

  • Crafting Your Research Future

    作者:Charles Ling,Qiang Y

    What is it like to be a researcher or a scientist? For young people, including graduate students and junior faculty members in universities, how can they identify good ideas for research? How do they conduct solid research to verify and realize their new ideas? How can they formulate their ideas and research results into high-quality articles, and publish them in highly competitive journals and conferences? What are effective ways to supervise graduate students so that they can establish themselves quickly in their research careers? In this book, Ling and Yang answer these questions in a step-by-step manner with specific and concrete examples from their first-hand research experience.
  • 杜子华英语成功学


  • 专为中国人写的超右脑开发训练


    《专为中国人写的超右脑开发训练》是国际右脑开发权威七田真博士,将50多年的研究和实践成果,结合中国人的学习特点,专门设计了一套简单易学、操作性强的基础训练,旨在帮助大家从根本上提高记忆力、策划力、判断力、速读能力及语言学习能力。 通过眼部肌肉训练、残像训练,唤醒右脑的照相记忆能力; 通过捂住耳朵大量反复地朗读,引发深层右脑的共振共鸣机能; 通过5分钟短文默写训练,打开右脑自动记忆信息的回路; 通过中英文对照高速视听读训练,锻炼右脑自动处理信息的能力…… 教你全面开发右脑的方法,彻底唤醒沉睡的右脑潜能!
  • 改变提问,改变人生(原书第2版)

    作者:(美)梅若李•亚当斯(Marilee A

    这样的问题是否常常萦绕于你的脑海,挥之不去: “为什么我如此失败?” “他们为什么都那么笨?” “何必白费劲?” 当你问自己这些问题的时候,是否感到不知所措,仿佛生活中的一切都开始破碎?也许你正陷入本书所介绍的“评判者泥潭”。 本书的主人公奔也许比你的情况更糟:他在新的领导岗位上岌岌可危,同时与新婚不到一年的妻子关系越来越紧张。他曾一度觉得自己是一个彻头彻尾的输家,那绝对是个惆怅的家伙!幸运的是,在探询教练约瑟夫的帮助下,奔发现自己的问题源于错误的思维方式,这种“评判者心态”最终让他陷入了泥潭。为了逃离评判者漩涡,他试着用约瑟夫教授的“提问式思维”观察自己的想法和感受,探索达成有利结果的更好的问题。正确的问题引导他做出了更明智的选择。“提问式思维”的工具和技能不但挽救了他的职业生涯,还挽救了他的婚姻。 真正的改变永远始于思想的改变,思想的改变体现在你向自己提出了正确的问题。所谓“正确的”问题,就是那些赋予他人力量的问题,而非令人泄气的问题。正确的问题将会带你找到解决问题的方法,你的家庭、婚姻、工作、人际关系甚至人生,将因此而改变。
  • 番茄工作法图解

    作者:[瑞典]Staffan N?teberg

    番茄工作法是弗朗西斯科•西里洛于1992年创立的。他在大学生活的头几年,曾一度苦于学习效率低下,“于是我和自己打赌,下猛药,狠狠鄙视自己说:‘我能学一会儿习吗?真正学上10分钟?’我得找个计时教练,谁来替我掐表呢?后来我找到了,是一枚厨房定时器,形状像‘西红柿’(Pomodoro ,意大利语的‘番茄’)。就这样,我邂逅了我的番茄钟。” 番茄工作法是一套简单的工具和流程,用以提升你个人和所在团队的生产力,从而做到:  减轻时间焦虑  提升集中力和注意力,减少中断  增强决策意识  唤醒激励和持久激励  巩固达成目标的决心  完善预估流程,精确地保质保量  改进工作学习流程  强化决断力,快刀斩乱麻
  • 印象笔记留给你的空间


