

  • The Seminar of Jacques Lacan XIX : . . .Ou Pire/ . . .Or Worse 1971-1972

    作者:Jacques Lacan

    From unedited French manuscripts
  • The Seminar of Jacques Lacan VIII : Transference

    作者:Jacques Lacan

    From unedited French manuscripts
  • The Seminar of Jacques Lacan IX : Identification

    作者:Jacques Lacan

    Lacanian Psychoanalysis From unedited French manuscripts
  • The Seminar of Jacques Lacan : The Knowledge of the Psychoanalyst 1971-1972

    作者:Jacques Lacan

    From unedited French manuscripts
  • 通过身体思考


  • 有人说过集权主义吗?


  • 發現無意識(IV)

    作者:艾倫柏格,Henri F. Ellenb

    本套書以珍貴的第一手資料、社會建構的醫學史觀,深入而廣泛地探討動力精神醫學的演進。作者從社會經濟、政治、文化、醫學背景、眾多相關人物的性格及處境,去瞭解動力精神醫學體系的起源、思想源流及意義,進而帶領讀者探索人類心靈的基本結構及運作樣貌,包括大師們的心靈。 第四冊《新動力精神醫學發展史》以編年方式,並置新動力精神醫學中的事件和當代的重多社會、文化政治事件。重現大量的原始資料,進而剖析新動力精神醫學發展的因素。戰爭、政治、審判、文藝風潮、國際事件和精神醫學發展交迭,描繪出一幅包含縱深與橫寬的歷史與學術的圖示。 本套書作者艾倫伯格的恢宏的企圖和成果,不只是醫學史學生,對於西方人文、社會、學術、歷史有興趣的讀者都當有幸親炙之。二十一世紀的開端,文明的衝突將人類發展的危機白熱化,身處華文世界的我們或可藉由閱讀《發現無意識》,窺探西方文明發展的精神軌跡。 ●目錄 《當代精神分析》總序∕王浩威 《發現無意識》導讀∕王文基 《發現無意識》譯介∕劉絮愷 前言 第一章 新動力精神醫學的興起與衰頹 第二章 新動力精神醫學發展因素分析:總結 重要譯名對照及索引
  • 敏感的主体


  • 佛洛伊德與女性


    女人要什么?弗洛伊德坦诚,对精神分析而言,这是个尚未探讨的大问题。然而,这个大问题也是对于精神分析真理的检验,借此可以揭露精神分析的本质。 作者保罗罗宏亚舜,在本书中详细研读弗洛伊德,建立一个与母亲的关系为基础的“女性意愿”模型,而这模型的运作宛如俄狄浦斯情结的女性版。 本书是对弗洛伊德著作的反思,作者分析弗洛伊德笔下女性的相关主题,如:巫婆、歇斯底里患者等等;更从男人的女性症状,到社会中赋予女性的最初塑像等议题,重新定义精神分析中女性的地位。 这是一本丰富且具原创性的书,融合了弗洛伊德笔下的分析材料,以及作者本人的议论,最终目的在于向精神分析之父道出:“所有他想过但从来不敢写的东西。”
  • 哲學與精神分析的對談


    哲學與精神分析的對談,ISBN:9789571151830,作者:Nicole Delattre,出版社:五南出版社
  • Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis

    作者:Robert Samuels

    Using the concepts developed by Lacan to analyse the inner logic of Freud's thought Samuels provides a bridge between Lacanian theory and traditional categories of psychoanalytic theory and practice.

  • How to Read Lacan

    作者:Slavoj Zizek

    The How to Read series provides a context and an explanation that will facilitate and enrich your understanding of texts vital to the canon. These books use excerpts from the major texts to explain essential topics, such as Jacques Lacan's core ideas about enjoyment, which re-created our concept of psychoanalysis. Lacan s motto of the ethics of psychoanalysis involves a profound paradox. Traditionally, psychoanalysis was expected to allow the patient to overcome the obstacles which prevented access to "normal" sexual enjoyment; today, however, we are bombarded by different versions of the injunction "Enjoy!" Psychoanalysis is the only discourse in which you are allowed not to enjoy. Slavoj i ek s passionate defense of Lacan reasserts Lacan s ethical urgency. For Lacan, psychoanalysis is a procedure of reading and each chapter reads a passage from Lacan as a tool to interpret another text from philosophy, art or popular ideology.
  • The Psychology of the Self

    作者:Heinz Kohut,Arnold G

  • Lacan's Seminar on Anxiety

    作者:Roberto Harari

    Designed for novices as well as students of psychology and literary criticism, these systematic lectures do much to clarify Lacan's groundbreaking work on the birth of the subject and its links with Freud's theory of drives. Moreover, they answer some of the criticisms that have been leveled at Lacan by forms of psychoanalysis unable or unwilling to incorporate his ideas.
  • Lacan to the Letter

    作者:Bruce Fink

    To read Lacan closely is to follow him to the letter, to take him literally, making the wager that he comes right out and says what he means in many cases, though much of his argument must be reconstructed through a line-by-line examination. And this is precisely what Bruce Fink does in this ambitious book, a fine analysis of Lacan's work on language and psychoanalytic treatment conducted on the basis of a very close reading of texts in his Icrits: A Selection.As a translator and renowned proponent of Lacan's works, Fink is an especially adept and congenial guide through the complexities of Lacanian literature and concepts. He devotes considerable space to notions that have been particularly prone to misunderstanding, notions such as "the sliding of the signified under the signifier,"or that have gone seemingly unnoticed, such as "the ego is the metonymy of desire." Fink also pays special attention to psychoanalytic concepts, like affect, that Lacan is sometimes thought to neglect, and to controversial concepts, like the phallus.From a parsing of Lacan's claim that "commenting on a text is like doing an analysis," to sustained readings of "The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious," "The Direction of the Treatment," and "Subversion of the Subject" (with particular attention given to the workings of the Graph of Desire), Fink's book is a work of unmatched subtlety, depth, and detail, providing a valuable new perspective on one of the twentieth century's most important thinkers.Bruce Fink is a practicing Lacanian psychoanalyst, analytic supervisor, and professor of psychology at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. He is the author of A Clinical Introduction to LacanianPsychoanalysis (1997) and The Lacanian Subject (1995). He has coedited three volumes on Lacan's seminars and is the translator of Lacan's Seminar XX, On Feminine Sexuality, the Limits of Love and Knowledge (1998), Icrits: A Selection (2002), and Icrits: The Complete Text (forthcoming).
  • An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis

    作者:Charles Brenner

    This standard introduction to psycho-analysis has been thoroughly revised to clarify and refine the concepts presented, and two new chapters have been added. Comprehensive and lucid, Dr. Brenner's volume is the indispensable orientation to the subject for both laymen and students.
  • 弗洛伊德的美学


  • Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis

    作者:Greenson, Ralph R.

  • The Uncanny

    作者:Sigmund Freud

    Freud was fascinated by the mysteries of creativity and the imagination. The groundbreaking works that comprise The Uncanny present some of his most influential explorations of the mind. In these pieces Freud investigates the vivid but seemingly trivial childhood memories that often "screen" deeply uncomfortable desires; the links between literature and daydreaming; and our intensely mixed feelings about things we experience as "uncanny." Also included is Freud's celebrated study of Leonardo Da Vinci-his first exercise in psychobiography.