

  • The Ritual Process

    作者:Victor Turner

    The Ritual Process has acquired the status of a small classic. Turner demonstrates how the analysis of ritual behavior and symbolism may be used as a key to understanding social structure and processes. The American Anthropologist called Turner's book "ingenious and erudite, rich in highly stimulating ideas.
  • Producing Guanxi

    作者:Andrew B. Kipnis

    Throughout China the formation of guanxi, or social connections, involves friends, families, colleagues, and acquaintances in complex networks of social support and sentimental attachment. Focusing on this process in one rural north China village, Fengjia, Andrew Kipnis shows what guanxi production reveals about the evolution of village political economy, kinship and gender, and local patterns of subjectivity in Dengist China. His work offers a detailed description of the communicative actions—such as gift giving, being a host or guest, participating in weddings or funerals—that produce, manage, and deny guanxi in a specific time and place. Kipnis also offers a rare comparative analysis of how these practices relate to the varied and variable phenomenon of guanxi throughout China and as it has changed over time. Producing Guanxi combines the theory of Pierre Bourdieu and the insights of symbolic anthropology to contest past portrayals of guanxi as either a function of Chinese political economics or an unchanging Confucian social structure. In this analysis guanxi emerges as a purposeful human effort that makes use of past cultural logics while generating new ones. By exploring the role of sentiment in the creation of self, Kipnis critiques recent theories of subjectivity for their narrow focus on language and discourse, and contributes to the anthropological discussion of comparative selfhood. Navigating a path between mainstream social science and abstract social theory, Kipnis presents a more nuanced examination of guanxi than has previously been available and contributes generally to our understanding of relationships and human action.
  • 裸猿


  • 民俗学手册


  • The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences

    作者:McDonald, Terrence J

    In The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences eleven scholars widely known for their interdisciplinary work investigate one of the most striking developments in the intellectual world today: the return to history by a wide range of academic disciplines. From ''new historicism'' in literary theory, to ''ethnohistory,'' to ''historical sociology,'' these new approaches have resulted both in more works of historical analysis and in a more self-conscious attempt to locate the human sciences in their own histories. The essays in The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences --eight of them published here for the first time--take stock of these changes from the perspectives of some of the disciplines most deeply involved: anthropology, sociology, political science, law, literary studies, and history itself. Many of the authors have played a crucial role in producing the historic turn in their own disciplines. The volume as a whole, therefore, goes significantly beyond a mere inventory of these changes to ask how and how much history can make a difference; how the practice of history is affected by post-structural and other theories; and what is left of both unproblematized history and social science after the historic turn. Taken together the essays give a sense both of what these various turns to history have in common and what sets them apart. This comparative dimension distinguishes the volume from those that have analyzed the impact of history on a single field or have assayed its effects without including historians themselves. In the wake of the historic turn neither the historical actor nor the historical analyst will ever again be seen as a colossus striding over the pages of history. This volume explains in an extraordinary thought-provoking and challenging way why this must be so.
  • Ethnography

    作者:Hammersley, Martyn/

    Thoroughly updated and substantially rewritten, this edition of this popular textbook is now even more relevant and useful for students and researchers. New material includes: chapters on the use of visual research methods, recent advances in feminist theory, new regimes of research regulation and a new conclusion. Ethnography provides a systematic and coherent account of ethnographic principles and practice. Rejecting the over-simplified contrast between 'positivism' and 'naturalism', but also questioning more recent critiques of these positions, the authors argue that ethnography is best understood as a reflexive process. Above all, what this means is that we must recognise that social research is part of the world that it studies. From an outline of the principle of reflexivity in chapter one, the authors go on to discuss and exemplify the main features of ethnographic work: the selection and sampling of cases the problems of access observation and interviewing recording and filing data the process of data analysis and writing research reports. There is also consideration of the ethical issues surrounding ethnographic research. Throughout, the discussion draws on a wide range of illustrative material from classic and more recent studies within a global context.
  • The Illness Narratives

    作者:Arthur Kleinman

    A psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, Kleinman vitalizes his book with quotations from patients and members of the healing professions. This is a scholarly study but accessible to a lay audience. Writing of "suffering, healing and the human condition," the author observes the dichotomy between technological advances in medicine and the actual treatment of the ill, handicapped and dying. Profoundly moving reports illuminate the deprived lives of social outcasts, shunned and stigmatized, whose needs are not met by the medical community. There are also instructive descriptions of how an empathetic doctor can help "humans" (not cases) to regain health or, in extremis, die a "good death." Kleinman argues persuasively the need to reform today's medical-care system to more fully serve humanity.
  • Encountering Development

    作者:Arturo Escobar

    How did the industrialized nations of North America and Europe come to be seen as the appropriate models for post-World War II societies in Asia, Africa, and Latin America? How did the postwar discourse on development actually create the so-called Third World? And what will happen when development ideology collapses? To answer these questions, Arturo Escobar shows how development policies became mechanisms of control that were just as pervasive and effective as their colonial counterparts. The development apparatus generated categories powerful enough to shape the thinking even of its occasional critics while poverty and hunger became widespread. 'Development' was not even partially 'deconstructed' until the 1980s, when new tools for analyzing the representation of social reality were applied to specific 'Third World' cases. Here Escobar deploys these new techniques in a provocative analysis of development discourse and practice in general, concluding with a discussion of alternative visions for a postdevelopment era. Escobar emphasizes the role of economists in development discourse - his case study of Colombia demonstrates that the economization of food resulted in ambitious plans, and more hunger. To depict the production of knowledge and power in other development fields, the author shows how peasants, women, and nature became objects of knowledge and targets of power under the 'gaze of experts'.
  • Food and Culture