    在一个时间和知识都极度被碎片化的时代,很多事情已经变得不可逆,我们唯一能做的就是提高自己的能力,让自己更好地驾驭工作、生活、学习等众多方面。《印象笔记留给你的空间——Evernote伴你成长》便是帮助你构建自己的知识体系,建立自己个人管理系统的书籍。Evernote 在《印象笔记留给你的空间——Evernote伴你成长》中充当了桥梁,作为一款广泛流行的笔记软件,它可以帮助我们更方便快捷地构建自己的个人管理系统。《印象笔记留给你的空间——Evernote伴你成长》不仅探讨如何使用Evernote 帮助我们提高个人效能,帮助自我成长,同时也留给读者很多自我想象的空间,Evernote 使用经验固然重要,构建属于自己的理念更为重要,这也是《印象笔记留给你的空间——Evernote伴你成长》创作的初衷。享受工具带给我们的惊喜,同时也将构建自己的个人管理系统提上日程吧。
  • Evernote超效率數位筆記術


    在雲端、App開始深深影響人們工作的現在,你還在傻傻的使用紙本筆記嗎?你想不想開始一個更有效率、更容易回憶的數位生活? 對資訊大爆炸、工作大爆量的上班族、學生與任何有這類困擾的人來說,你首先應該學會「筆記」這件事,把你的任務、想法、知識與所有生命的一切美好事物,用聰明的方法筆記下來。 接著,你應該把筆記「數位化」,把屬於你的記憶和資料儲存到雲端、到App,到網站,到任何你可以隨時獲取,隨時整理,永遠不用遺失與忘記的地方。 而這時候你需要的就是「Evernote」,一個雲端的數位筆記本,一個全球有2000萬用戶,台灣有30萬用戶的服務(中文服務在2010年12月推出),一個在iPhone、iPad、Android上永遠雄霸排行榜第一名的筆記App。 本書要教會你兩件事: 1. 最聰明的數位筆記方法。 2. 把人生一切事物存入Everntoe的技巧。 現在開始,清空你的大腦、排程你的任務、整理你的資訊、儲存你的知識、記住你的回憶,把這些東西都交給Evernote,成為更有效率的上班族、更懂得學習的學生,以及更融入數位生活的現代人。
  • 搞定Ⅱ


    《搞定2:提升工作与生活效率的52项原则》内容简介:在戴维•艾伦的《搞定1:无压工作的艺术》中,他推出了具有突破意义的GTD时间管理系统。他曾在美国各地以及微软、L.L.Bean公司、美国海军等顶级机构举办研讨班传授这些方法。现在,这位个人效率大师要了解读者效率受阻的原因,为我们展示如何更轻松、高效、无压力地做好各种工作和生活上的事情,如何集中精力、发挥创造力、让目标更明晰;鼓励我们去采取行动,在各方面的活动中实现更轻松的控制,以最佳状态工作和生活。 《搞定2》以艾伦备受欢迎的电子通讯为基础,为我们提出了52个原则: ●为发挥创造力清空大脑 ●集中注意力 ●创建有效果的结构 ●采取行动让工作运转起来 整体而言,艾伦提出的简单而高效的原则可以帮助我们精通效率这个心智游戏,即他所谓的“管理你的心智,而不是你的时间”。通过这本书,我们可以学会如何把武术家平静的关注方式拿来,应对每天面对的选择、决策、以及新情况。每一项原则——从“放慢速度以提升速度”到“未来目标的价值,在于它当前培育的变化”,都在鼓励我们用新颖的方法去思考自己的行为、遇到的阻力和具备的优势。
  • 社会人类学方法


  • 我们关于外间世界的知识


    伯特兰·罗素是20世纪声誉卓著、影响深远的伟大思想家,本书是他的一部名著,也是早期分析哲学运动的一部经典之作,原系罗素为哈佛大学洛威尔讲座所写的讲稿,共有8讲。在这些讲演中,他试图通过一些例子来说明“哲学上逻辑分析方法的性质、能力和限度”,因为逻辑分析是哲学上惟一科学的方法,体现着一种新的哲学的本质特征 从这部语言精练的著作中,我们可以回溯到产生伊始的分析哲学思想。
  • A General Theory of Institutional Change

