

  • 怎样证明数学题

    作者:Daniel J. Velleman

    面对证明题,你是否一脸茫然、不知所措呢?是不是迫切需要一个人来教你写证明呢?本书将带给你惊喜,教你一步一步地构造证明的框架。阅读本书不需要太多的知识背景,只需要你具有高中数学基础。为了让你熟悉数学语言,作者从构建证明的基础——逻辑和集合论的基本概念讲起。丰富的示例,大量的习题,足以让你在它的指导下掌握证明的“游戏规则”。新版添加了200多个练习题,并且附录中给出部分练习的答案或提示。其中一些习题可以用计算机软件Proof Designer来解答,作者还在附录中介绍了Proof Designer软件。 本书深受好评,众多读者受益于本书,学会了如何证明数学题。无论你来自什么背景,是从事计算机科学还是哲学、语言学,只要你对逻辑和证明感兴趣,就应该仔细研读这本书。研究数学的师生更是不可错过本书。
  • 回归分析


  • 数学思维导论

    作者:[美] Keith Devlin

    许多大学新生都曾在从中学数学到大学数学的过渡过程中遇到过困难。他们突然发现自己要面对的似乎是一种全新的数学,被要求学会用一种不同于往的方式思考。同时,各行各业的从业者也越来越深刻地意识到,现如今,优秀的分析思维能力比以往任何时候都更加重要,而具备“数学思维技能”的人会在竞争中占据巨大优势。 本书正是这样一本写给高中生、大学生以及所有希望提高分析思维能力者的数学思维入门书。它将教你学会像数学家一样思考,顺利完成从中学数学到大学数学的过渡,或者让你掌握在各行各业获得成功必备的关键性思维能力。 阅读本书只需高中程度的数学。同时,本书也是Coursera热门课程《数学思维导论》的配套教科书,结合线上课程,必能获得更好的学习效果。
  • 让数据告诉你


    《让数据告诉你》用一种比较通俗的方式向大学生介绍数据分析的基础知识和基本方法,以帮助他们全面理解和正确把握数据、培养定量化的思维方式。在五彩缤纷的现实世界中,到处充斥着数字。这些数字有时会让人看得眼花缭乱,使人心绪不宁。因此,数据的收集、处理、分析尤为重要。掌握正确的数据收集、数据处理、数据分析的方法,由表及里、去伪存真,是人们在学习、生活、工作中必不可少的。 《让数据告诉你》具有以下特点:叙述浅显,书中假设《让数据告诉你》读者没有学过《高等数学》课程,所以全书没有包含任何数学公式的推导,而采用叙述的方式引入重要的概念,同时把计算公式压缩到最低的限度;案例丰富,书中大量采用案例引入主题;内容完整,《让数据告诉你》除介绍数据采集和数据分析外,还介绍了概率和数据决策方面的内容。
  • What Is Mathematics?

    作者:Richard Courant,Herb

    For more than two thousand years a familiarity with mathematics has been regarded as an indispensable part of the intellectual equipment of every cultured person. Today, unfortunately, the traditional place of mathematics in education is in grave danger. The teaching and learning of mathematics has degenerated into the realm of rote memorization, the outcome of which leads to satisfactory formal ability but does not lead to real understanding or to greater intellectual independence. This new edition of Richard Courant's and Herbert Robbins's classic work seeks to address this problem. Its goal is to put the meaning back into mathematics. Written for beginners and scholars, for students and teachers, for philosophers and engineers, What is Mathematics?, Second Edition is a sparkling collection of mathematical gems that offers an entertaining and accessible portrait of the mathematical world. Covering everything from natural numbers and the number system to geometrical constructions and projective geometry, from topology and calculus to matters of principle and the Continuum Hypothesis, this fascinating survey allows readers to delve into mathematics as an organic whole rather than an empty drill in problem solving. With chapters largely independent of one another and sections that lead upward from basic to more advanced discussions, readers can easily pick and choose areas of particular interest without impairing their understanding of subsequent parts. Brought up to date with a new chapter by Ian Stewart, What is Mathematics?, Second Edition offers new insights into recent mathematical developments and describes proofs of the Four-Color Theorem and Fermat's Last Theorem, problems that were still open when Courant and Robbins wrote this masterpiece, but ones that have since been solved. Formal mathematics is like spelling and grammar--a matter of the correct application of local rules. Meaningful mathematics is like journalism--it tells an interesting story. But unlike some journalism, the story has to be true. The best mathematics is like literature--it brings a story to life before your eyes and involves you in it, intellectually and emotionally. What is Mathematics is like a fine piece of literature--it opens a window onto the world of mathematics for anyone interested to view.
  • 争辩力