    Food touches everything important to people: it marks social differences and strengthens social bonds. Common to all peoples, yet it can signify very different things from table to table. Food and Culture takes a global look at the social, symbolic and political-economic role of food. The stellar contributors to this reader examine some of the meanings of food and eating across cultures, with particular attention to how men and women define themselves differently through their foodways. Articles reveal how food habits and beliefs both present a microcosm of any culture and also contribute to our understanding of human behavior. Crossing many disciplinary boundaries, this reader includes the perspectives of anthropology, history, psychology, philosophy, and sociology. The reader starts out by illustrating food's ability to convey symbolic meaning and communicates about a wide range of subjects. Next, the articles draw attention to how the practices of giving, receiving and refusing food initiate, solidify or rupture social bonds. Essays exploring the relation between body image, eating and sexuality in different societies give particular attention to the special and contradictory relation between women and food. Also demonstrated is the relation between the commodification of food, food industries, political power and colonial dominance. Contributors include: Roland Barthes, Susan Bordo, Carolyn Walker Bynum, M.F.K. Fisher, Anna Freud, Jack Goody, Claude Levi-Strauss, Margaret Mead, and Elisa J. Sobo.
  • In the Name of Harmony and Prosperity

    作者:Anru Lee

    Offers an analysis of the dynamics of Taiwan's export-oriented industrialization, particularly its impact on women and other workers.
  • Chinese Religiosities

    作者:Yang, Mayfair Mei-hu

    The long twentieth century in China and Taiwan has seen both a dramatic process of state-driven secularization and modernization and a vigorous revival of contemporary religious life. "Chinese Religiosities" explores the often vexed relationship between the modern Chinese state and religious practice. The essays in this comprehensive, multidisciplinary collection cover a wide range of traditions, including Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Confucianism, Protestantism, Falungong, popular religion, and redemptive societies. Contributors include: Jose Cabezon, Prasenjit Duara, Ryan Dunch, Dru C. Gladney, Vincent Goossaert, Ji Zhe, Ya-pei Kuo, Richard Madsen, Rebecca Nedostup, David Palmer, Benjamin Penny, and Mayfair Mei-hui Yang.
  • 法律与人类学


    目录 导论/侯猛 “语言混乱”与法律人类学进路/朱晓阳 中国法律的现代性/黄宗智 法律的文化解释/梁治平 从礼仪看中国式社会理论/王铭铭 纲常、礼仪、称呼与秩序建构——追求对儒家的制度性理解/苏力 威慑艺术:形象、仪式与“法”/王铭铭 法律:一个安排秩序的分类体系/王启梁 一座博物馆-庙宇建筑的民族志——论成为政治艺术的双名制/高丙中 习俗、权威与纠纷解决的场域——河北一村落的法律人类学考察/赵旭东 村落纠纷中的“外人”/陈柏峰 反抗与惩罚:20世纪50年代嘉定县乡村的犯罪与财产法秩序/张佩国 延伸个案与乡村秩序/朱晓阳 如何走出个案——从个案研究到扩展个案研究/卢晖临 李雪 法律社会学调查中的权力资源/苏力 “立法者”或“诠释者”?──法律人类学家的研究伦理及其他/林端 附录一 “法学与人类学对话”研讨会综述 附录二 法律和人类学相关研究英文文献目录
  • 茶叶的流动


  • 社会文化人类学的关键概念

    作者:(英) 奈杰尔·拉波特 (Nigel R

  • 神‧鬼‧祖先

    作者:焦大衛(David K. Jordan)

    村落械鬥與聯盟 圓滿平安熱鬧的文化概念 乩童與社區意志的型塑 地方層次的改運與驅邪 冥婚、超自然範疇內的流動 英美世界第一次有學者對台灣鄉村民間信仰 進行全面而系統性的田野民族誌分析 本書主要內容來自焦大衛(David K. Jordan)1966-1968年間在台南縣西港鄉保安村(化名)所做的民族誌。這是英美世界第一次有學者對台灣鄉村民間信仰進行了全面而系統性的田野民族誌分析。本書由移民過程談到家庭與村落的信仰組織,由村民的宇宙觀談到村民與各類超自然範疇間的互動,焦大衛並提出了能有助於理解台灣漢人村落如何來面對自然生態與社會變遷的調適模型。書中觸及的許多主題(村落械鬥與聯盟、圓滿平安熱鬧等文化概念、乩童與社區意志的型塑、地方層次的改運與驅邪、冥婚、超自然範疇內的流動等),在經驗與理論層次都具有開創性,對相關研究領域影響深遠。本書附錄文章(1994)刊出焦大衛1990年代對當時台灣宗教與社會變遷所提出的後續觀察,該論文將時間向度納入考量,也有助於能更凸顯出焦大衛認為台灣民間信仰歷經社會變遷而仍能自行調整的觀點。
  • New Masters, New Servants

    作者:Hairong Yan

  • 媒體世界

    作者:菲.金斯伯格(FAYE D. GINSB

  • 裸猿


  • In One's Own Shadow

    作者:Xin Liu

  • 科学的文化理论