    作者:Shiping Tang

    Institutional change is a central driving force behind social changes, and thus a central topic in all major fields of social sciences. Yet, no general theory of institutional change exists. Drawing from a diverse literature, this book develops a general theory of institutional change, based on a social evolutionary synthesis of the conflict approach and the harmony approach. The book argues that because the whole process of institutional change can be understood as a process of selecting a few ideas and turning them into institutions, competition of ideas and struggle for power to make rules are often at the heart of institutional change. The general theory not only integrates more specific theories and insights on institutional change that have been scattered in different fields into a coherent general theory but also provides fundamental new insights and points to new directions for future research. This book makes a fundamental contribution to all major fields of social sciences: sociology (sociological theory), political sciences, institutional economics, and political theory. It should be of general interest to scholars and students in all major fields of social science.
  • A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition

    作者:Kate L. Turabian

    Dewey. Bellow. Strauss. Friedman. The University of Chicago has been the home of some of the most important thinkers of the modern age. But perhaps no name has been spoken with more respect than Turabian. The dissertation secretary at Chicago for decades, Kate Turabian literally wrote the book on the successful completion and submission of the student paper. Her Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations , created from her years of experience with research projects across all fields, has sold more than seven million copies since it was first published in 1937. Now, with this seventh edition, Turabian’s Manual has undergone its most extensive revision, ensuring that it will remain the most valuable handbook for writers at every level—from first-year undergraduates, to dissertation writers apprehensively submitting final manuscripts, to senior scholars who may be old hands at research and writing but less familiar with new media citation styles. Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and the late Wayne C. Booth—the gifted team behind The Craft of Research —and the University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff combined their wide-ranging expertise to remake this classic resource. They preserve Turabian’s clear and practical advice while fully embracing the new modes of research, writing, and source citation brought about by the age of the Internet. Booth, Colomb, and Williams significantly expand the scope of previous editions by creating a guide, generous in length and tone,to the art of research and writing. Growing out of the authors’ best-selling Craft of Research , this new section provides students with an overview of every step of the research and writing process, from formulating the right questions to reading critically to building arguments and revising drafts. This leads naturally to the second part of the Manual for Writers , which offers an authoritative overview of citation practices in scholarly writing, as well as detailed information on the two main citation styles (“notes-bibliography” and “author-date”). This section has been fully revised to reflect the recommendations of the fifteenth edition of The Chicago Manual of Style and to present an expanded array of source types and updated examples, including guidance on citing electronic sources. The final section of the book treats issues of style—the details that go into making a strong paper. Here writers will find advice on a wide range of topics, including punctuation, table formatting, and use of quotations. The appendix draws together everything writers need to know about formatting research papers, theses, and dissertations and preparing them for submission. This material has been thoroughly vetted by dissertation officials at colleges and universities across the country. This seventh edition of Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations is a classic reference revised for a new age. It is tailored to a new generation of writers using tools its original author could not have imagined—while retaining the clarity and authority that generations of scholars have come to associate with the name Turabian.
  • Survey Methodology (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology)

    作者:Robert M. Groves,Flo

    An accessible introduction to the science and application of sample surveys Over the past two decades, survey research has evolved significantly. Survey Methodology describes the basic principles of survey design discovered in methodological research over recent years and offers guidance for making successful decisions in the design and execution of high quality surveys. Written by six nationally recognized experts in the field, this book covers the major considerations in designing and conducting a sample survey. Topical, accessible, and succinct, this book represents the state of the science in survey methodology. Employing the "total survey error" paradigm as an organizing framework, it merges the science of surveys with state-of-the-art practices. End-of-chapter terms, references, and exercises enhance its value as a reference for practitioners and as a text for advanced students.
  • 做好社会研究的10个关键


  • 社会科学研究:从思维开始(第10版)

    作者:肯尼斯·赫文(Kenneth Hoove

    长销欧美三十年,时间见证价值 • 这是一本绝不晦涩的方法论书,跟随作者的讲解,即使基础薄弱也能一步步领会“科学”的要义,学会科学研究的基本步骤。是每一个即将做、正在做、还要做社会科学研究的人都不应该错过的书。 • 本书一反方法论书长篇累牍的传统,在精巧的谋篇布局中,将当代社会科学研究范式的精髓一一呈现。 • 10版——不断完善,获得一代又一代读者认可。 本书不是很深奥,事实上它是社会科学的入门读物,旨在帮助那些使用社会科学研究成果的人和那些将迈开研究生涯第一步的研究者。概念从何而来?何为变量?为何要科学思维?有关现实的假设如何区别于其他的陈述?其相似性是什么?本书将解答这类基本问题。 本书意图帮助读者识破有关社会科学的某些错误印象,尽可能使他们正确地踏出研究的第一步,至于研究技巧的详尽细节,则有待参考其他更详细、更专业的资料。 全书强调科学对现实的检验,这种检验是我们赖以认识世界构成的一种过程。这种对科学的介绍体现了作者对待科学的基本价值观———人们既应当在社会科学方法的具体运用中,也应当在日常思维中保持科学的态度。
  • Forbidden Fruit

