inherent in all design projects and uncovers processes and patterns likely to lead to excellence. Drawing on conversations with dozens of exceptional designers, as well as his own experiences in several design domains, Brooks observes that bold design decisions lead to better outcomes. The author tracks the evolution of the design process, treats collaborative and distributed design, and illuminates what makes a truly great designer. He examines the nuts and bolts of design processes, including budget constraints of many kinds, aesthetics, design empiricism, and tools, and grounds this discussion in his own real-world examples--case studies ranging from home construction to IBM's Operating System/360. Throughout, Brooks reveals keys to success that every designer, design project manager, and design researcher should know.
  • 设计元素

    作者:[美] 蒂莫西·萨马拉 (Timothy

    平面设计师的工作,是让需要传达的信息实现视觉转换,变得井然有序,形象生动,从而实现信息的有效传达。对于平面设计师而言,若想成功,就必须具备正确的专业知识、技能和敏锐的直觉。 本书是广西美术出版社2008年引进美国Rockport出版社“美国视觉设计学院用书”系列之一。书中清晰地阐述了平面设计的诸多原理,如版式设计、字体设计、色彩应用、空间处理、图像选用等,以及如何将这些设计元素整合起来的方法,帮助设计师掌握优秀平面设计的基础技巧。书中收录了国外几百幅精彩的设计作品,附有精辟的点评,能够点亮设计师的灵感火花,是平面设计掌握专业知识、提升设计技巧的指导用书。
  • Mac is not a typewriter, The

    作者:Robin Williams

    One of the most popular Macintosh books ever written, The Mac is not a typewriter has been called the "Strunk and White of typography." Best-selling author Robin Williams's simple, logical principles for using type to produce beautiful, professional documents are as true now as they were when the original edition was published in 1989. This updated edition includes new examples and expanded information dedicated to the practical advice that made the first edition an enduring bestseller. Throughout, Robin shows you the small details that separate the pros from the amateurs: typographer versus typewriter quotation marks, en and em dashes, tabs and indents, kerning, leading, white space, widows and orphans, and hanging punctuation. If you prepare documents, you'll find The Mac is not a typewriter, Second Edition an indispensable guide. And those who read your documents will recognize the work of a pro, even if they don't know a curly quote from curly fries.
  • 设计师的设计日记


  • 深入浅出设计模式(影印版)

    作者:Eric Freeman,Elisabe

  • 字体设计原理


  • Design for the Real World

    作者:Victor Papanek

    绿色设计(Green Design)是20世纪80末出现的一股国际设计潮流。绿色设计反映了人们对于现代科技文化所引起的环境及生态破坏的反思,同时也体现了设计师道德贺社会责任心的回归。 在漫长的人类设计史中,工业设计为人类创造了现代生活方式和生活环境的同时,也加速了资源,能源的消耗,并对地球的生态平衡造成了极大的破坏。特别是工业设计的过度商业化,使设计成了鼓励人们无节制的消费的重要介质,“有计划的商品废止制”就是这种现象的极端表现。无怪乎人们称“广告设计”和“工业设计”是鼓吹人们消费的罪魁祸首,招致了许多的批评和责难。正是在这种背景下,设计师们不得不重新思考工业设计师的职责和作用,绿色设计也就应运而生。 从历史可以看出,对于绿色设计产生直接影响的是美国设计理论家维克多·巴巴纳克(Victor Papanek)。早在20世纪60年代末,他就出版了一本引起极大争议的专著《为真实世界而设计》(Design for the real world)。该书专注于设计师面临的人类需求的最紧迫的问题,强调设计师的社会及伦理价值。他认为,设计的最大作用并不是创造商业价值,也不是包装和风格方面的竞争,而是一种适当的社会变革过程中的元素。他同时强调设计应该认真有限的地球资源的使用问题,并为保护地球的环境服务。对于他的观点,当时能理解的人并不多。但是,自从70年代“能源危机”爆发,他的“有限资源论”才得到人们普遍的认可。绿色设计也得到了越来越多的人的关注和认同。
  • The Design and Evolution of C++

    作者:Bjarne Stroustrup

    The inventor of C++ presents the definitive insider's guide to the design and development of the C++ programming language. Without ommitting critical details or getting bogged down in technicalities, Stroustrup presents his unique insights into the decisions that shaped C++. Every C++ programmer will benefit from Stroustrup's explanations of the 'why's' behind C++ from the earliest features, such as the original class concept, to the latest extensions, such as new casts and explicit template instantiation. Some C++ design decisions have been universally praised, while others remain controversial, and debated vigorously; still other features have been rejected based on experimentation. In this book, Stroustrup dissects many of these decisions to present a case study in "real object- oriented language development" for the working programmer. In doing so, he presents his views on programming and design in a concrete and useful way that makes this book a must-buy for every C++ programmer. Features*Written by the inventor of C++ Stroustrup *Provides insights into the design decisions which shaped C++. *Gives technical summaries of C++.* Discusses the latest language features: templates, exceptions, run-time type information, and namespaces. *Presents Stroustrup's unique programming and design views. 0201543303B04062001
  • 日常设计经典100


    《日常设计经典100》作者保拉·安东尼利(Pa0IaAntone…)作为世界著名的设计专家.特地选取了100件日常生活中的经典设计,如铅笔、回形针、橡皮筋、棒球、茶包,魔方,方糖……原来这些我们熟悉的日常用品竟然有如此丰富的设计内涵! 100件日常设计经典,100个迷人的设计故事。作者对每一件设计经典都从历史渊源、文化背景、有趣传闻和设计概念入手,娓娓道来,为我们打开了一个不同以往的设计世界。
  • Modern C++ Design

