

  • Nikon D3200数码单反摄影技巧大全


    《Nikon D3200数码单反摄影技巧大全》不仅详细讲解了NikonD3200相机的结构及菜单功能,还对光圈、快门、白平衡、感光度、曝光补偿、测光模式等设置技巧进行了详细的讲解,此外,对适合该相机配套使用的高素质镜头,常用附件的使用方法和购买技巧也进行了广泛、深入的解析与示例。
  • 人像摄影圣经


    《人像摄影圣经:专业人像摄影技巧手册》内容简介:人像摄影是最古老的,同时仍然是最流行的摄影风格,一直以来也是最具挑战性的风格之一。事实上,一般的人像作品和优秀的人像作品在创造性、档次和摄影技术方面可能存在着天壤之别。面对如此多的变数,许多摄影师在着手提高其人像摄影技能的时候,都会感到人像摄影令人望而却步、迷雾重重。但情况并非不可以做出改变。 无论您是一名兴致勃勃的业余摄影爱好者,期待着提高自己的人像摄影及欣赏水平,还是一位崭露头角的专业摄影师,需要一套让人怦然心动的新人像风格让作品集重振雄风,《人像摄影圣经:专业人像摄影技巧手册》都会帮助您实现目标。同时我们将广泛地探讨各种各样的流行风格和类型—从“刚毅的城市人”到“大众文化”,从“动作”到“古典好莱坞”—呼应当今媒体、广告和造型摄影领域的各种图像。 《人像摄影圣经:专业人像摄影技巧手册》中展现的所有人像风格都被细分为通俗易懂的元素,就布光、曝光和构图提供了最实用的建议以及顶级的专业机密。此外,无论摄影棚或者是户外场景图解,都从鸟瞰的角度向您传达了拍摄是如何完成的,这样您就能够轻易地再创作出同样令人惊叹的风格。您还会在书中阅读到大量有益的拍摄技巧,获得有关最佳器材配置的信息,应该配备哪些器材的建议和原因,以及实用的Photoshop教程,这样您也可以在数字暗房中创作新的风格人像。 有如此种类繁多的人像拍摄技术供您使用,您很快就会拥有信心和拍摄技能同您的模特合作,拍摄出一整套出色的人像,无论该任务可能会多么具有挑战性。那么,让我们跟随摄影权威的脚步,拍出一流的人像照片吧! 海报:


    收錄香港、澳門旅遊資訊以及Victoria想法的旅行隨筆。 與宋茜一同出發的港澳旅行!英國與葡萄牙文化、港島香格里拉與半島酒店,以購物與美食等各種關鍵字所連結的港澳文化、美食及各地景點,成為對20~30多歲女性最有魅力的行地點的兩個城市,看見港澳多采多姿的面貌。
  • Edward Weston

    作者:Pitts, Terrence; Hei

    Uncompromising passion. This title deals with the life and art of Edward Weston. Few photographers have created such a legacy as Edward Weston (1886-1958). After a decade of successfully making photographs with painterly soft-focus techniques, Weston became the key pioneer of the school of precise and sharp presentation, dubbed "Straight Photography." Through the 1920s, '30s, and '40s, Weston was a major force in pushing forward the art of photography. His photographs are monuments of sensual realism, perfectly composed images of stillness that sear with passion and intensity. Whatever the subject, be it a vegetable, landscape, shell, or naked body, Weston's lens captures the essence of its life force, the fundamentals of its form.
  • 画影江山


  • 用单反来漫游生活


  • Canon EOS 650D使用详解


    《Canon EOS 650D使用详解》详尽解析了Canon EOS 650D各项菜单设置,详细讲解相机的机身部件、功能设置与菜单系统,配合海量实拍样片介绍新增功能的实际应用,结合多种题材的拍摄来提升对EOS 650D的驾驭水平,并针对不同的场景和拍摄需求提供了专业的指导建议,精选的22支镜头覆盖不同的焦段、拍摄需求及价位,便于您理性为Canon EOS 650D选配镜头。31个“1分钟实拍秘技”集中点拨了风光、人像、动物、花卉、美食摄影中的技巧要点,另外还介绍了高清短片拍摄及剪辑的操作方法。
  • Canon EOS 5D Mark III 实拍技巧大全