    ***一句话概括*** 这么吵架你就赢了!让内心善良,却不会自我保护的人震动及改变。畅销10年、重印30次的经典之作,精彩呈现你不知道的争辩心理学! ***详细介绍*** 让自己表达观点的权利受到尊重,才能更好地保护自己的心理界限。 如何在与他人对峙的威压之下,表达和坚持自己的观点?本书用简练易懂的语言和插图,对争辩心理学的知识进行了讲解,还举例说明如何使用书中易学易用的辩论技巧,来帮助读者学会如何赢得一场争辩。 当你赢得争辩之后如何获得对手的支持?输了争辩之后如何应对才能全身而退?如何化解非输即赢的困境?——书中也会给你具有现实意义的处理方案。 这本书带给读者的益处不在于书本身。更重要的是,它可以提醒你:隐忍不能带来和谐的人际关系,当你能够游刃有余的表达出相反的观点时,你的人际关系才是真正舒适的。 ***本书理念*** 争辩是形式,沟通是内容。 完美沟通=60%倾听+30%表达+10%争辩。 ***本书特色*** *畅销10年、重印30次的经典之作。精彩呈现你所不知道的争辩力心理学。 *日本心理学家精彩解读,带你洞悉“心理战”的全过程。 *实打实助你提高争辩力,50种方法总有一种适合你。 *特邀心理专家进行案例分析,深度解读如何使用本书。 ***编辑推荐*** 本书能够让内心善良、不会自我保护的人震动及改变。 它可以帮你做到:优雅地争论,谦逊地胜出,适时地和解。 不必忍气吞声,也不会留下隐患。
  • 给予者


    编辑推荐: 移动互联网时代,各种社交软件大幅扩展了我们的交际圈,也使得人与人之间的实时联系更为紧密,如果能够充分利用这样的契机,你就可以建立比以往任何时代都要强大的人脉,反之则会让你的社交圈子如一盘散沙或一团乱麻般毫无头绪。在创业创新持续升温不断,人们对自身职业定位和未来发展要求日益提高的今天,更是如此。 如果你仅仅依靠传统手段去维系你的职业社交圈,显然已经落在了时代后面,被《福布斯》评为“超级给予者”的商业思想领袖朱迪•罗宾奈特认为,若要建立超强人脉,为他人提供价值,进而成为一名“给予者”至关重要。 《给予者》是一本教你如何在互联网时代创立出众、高效人脉网络的必读之书。读完本书,你会发现聚合一群具有类似价值观、做事靠谱、沟通顺畅的朋友,以此来提升自己,开拓职业生涯的全新局面并非难事。 内容简介: 商业思想领袖朱迪•罗宾奈特被《福布斯》等媒体称为“超级给予者”,在连接人脉网络和社会资本方面展示了惊人的能力,并由此在创投领域获得了巨大的成功。每个人在生活中都需要别人的帮助,希望获得资本以及客户等各类资源。但如何才能获得资源?怎样才能与掌握各种自己所需资源的人建立起联系?《给予者》告诉我们,科学而高效地建立和管理自己的人脉,不仅可以让自己获得他人的帮助,更可以使自己成为帮助别人的贵人,在“给予”中获得惊人的成长。 当你成为一名“给予者”时,你获得的将远超想象。
  • 如何做好文献综述(第3版)


    如果你已迷失在数以百计的文献中,不知如何才能识别和了解这些海量信息,也不知该使用什么标准来区分好的和差的研究?这本书兴许可以帮到你: •本书就是要教会你识别、解释和分析已发表和未发表的研究文献。 •书中随处可见作者精心设计的评估文献质量的一览表,为你确定文献取舍的标准,助你精确定位高质量的文献。 •作者“三步一‘小例’,五步一‘大例’”,带你置身丰富的实例之中,让你对好的文献综述好在哪儿,差的文献综述又如何改进有更直观的体会。
  • 政治学博弈论

