

  • 空間、力與社會


  • 学步与超越


  • Dislocating China

    作者:Dru C. Gladney

  • The Anthropology of Time

    作者:Gell, Alfred

    Time - relentless, ever-present but intangible and the single element over which human beings have no absolute control - has long proved a puzzle. The author examines the phenomenon of time and asks such fascinating questions as how time impinges on people, to what extent our awareness of time is culturally conditioned, how societies deal with temporal problems and whether time can be considered a 'resource' to be economized. More specifically, he provides a consistent and detailed analysis of theories put forward by a number of thinkers such as Durkheim, Evans-Pritchard, Levi-Strauss, Geertz, Piaget, Husserl and Bourdieu. His discussion encompasses four main approaches in time research, namely developmental psychology, symbolic anthropology (covering the bulk of post-Durkheimian social anthropology) 'economic' theories of time in social geography and, finally, phenomenological theories. The author concludes by presenting his own model of social/cognitive time, in the light of these critical discussions of the literature.
  • International Migration, Social Demotion, and Imagined Advancement

    作者:Erind Pajo

    This book represents one of the first studies to look at the negative results of migration. Based on an ethnographic study focusing on Albanian migrants in Greece and Italy, the book discusses the reasons people leave their homeland for a "better life" - especially if that does not happen. It finds that imaginaries of the world as a social hierarchy might lie at the root of much of the contemporary international migration.
  • Ten Thousand Things

    作者:Judith Farquhar,Qich

    Ten Thousand Things explores the many forms of life, or, in ancient Chinese parlance "the ten thousand things" that life is and is becoming, in contemporary Beijing and beyond. Coauthored by an American anthropologist and a Chinese philosopher, the book examines the myriad ways contemporary residents of Beijing understand and nurture the good life, practice the embodied arts of everyday well-being, and in doing so draw on cultural resources ranging from ancient metaphysics to modern media. Farquhar and Zhang show that there are many activities that nurture life: practicing meditative martial arts among friends in a public park; jogging, swimming, and walking backward; dancing, singing, and keeping pet birds; connoisseurship of tea, wine, and food; and spiritual disciplines ranging from meditation to learning a foreign language. As ancient life-nurturing texts teach, the cultural practices that produce particular forms of life are generative in ten thousand ways: they "give birth to life and transform the transformations." This book attends to the patterns of city life, listens to homely advice on how to live, and interprets the great tradition of medicine and metaphysics. In the process, a manifold culture of the urban Chinese everyday emerges. The lives nurtured, gathered, and witnessed here are global and local, embodied and discursive, ecological and cosmic, civic and individual. The elements of any particular life -- as long as it lasts, and with some skill and determination -- can be gathered, centered, and harmonized with the way things spontaneously go. The result, everyone says, is pleasure.
  • 民族志:步步深入(第3版)

    作者:David M.Fetterman

    民族志不仅仅意味着一种方法论,它更是一种生活方式。 ——大卫•M. 费特曼 • 操作手册 本书作者大卫•M. 费特曼博士条分缕析地向初学者展示民族志调查的每个环节、每个步骤,这使本书成为一本不可多得的、贴心实用的操作手册。 • 经验宝藏 作为一位在多文化的田野中“穿行”数十年的老手,他所积累的丰富的民族志调查资料就是一个经验宝藏。 • 反思帮手 书中对田野作业时可能会遇到的难题、节点有许多深入剖析,对正在实践的民族志学者而言,本书亦可成为他们反思其研究的帮手。 • 知识更新 本版新增了最新的民族志调查技术和设备的介绍,为读者组织了一次愉快的知识更新之旅。
  • Ordinary Ethics in China

    作者:Charles Stafford

    Drawing on a wide range of anthropological case studies, this book focuses on ordinary ethics in contemporary China. The book examines the kinds of moral and ethical issues that emerge (sometimes almost unnoticed) in the flow of everyday life in Chinese communities. How are schoolchildren judged to be good or bad by their teachers and their peers - and how should a 'bad' student be dealt with? What exactly do children owe their parents, and how should this debt be repaid? Is it morally acceptable to be jealous if one's neighbours suddenly become rich? Should the wrongs of the past be forgotten, e.g. in the interests of communal harmony, or should they be dealt with now? In the case of China, such questions have obviously been shaped by the historical contexts against which they have been posed, and by the weight of various Chinese traditions. But this book approaches them on a human scale. More specifically, it approaches them from an anthropological perspective, based on participation in the flow of everyday life during ethnographic fieldwork in Chinese communities.
  • Communities of Complicity

    作者:Hans Steinmüller

    Everyday life in contemporary rural China is characterized by an increased sense of moral challenge and uncertainty. Ordinary people often find themselves caught between the moral frameworks of capitalism, Maoism and the Chinese tradition. This ethnographic study of the village of Zhongba (in Hubei Province, central China) is an attempt to grasp the ethical reflexivity of everyday life in rural China. Drawing on descriptions of village life, interspersed with targeted theoretical analyses, the author examines how ordinary people construct their own senses of their lives and their futures in everyday activities: building houses, working, celebrating marriages and funerals, gambling and dealing with local government. The villagers confront moral uncertainty; they creatively harmonize public discourse and local practice; and sometimes they resolve incoherence and unease through the use of irony. In so doing, they perform everyday ethics and re-create transient moral communities at a time of massive social dislocation.
  • 艺术人类学