    《Canon EOS 5D Mark 3实拍技巧大全》以一个摄影人真正使用的角度,全方位地分析和阐述了佳能数码单反相机在实际使用过程中的经验和技巧。全书以图解的方式,深入浅出地阐述了相机的各项实用功能和菜单详细解说;对光线、焦点、光圈、快门、曝光补偿、感光度、白平衡、构图、角度、色彩等拍出好照片的关键要素进行了一一解读;对拍摄模式、画质、色彩空间、测光、对焦、自动对焦、降噪、HDR、实时显示、测光定时器等相机设置常见问题进行了详细地分析并提出解决办法;对镜头、闪光灯、快门线、三脚架、滤镜、摄影包、维护保养等器材构建的问题提出了专业指导意见;对构图、色彩与用光等各方面的内容进行了深入研究和探讨。同时,对各位摄友最为关心的实拍技巧,以场景实拍加优秀案例的方式进行有针对性的指导和点拨。
  • 目擊的力量

    作者:Reuel Golden

    你我不願面對的真相,他們用鏡頭追根究底; 那些不忍卒睹的事實,他們用生命留下紀錄。 他們是歷史的見證者,也是歷史的創造者。 這是54位傑出新聞攝影師的故事。 150年來,世界各地都有許多勇敢的攝影師,用他們的熱情與生命換得了一張張轉瞬即逝的而令人動容的歷史影像。從九一一事件到日本震災,從南亞大海嘯到中東危機,這些震撼人心的圖片報導(photo essay),在在證明了新聞攝影對當代社會的重要影響:不論是悲劇的痛苦或慶祝的歡欣,透過鏡頭的捕捉與新聞媒介的傳遞,千里之外的人們也能為彼此同悲同喜,甚至甘苦與共。 《目擊的力量:新聞攝影150年》收錄了54位古今中外頂尖新聞攝影工作者的精華之作,包括直擊滿清帝國衰敗的第一位戰地攝影師 — 菲利切.貝亞托(Flice Beato)、擁有「最佳戰地記者」之譽的羅伯特.卡帕(Robert Capa),到見證了二十世紀後半葉最血腥戰役的唐.麥庫林(Don McCullin);從桃樂絲.蘭格(Dorothy Lange)一系列美國中西部貧窮白人家庭紀實影像,到馬汀.帕爾(Martin Parr)一系列對大眾消費文化的影像針砭……攝影使我們得以旁觀他人之痛苦,也能藉此反思自身的荒謬與無知。在這手機甚至行車記錄器也能拍「新聞」的年代,或許借鏡前人行止,我們才能從目前新聞媒體文化的諸多亂象梳理出新聞攝影真正的意義與價值。 本書作者 — 瑞爾.高登(Reuel Golden)以其歷任美、英重要攝影期刊資深編輯的銳利之眼,為這些頂尖攝影師的生平作了深入淺出的分析介紹,更從他們浩瀚的攝影生涯中挑出足以代表其理念的作品,以俾讀者迅速掌握不同攝影師的風格。
  • 旅游摄影一本就GO


  • 未来ちゃんの未来

    作者:川島小鳥,ウィスット ポンニミット

  • Life's a Beach

    作者:Martin Parr

    Following on the heels of Martin Parr’s limited-edition, album-style publication Life’s a Beach, Aperture now presents this beach-friendly mini edition. Parr has been photographing the topic of the beach for many decades, documenting sunbathers, rambunctious swimmers caught mid-plunge and the eternal sandy picnic. His international career, in fact, could well be traced to the publication of The Last Resort (1986), which depicted the seaside resort of New Brighton, near Liverpool. What is perhaps less known is that this obsession has led Parr to photograph beaches around the world. This compilation, his first on the topic, presents photos of beachgoers on far-flung shores, including Argentina, Brazil, China, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Japan, the United States, Mexico, Thailand, and of course, the U.K. The compilation brings to the forefront Parr’s engagement with a cherished subject matter-that rare public space in which general absurdities and local quirks seamlessly fuse together. This book shows Parr at his best, startling us with moments of captured absurdity and immersing us in rituals and traditions associated with beach life the world over.
  • Elliott Erwitt Snaps