    作者:[美] 詹姆斯·D. 莫罗

    《政治学博弈论》是一本在西方久负盛名的专为政治学与国际关系领域学者和学生写作的博弈论教材。它不像弗登博格与梯若尔的《博弈论》那样需要较高深的数学背景,也不像迪克西特与奈尔伯夫的《策略思维》那样满足于对博弈思维的浅显介绍。《政治学博弈论》一书可以说做到了中庸,它系统地介绍了博弈论,使读者能初步掌握这一研究工具,同时又不需要高深的数学,并且书中也提供了对于一些数学基本概念的介绍。不仅如此,这本书对于我们了解博弈论在政治学与国际关系领域的应用非常有帮助,它围绕该领域的四个重要问题——立法规则的作用、国际危机中的威慑、大众选举中的投票、讨价还价等——由浅入深地展示了如何用博弈论来分析政治问题。虽然这本书英文版出版年份较早(1994年),但那时美国的政治学研究刚刚经历过一个形式化建模在政治学中发展的黄金时期,本书中所总结的此前的研究成果对于今天尚处于形式化建模起步阶段的中国政治学来说尤为有益与合适,对形式化建模感兴趣的中国政治学研究者可以透过本书扎实掌握这一领域的学术基础。 《政治学博弈论》致力于在不要求有广泛的数学背景的条件下为政治学者详尽而谨慎地介绍博弈论的精华思想。其目标是让读者有能力求解他们自己的模型。我希望读者会获得对博弈论基本概念的理解、解答博弈模型的能力以及关于应用于政治学的基本模型的一些知识。
  • 分析性叙述


  • Rethinking Social Inquiry

    作者:Brady, Henry E. (EDT

    When it was first published, DESIGNING SOCIAL INQUIRY, by political scientists Gary King, Robert Keohane, and Sidney Verba, at once struck chords of controversy. As it became one of the best-selling methodology books in memory, it continued to spark debate in journal articles, conference panels, and books. RETHINKING SOCIAL INQUIRY is a major new effort by a broad range of leading scholars to offer a cohesive set of reflections on DESIGNING SOCIAL INQUIRY's quest for common standards drawn from quantitative methodology. While vigorously agreeing to the need for common standards, the essays in RETHINKING SOCIAL INQUIRY argue forcefully that these standards must be drawn from exemplary qualitative research as well as the best quantitative studies. The essays make the case that good social science requires a set of diverse tools for inquiry. Key additions to the seminal pieces gathered here include an original overview of DESIGNING SOCIAL INQUIRY, a new essay on evaluating causation, and a concluding chapter that draws together basic issues in the ongoing methodological debate.
  • Social Science Concepts

    作者:Goertz, Gary

    Concepts lie at the core of social science theory and methodology. They provide substance to theories; they form the basis of measurement; they influence the selection of cases. "Social Science Concepts: A Users Guide" explores alternative means of concept construction and their impact on the role of concepts in measurement, case selection, and theories. While there exists a plethora of books on measurement, scaling, and the like, there are virtually no books devoted to the construction and analysis of concepts and their role in the research enterprise. "Social Science Concepts: A Users Guide" provides detailed and practical advice on the construction and use of social science concepts; a Web site provides classroom exercises. It uses a wide range of examples from political science and sociology such as revolution, welfare state, international disputes and war, and democracy to illustrate the theoretical and practical issues of concept construction and use. It explores the means of constructing complex, multilevel, and multidimensional concepts. In particular, it examines the classic necessary and sufficient condition approach to concept building and contrasts it with the family resemblance approach. The consequences of valid concept construction are explored in both qualitative and quantitative analyses. "Social Science Concepts: A Users Guide" will prove an indispensable guide for graduate students and scholars in the social sciences. More broadly, it will appeal to scholars in any field who wish to think more carefully about the concepts used to create theories and research designs. For Course Use: "Social Science Concepts: A Users Guide" has been written with classroom use in mind. Many of the chapters have been successfully taught at the Annual Training Institute on Qualitative Research Methods which is sponsored by the Consortium on Qualitative Research Methods. Feedback from those experiences has been incorporated into the text. Each chapter provides useful, practical, and detailed advice on how to construct, evaluate, and use concepts. To make the volume more useful, an extensive set of classroom exercises is available. These include questions about prominent published work on concepts, measures, and case selection; in addition there are logic exercises and questions regarding large-N applications.
  • Case Study Research