    本书对艺术人类学的基本概念,理论方法,发展沿革,研究状态以及研究的价值意义等方面进行了梳理。 作者除了对艺术人类学理论概念进行诠释,对于这门学科的发展也做了详实的介绍,从“古典时期”的进化论学派、传播学派,到“现代时期”的代表人物格尔茨、特纳等,都做了介绍和评述。同时,对中国艺术人类学的发生发展过程,以及研究现状,也做了客观描述。此外,作者还以自己的田野调查报告为例,展示了艺术人类学的研究视角与门径。本书的出版填补了我国在艺术人类学这一年轻学科定位方面的空白。
  • Fighting for Breath

    作者:Anna Lora-wainwright

    Numerous reports of “cancer villages” have appeared in the past decade in both Chinese and Western media, highlighting the downside of China’s economic development. Less generally known is how people experience and understand cancer in areas where there is no agreement on its cause. Who or what do they blame? How do they cope with its onset? Fighting for Breath is the first ethnography to offer a bottom-up account of how rural families strive to make sense of cancer and care for sufferers. It addresses crucial areas of concern such as health, development, morality, and social change in an effort to understand what is at stake in the contemporary Chinese countryside. Encounters with cancer are instances in which social and moral fault lines may become visible. Anna Lora-Wainwright combines powerful narratives and critical engagement with an array of scholarly debates in sociocultural and medical anthropology and in the anthropology of China. The result is a moving exploration of the social inequities endemic to post-1949 China and the enduring rural-urban divide that continues to challenge social justice in the People’s Republic. In-depth case studies present villagers’ “fight for breath” as both a physical and social struggle to reclaim a moral life, ensure family and neighborly support, and critique the state for its uneven welfare provision. Lora-Wainwright depicts their suffering as lived experience, but also as embedded in domestic economies and in the commodification of care that has placed the burden on families and individuals. Fighting for Breath will be of interest to students, teachers, and researchers in Chinese studies, sociocultural and medical anthropology, human geography, development studies, and the social study of medicine. 12 illus. http://www.uhpress.hawaii.edu/p-8979-9780824836825.aspx
  • Chinese Modernity and the Individual Psyche

    作者:Andrew Kipnis (Edito

    Rapid industrialization, urbanization, and marketization have led to startling social changes in reform-era China. Mindful of the many forms of social theory that relate modernity to individualism, this volume addresses social and cultural change through the lens of psychological anthropology. The contributors explore Chinese modernity through the psychosocial contradictions experienced by artists, dancers, and poets; by mothers and daughters; by school children and migrant workers; the mentally ill, and others. As a whole, the book provides a disturbing but hopeful portrait of Chinese society, an opportunity to rethink the significance of the concept of modernity, and a vivid reminder of the enmeshment of individual psyches in their wider social and cultural environments.
  • 都市裡的鄉村教會


    大量鄉村基督徒進入城市務工是中國城市化進程的相伴現象之一。其中一些鄉村基督徒進入城市後參加教會,形成以民工群體為主的小組、團契和教會,逐漸產生了一種位於城鄉之間的信徒和教會形態。由於它處於都市或都市邊緣,其信仰形態與鄉村教會更為接近,作者稱之為「都市裡的鄉村教會」。這種城鄉新移民被稱為「民工」,這種新型的教會也被稱為「民工教會」。 當下中外學界對於城市化及民工群體的研究頗為豐富。不過,已有的研究比較集中在民工的生存和發展。然而,對於他們的宗教或靈性,及其信仰與日常工作和生活之關聯卻少有涉及。本書的出版正是要補足此缺席的議題。
  • 中间地带


  • Netnography

    作者:Robert V Kozinets

    This exciting new text is the first to explore the discipline of Netnography the conduct of ethnography over the internet a method specifically designed to study cultures and communities online. For the first time, full procedural guidelines for the accurate and ethical conduct of ethnographic research online are set out, with detailed, step-by-step guidance to thoroughly introduce, explain, and illustrate the method to students and researchers. The author also surveys the latest research on online cultures and communities, focusing on the methods used to study them, with examples focusing on the new elements and contingencies of the blogosphere (blogging), microblogging, videocasting, podcasting, social networking sites, virtual worlds, and more.
  • 神风特攻队、樱花与民族主义

    作者:[日] 大贯惠美子

  • The Han

    作者:Agnieszka Joniak-Lut

    This ethnography explores contemporary narratives of "Han-ness," revealing the nuances of what Han identity means today in relation to that of the fifty-five officially recognized minority ethnic groups in China, as well as in relation to home place identities and the country's national identity. Based on research she conducted among native and migrant Han in Shanghai and Beijing, Aqsu (in Xinjiang), and the Sichuan-Yunnan border area, Agnieszka Joniak-Luthi uncovers and discusses these identity topographies. Bringing into focus the Han majority, which has long acted as an unexamined backdrop to ethnic minorities, Joniak-Luthi contributes to the emerging field of critical Han studies as she considers how the Han describe themselves - particularly what unites and divides them - as well as the functions of Han identity and the processes through which it is maintained and reproduced. The Han will appeal to scholars and students of contemporary China, anthropology, and ethnic and cultural studies.
  • 山海之间


  • 罗布人·绿洲文化变迁的人类学研究