    作者:Richard Ned Lebow

    Could World War I have been averted if Franz Ferdinand and his wife hadn't been murdered by Serbian nationalists in 1914? What if Ronald Reagan had been killed by Hinckley's bullet? Would the Cold War have ended as it did? In "Forbidden Fruit", Richard Ned Lebow develops protocols for conducting robust counterfactual thought experiments and uses them to probe the causes and contingency of transformative international developments like World War I and the end of the Cold War. He uses experiments, surveys, and a short story to explore why policymakers, historians, and international relations scholars are so resistant to the contingency and indeterminism inherent in open-ended, nonlinear systems. Most controversially, Lebow argues that the difference between counterfactual and so-called factual arguments is misleading, as both can be evidence-rich and logically persuasive. A must-read for social scientists, "Forbidden Fruit" also examines the binary between fact and fiction and the use of counterfactuals in fictional works like Philip Roth's "The Plot Against America" to understand complex causation and its implications for who we are and what we think makes the social world work.
  • 两种传承

    作者:加里·格尔茨 (Gary Goertz)

    定性和定量研究者在方法论导向和研究实践方面都采取了不同的方式,而且这两类研究者之间存在着误解和勉强的交流。本书将社会科学中的定量和定性研究作为独立的传承加以分析,在学术上促进理解这些传承在哪些方面存在差异以及差异背后的原理何在。 和KKV《社会科学中的研究设计:定性研究中的科学推断》一书的著名论断“定量与定性研究传统仅在风格上有差异,并且这些差异在方法论和实质意义上都不重要”不同,本书强调定量和定性研究的差异,某种程度上,这本书可谓KKV一书的姊妹篇。
  • Experimental Political Science and the Study of Causality

    作者:Rebecca B. Morton,Ke

    Increasingly, political scientists are describing their empirical research or the reasoning behind their choices in empirical research using the terms "experiment" or "experimental." One of the primary reasons for doing so is the advantage of experiments in establishing causal inferences. In this book, Rebecca B. Morton and Kenneth C. Williams discuss in detail how experiments and experimental reasoning with observational data can help researchers determine causality. They explore how control and random assignment mechanisms work, examining both the Rubin causal model and the formal theory approaches to causality. They also cover general topics in experimentation such as the history of experimentation in political science; internal and external validity of experimental research; types of experiments - field, laboratory, virtual, and survey - and how to choose, recruit, and motivate subjects in experiments. They investigate ethical issues in experimentation, the process of securing approval from institutional review boards for human subject research, and the use of deception in experimentation.
  • Redesigning Social Inquiry

    作者:Charles C. Ragin

    For over twenty years Charles C. Ragin has been at the forefront of the development of innovative methods for social scientists. In "Redesigning Social Inquiry", he continues his campaign to revitalize the field, challenging major aspects of the conventional template for social science research while offering a clear alternative."Redesigning Social Inquiry" provides a substantive critique of the standard approach to social research - namely, assessing the relative importance of causal variables drawn from competing theories. Instead, Ragin proposes the use of set-theoretic methods to find a middle path between quantitative and qualitative research. Through a series of contrasts between fuzzy-set analysis and conventional quantitative research, Ragin demonstrates the capacity for set-theoretic methods to strengthen connections between qualitative researchers' deep knowledge of their cases and quantitative researchers' elaboration of cross-case patterns. Packed with useful examples, "Redesigning Social Inquiry" will be indispensable to experienced professionals and to budding scholars about to embark on their first project.
  • Paradigms and Sand Castles

    作者:Barbara Geddes