    作者:Flowers, Charles; Sa

    The first comprehensive monograph covering the complete career of Elliott Erwitt (b.1928), one of the leading photographers of his generation, and an influential member of the Magnum photographic agency since 1954. Offers a snapshot of the famous and the ordinary, the strange and the amusing over a 50-year period, through the lens of one of the period's finest image makers. Contains over 200 previously unpublished photographs to reveal the extent of Erwitt's prolific photographic output. Includes images of places, things, people and animals all over the globe, captured in Erwitt's unmistakable, often witty, style.
  • MovieBox

    作者:Mereghetti, Paolo

    Since the dawn of the film industry, the worlds greatest photographers have been drawn to record the colourful characters and the process of filming, capturing rare behind-the-scenes views, moving portraits and candid stills of the stars living their everyday lives. A photographic journey that spans the history of cinema, "MovieBox" is a collection of more than 350 images of the most iconic movies and film stars as immortalized by renowned photographers. The book features unforgettable images of the icons of Hollywoods past Marilyn Monroe, Humphrey Bogart, Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Elizabeth Taylor, Alfred Hitchcock and the hottest stars of today Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Christian Bale and many more. From the most popular shooting locations to pre-production, to casting, to the set, to the awards and the cinema theatres, "MovieBox" offers a sweeping portrait of cinema, showcasing a stunning collection of photographs that are now part of our collective memory.
  • If You Leave

    作者:Laurence Tarquin Von

    《If You Leave》(若你离开)是一个摄影集出版计划,发起者是英国摄影师Laurence Tarquin von Thomas,该计划通过网络投稿的方式收集作品,图片围绕表达荒凉和孤独的情绪,从中选出优秀作品,以年为单位出版,目前已出版2010和2011两本影集,每本收录约100位世界各地摄影师的作品
  • Nikon入门相机100%手册没讲清楚的事


    Nikon入门相机100%手册没讲清楚的事,ISBN:9787515309705,作者:施威铭研究室 编
  • RAW数码底片演义


    RAW数码底片演义,ISBN:9787115288912,作者:李勇 著
  • 我的第一本数码摄影书


  • Aperture Magazine Anthology

    作者:Ansel Adams,Harry Ca

    Published on the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary, this is the first ever anthology of Aperture magazine. This long-awaited overview provides a selection of the best critical writing from the first 25 years of the magazine--the period spanning the tenure of cofounder and editor Minor White. Aperture was established in 1952 by a group of photographers, including Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Barbara Morgan and historian-curators Beaumont and Nancy Newhall. Their intention was to provide a forum "in which photographers can talk straight to each other, discuss the problems that face photography as profession an art, share their experiences, comment on what goes on, descry the new potentials." With its far-ranging interests in diverse photographic styles, myriad themes and subjects (including a strong streak of spirituality in diverse forms) and an adventurous commitment to a broad international range, Aperture has had a profound impact on the course of fine-art photography. The texts and visuals in this anthology were selected by Peter C. Bunnell, White's protégé and an early member of the Aperture staff, who went on to become a major force in photography as an influential writer, curator and professor. Several articles are reproduced in facsimile, and the publication is enlivened throughout by other features, including a portfolio of exceptional covers, as well as a selection of the colophons (short statements or quotes) that appeared at the front of each magazine.
  • Canon EOS 5D Mark III 完全攻略


    《Canon EOS 5D Mark3完全攻略》以一个摄影人真正使用的角度,全方位地分析和阐述了佳能全画幅新品EOS 5D Mark Ⅲ数码单反相机的特点和优势,不仅从按钮的操控、菜单的设置进行了详细的分析,而且对于相机自定义功能的合理选择和设置进行了深入的剖析。针对EOS 5D Mark Ⅲ的特色,总结出了包括曝光模式选择、浏览模式选择、景深运用技巧、完美影像设置在内的关键使用技巧。同时,针对晨昏、夜景、水景、云海、雨雾、花卉、人像、婚#h8种常见场景的摄影技巧,进行了专题解析。除此之外,还对于25种适配镜头的选择、11种摄影附件的选择、后期RAW格式的处理等方面提出专业化的建议。