    作者:Andrei Alexandrescu

    In Modern C++ Design, Andrei Alexandrescu opens new vistas for C++ programmers. Displaying extraordinary creativity and virtuosity, Alexandrescu offers a cutting-edge approach to software design that unites design patterns, generic programming, and C++, enabling programmers to achieve expressive, flexible, and highly reusable code. The book introduces the concept of generic components, reusable design templates that enable an easier and more seamless transition from design to application code, generate code that better expresses the original design intention, and support the reuse of design structures with minimal recoding. The author then shows how to apply this approach to recurring, real-world issues that C++ programmers face in their day-to-day activity. All code is available on the Web, along with Alexandrescu's downloadable Loki C++ library, which provides powerful out-of-the-box functionality for virtually any C++ project. For experienced C++ programmers who have at least some familiarity with the Standard Template Library (STL).
  • 今日文字设计


    《今日文字设计》收录了15个国家88位设计师的作品,展现了现代文字设计的面貌。 主要代表人物包括利西茨基、奇希霍尔特、茨瓦特、沃尔夫冈·魏因加特、维姆·克劳威尔、杉浦康平、埃米尔·鲁杰尔、卡尔·格斯特纳和赫布·鲁巴林等。新版又收录了内维尔-布罗迪、阿普丽尔·格雷曼和安尚秀的作品。通过沃尔夫冈·魏因加特、维姆·克劳威尔、杉浦康平、弗朗哥·格里尼亚尼、约翰·凯奇和赫尔穆特 ·施密德的评论。本书回顾了20世纪文字设计的发展历程。本书还收集了埃米尔·鲁杰尔的文章《传达与形式——文字设计》。 《今日文字设计》由赫尔穆特·施密德构思、编辑和设计。本书在1980年作为日本著名设计杂志《创意》的特刊出版,接着在1981年以书籍形式由日本诚文堂新光社再版。许多年来,本书赢得了业界的广泛赞誉,现推出新的扩编版。 今日文字设计 沃尔夫冈·魏因加特 我的字体案例之形态学 沃尔夫冈·魏因加特的文字设计 维姆·克劳威尔 实验性文字设计与实验的需要 新形态,新技术 表现性文字设计探索 多样性空间的文字设计 共时性的文字设计 视觉象形的文字设计 杉浦康平 汉字与假名的二元性共振 宇宙观的文字设计 非语言的文字设计 信息性及实验性文字设计 埃米尔·鲁杰尔的文字设计 埃米尔·鲁杰尔 传达与形式——文字设计 节奏性的文字设计 功能性的文字设计 卡尔·格斯特纳的文字设计 带饰线的文字设计 威姆·克劳威尔的文字设计 连续性的文字设计 信息性的文字设计 动感的文字设计 重复性的文字设计 实验性的文字设计 绘画性的文字设计 运动感的文字设计 佛朗哥·格里尼亚尼 有关现代文字设计的评论 文字标识设计 有目的的与可发现的偶然性 操控偶发性的文字设计 约翰·凯奇 《2页,122个关于舞蹈和音乐的单词》 政治性的文字设计 看与读的文字设计 文字设计的先驱 菲利波·插马泰.马里内蒂 达达主义运动 库尔特·施维特斯 埃尔·利西茨基 扬·奇希霍尔特 拉斯洛·莫霍伊-纳吉 赫伯特·拜尔 约斯特·施密特 皮耶·茨瓦特 赫尔穆特·施密德 《今日文字设计》的今天
  • Design Patterns

    作者:Erich Gamma,Richard

    * Capturing a wealth of experience about the design of object-oriented software, four top-notch designers present a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems. Previously undocumented, these 23 patterns allow designers to create more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable designs without having to rediscover the design solutions themselves. * The authors begin by describing what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software. They then go on to systematically name, explain, evaluate, and catalog recurring designs in object-oriented systems. With Design Patterns as your guide, you will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage them to solve your own design problems most efficiently.
  • 重构

    作者:Martin Fowler

    Martin Fowler和《重构:改善既有代码的设计》(中文版)另几位作者清楚揭示了重构过程,他们为面向对象软件开发所做的贡献,难以衡量。《重构:改善既有代码的设计》(中文版)解释重构的原理(principles)和最佳实践方式(best practices),并指出何时何地你应该开始挖掘你的代码以求改善。《重构:改善既有代码的设计》(中文版)的核心是一份完整的重构名录(catalog of refactoring),其中每一项都介绍一种经过实证的代码变换手法(code transformation)的动机和技术。某些项目如Extract Method和Move Field看起来可能很浅显,但不要掉以轻心,因为理解这类技术正是有条不紊地进行重构的关键。点击进入该书更多详细信息。
  • 设计模式

    作者:[美] Erich Gamma,Rich

    这本书结合设计实作例从面向对象的设计中精选出23个设计模式,总结了面向对象设计中最有价值的经验,并且用简洁可复用的形式表达出来。书中分类描述了一组设计良好、表达清楚的软件设计模式,这些模式在实用环境下特别有用。此书适合大学计算机专业的学生、研究生及相关人员参考。 书中涉及的设计模式并不描述新的或未经证实的设计,只收录了那些在不同系统中多次使用过的成功设计。
  • 放大意大利