    作者:John Gerring

    Case Study Research: Principles and Practices aims to provide a general understanding of the case study method as well as specific tools for its successful implementation. These tools can be utilized in all fields where the case study method is prominent, including business, anthropology, communications, economics, education, medicine, political science, social work, and sociology. Topics include the definition of a 'case study,' the strengths and weaknesses of this distinctive method, strategies for choosing cases, an experimental template for understanding research design, and the role of singular observations in case study research. It is argued that a diversity of approaches - experimental, observational, qualitative, quantitative, ethnographic - may be successfully integrated into case study research. This book breaks down traditional boundaries between qualitative and quantitative, experimental and nonexperimental, positivist and interpretivist.
  • Process-Tracing Methods

    作者:Beach, Derek,Pederse

    rocess-tracing in social science is a method for studying causal mechanisms linking causes with outcomes. This enables the researcher to make strong inferences about how a cause (or set of causes) contributes to producing an outcome. Derek Beach and Rasmus Brun Pedersen introduce a refined definition of process-tracing, differentiating it into three distinct variants and explaining the applications and limitations of each. The authors develop the underlying logic of process-tracing, including how one should understand causal mechanisms and how Bayesian logic enables strong within-case inferences. They provide instructions for identifying the variant of process-tracing most appropriate for the research question at hand and a set of guidelines for each stage of the research process.
  • Social Research Methods

    作者:W. Lawrence Neuman

  • 政治学研究方法


    • 教科书 本书是一本内容全面而详实的政治学研究方法入门教科书,为学生提供了政治学研究的基础指导。 • 双并重 作者在组织材料时,坚持定性与定量方法并重、理论与实践并重,对研究方法的介绍并不停留在抽象的概念上,而是辅以应用的实例,向读者展示具体操作的步骤。借助互联网丰富的资源,构建起了立体的教学体系。 • 新知识 本书对最近一、二十年来在政治学领域异军突起的批判理论和诠释理论做了较为详细的介绍,而这些内容是传统方法论教科书中不多见的。
  • 文化人类学调查


  • 学术写作手册


    《学术写作手册》为忙碌的学术人员提供了实用的建议,帮助他们将写作融入工作生活。它重新定义了学术写作,以及从开始到结束的整个过程。它所包含的主题有: • 如何获得动力; • 审读和修改 • 自我管理 • 坚持写作不辍 • 写作小组和“写作者之家” 学术写作对所有的学术人员和研究者而言都是一项必须面对的使命。在有些学科,会有如何成为一个高产的成功写作者的相关指导;但是在有的学科却缺乏此类训练、指引。这本书帮助上述两类学术写作者改进他们的写作技巧和写作策略,同时也帮助他们从经常并且高效的写作中获得满足。
  • 量表编制


    《量表编制:理论与应用(第2版)》简介:测量是社会和行为研究中重要的手段,不论研究的其他方面计划和执行得多好,测量可以使一项研究成功或者失败。《量表编制:理论与应用(第2版)》可以为您在测量中的量表编制工作提供有效的帮助。 《量表编制:理论与应用(第2版)》采用图表的形式,使复杂的统计和测量学原理直观明了地展现于读者面前。 《量表编制:理论与应用(第2版)》采用类比的方式宋代替数学化的术语,使内容浅显易懂。 《量表编制:理论与应用(第2版)》中大量的量表编制方面的实例,为读者提供了可操作性的范本。 点击链接进入新版: 量表编制:理论与应用(第2版)
  • Counterfactuals and Causal Inference

    作者:Stephen L. Morgan,Ch

    Did mandatory busing programs in the 1970s increase the school achievement of disadvantaged minority youth? Does obtaining a college degree increase an individual's labor market earnings? Did the use of the butterfly ballot in some Florida counties in the 2000 presidential election cost Al Gore votes? If so, was the number of miscast votes sufficiently large to have altered the election outcome? At their core, these types of questions are simple cause-and-effect questions. Simple cause-and-effect questions are the motivation for much empirical work in the social sciences. This book presents a model and set of methods for causal effect estimation that social scientists can use to address causal questions such as these. The essential features of the counterfactual model of causality for observational data analysis are presented with examples from sociology, political science, and economics.