

  • 热切的渴望:摄影概念的诞生


    《热切的渴望:摄影概念的诞生》是巴钦教授摄影理论研究方面的重要著作。本书收集了大量与摄影早期实践及其环境有关的材料,通过典型的福柯式的分析,提出了“摄影术的出现并非由技术主导,而是来源于对再现瞬间的渴望”这一核心观点。作者的旁征博引与阐幽发微拓展了我们的视野,对摄影史论的研究深具启发意义。 全书由摄影理论翻译家毛卫东翻译,为方便读者更好地理解原作,对一些重要的学术概念另作了详细批注。本书也因此在保持学术权威性的同时兼具可读性,亦可作为摄影史研究的参考资料。
  • 摄影师

    作者:[法]埃曼努埃尔·吉贝尔 编绘,迪迪埃·

    一场封存了20年的人道之旅与战时回忆 还原给你一个真实的阿富汗 首部摄影与漫画结合的纪实文学 为你讲述那被遗忘的民族与历史 摄影与漫画史无前例的艺术结合 回忆录与纪实文学中的罕见杰作 ....... ............ ※编辑推荐※ 这是一部纪实题材的图像小说回忆录,真实再现了上个世纪80年代末苏联-阿富汗战争时期不为人所熟知的历史和民族文化,还有在惨烈的现代战争中为了生存而绝望挣扎的人们。 故事讲述了摄影师迪迪埃跟随无国界医生的一支队伍,从巴基斯坦徒步翻越15座高山进入阿富汗战区,为当地居民提供医疗救援。在这场惊心动魄、几次与死神擦肩而过的旅程中,他用镜头留下了100卷胶卷、近5000张照片的回忆与轶事。 本书涉及的主题非常广泛:信仰、战争、艺术、爱情……不管是对记者、医生,还是对想了解国际关系和历史文化的人来说,都至关重要。美国知名综合类博客Boing Boing是这样评论的:《摄影师》不仅是一本伟大的摄影书和漫画书,更是一部伟大的小说,一部伟大的喜剧,一部伟大的回忆录和一部伟大的历史文本。 ☆《摄影师》现已有法国、美国、日本、德国、俄罗斯等16国语言版本,全球销售近32万册。荣登《世界报》《费加罗报》《纽约时报》《华盛顿邮报》《出版人周刊》等各大榜单。荣获安古兰漫画节“重要作品奖”、美国漫画最高奖“艾斯纳奖”、全球最佳漫画“水晶奖”、法国“漫画戛纳奖”、法国漫画书店推荐大奖、法国广播电台新闻报道类漫画大奖。 ☆从形式上来看,《摄影师》开创了漫画世界新领域。欧洲现实主义漫画家埃曼努埃尔运用了电影中跳跃剪辑的手法,将绘画与摄影无缝连接,创造出紧张、悬疑的戏剧情节。画笔弥补了镜头所未能捕捉的瞬间,照片拓宽了叙事的疆界,两者完美联姻。 ☆为了让读者更深切地感受这段历史,我们买下了《摄影师》的纪录片——《苍穹之下》的版权并翻译制作,感兴趣的朋友可以在各大视频网站搜索“漫画《摄影师》纪录片——苍穹之下”观看,或者关注后浪漫微信公众号,发送信息“摄影师”获取视频。 ................... ※内容简介※ 1986年7月,迪迪埃告别巴黎,开始了他人生中首次重要的拍摄任务:跟随无国界医生的一支团队,深入正处于苏联侵略军与当地民族抵抗势力交战战火中的阿富汗。在为期五个月的艰险旅程中,他用镜头记录下了一些男人和女人的长征:他们努力修复着被别人所摧毁的…… 20年后,法国漫画家埃曼努埃尔用画笔重构了这场惊心动魄的经历,以漫画和照片交叉叙事的方式,创作出这本纪实题材的图像小说回忆录。在这部笑与泪交融的历史文本里,你会看到一个完全不同于你想象的阿富汗,以及那些在个人命运与地缘政治交汇的特殊历史背景下不为人熟知的文化冲突、种族信仰、情感纠葛、人性挣扎…… ................... ※媒体推荐※ ◎ 《摄影师》应该被选为国家级必读书目。 ——《波士顿环球报》 ◎ 《摄影师》是一曲由三位作者共同谱写的复调音乐,充满激情,耐人寻味。照片与漫画史无前例的艺术结合,为这场用图像描绘的旅程增添了独有的力量和人性光辉。 ——《世界报》( Le Monde) ◎ 这一极为真实但却充满英雄色彩的战时人道救援任务行纪,是一首献给经常被遗忘的报告艺术的赞歌。 ——《新观察》(Le nouvel observateur) ◎ 吉贝尔忠实于多形态的设想,为我们带来了这本“杂交漫画书”,借用现实的照片和更为微妙、传奇的画面,展开对故事的讲述,首创战地报道新漫画,无疑是一个巨大的成功。 ——《费加罗报》( Le Figaro) ◎ 在这本书里,你看不到搏斗,看不到被高举的伟大战士,你只能看到一群战争边缘的人在帮助另一群受难的人。若当你读完这本书,开始对带有武器的图片反感时,说明你已经看清了战争的真相。 ——纽约时报书评(The New York Times Book Review) ◎ 阅读《摄影师》是一场非同寻常的体验,你会从中学会体察人心。 ——美国国家公共电台(NPR) ◎ 漫画——这些从现实中提纯的瞬间——与黑白照片互相辉映,用一种罕见但却和谐的视觉力量,使照片的含义得以延伸。MSF成员所面临的极端状况、他们与阿富汗民众之间复杂而震撼人心的关系、以及当地宏伟的壮景,都在其中得以体现。作者从微观的角度,为这场决定性的战事,添加了史诗般的色彩。 ——《电视周刊》(TELERAMA) ◎ 《摄影师》是一本伟大的书,远远超出了图像小说的范畴。 ——出版人周刊(Publishers Weekly) ◎ 令人恐惧、惊骇,又让人感到由衷地快乐······我们应该多些关注和讨论《摄影师》里涉及的议题。 ——美国《青年之声》杂志(VOYA) ◎ 一张小小的照片可以拥有无穷的力量。只看一眼,便能揪起你的整颗心。这一作品的魅力在于,它讲述的不仅仅是一个故事,而是我们的历史。 ——《人类报》(L’Humanite) ◎ 《摄影师》让你哭,让你笑,让你想掏空口袋把钱都捐给英勇无畏的无国界医生。 ——哈特福德新闻报(Hartford Courant) ◎ 迪迪埃·勒费伍尔精湛的摄影照片与埃曼努埃尔·吉贝尔幽默的文字、图画相互融合,成就了一部真实而有吸引力的回忆录。它是图像小说中最好的例证! ——图像小说记者网站(The Graphic Novel ◎ 令人无比惊叹的作品。不管在图画上、叙事上,还是在人道主义的表现上都非常成功。 ——美国漫画情报网站(Newsarama) ◎ 它让你不安,让你痛苦,又时时萦绕在你心头,让你无法忘怀。 ——出版人周刊漫画版评论(Publisher’s Weekly Comics Week) ◎ 让人叹服的、独一无二的阅读体验。 ——行业分析杂志《货架意识》(Shelf Awareness) ◎ 扣人心弦的战地回忆。看战争时期中好的与坏的人性。 ——快报 ................... ※名人推荐※ ○ 在我合上书的那一刻,我终于明白:战争中的难民失去一切意味着什么,翻山越岭只为帮助你从未谋面的人意味着什么,当孩子的一线生命就掌握在你手里时意味着什么。突然间,那片遥远的热土、陌生的异国文化、勇敢而坚韧的民族离我越来越近了······一部充满人性的作品。 ——联合国难民署亲善大使Angelina Jolie ○ 惊人的创意、惊人的力量!这是一部真正鼓舞人心的作品,它给了我们一扇窗口,去了解遭受着战争之苦而不屈不饶的阿富汗人民。 ——《完美风暴》作者塞巴斯蒂安·荣格尔(Sebastian Junger) ○ 这是在我读过的出版物中最惊人的一部。 ——微软全国有线广播电视公司(MSNBC)总裁 ○ 作为漫画中的“杂交新品种”,这本书确实冒着变成“四不像”的危险,可我尽一切所能,使它成为一个易于阅读的好作品。如果说今天它得到了众多读者的肯定,原因很简单,就是它读起来非常有意思。 ——埃曼努埃尔·吉贝尔(本书作者) ○ 我讲述的,是MSF成员深入阿富汗,救助平民百姓的故事。跟他们在一起,我学会了很多东西。在这个故事中,我扮演了最单纯的一个角色,而这也是一名摄影记者能承担的最好的角色。 ——迪迪埃·勒费伍尔(本书作者)
  • Andreas Gursky

    作者:Andreas Gursky

    In his large-format colour photos Gursky usually portrays vast panoramic views: "complete" townscapes, "endless horizons", huge factory halls and packed rooms, frequently from a bird's eye view, always from a great distance. The people in these tableaux, reminiscent of the landscape paintings of romanticism in terms of composition and lighting, are reduced to the size of tiny decorative figures, whose "individuality" seems to drown in the "ornamentation of the masses." Devoid of any trace of reproach or intention to psychologize, Gursky's portraits of exteriors and interiors capturing scenes of work and leisure are subtle descriptions of the condition of our society. Our book, the first major monograph of Gursky's photographic work since 1984, is now available again.
  • NAKATANI―中谷美紀写真集 (大型本)

    作者:田島一成 (著)

    内容(「BOOK」データベースより) この5年間、写真集やタレント本を一切作ろうとしなかった中谷美紀が、「最後の写真集になってもいいように」との思いを込めて企画立案した決定版。ポートレイトあり、ファッション写真あり、ドキュメント写真あり、そして自ら撮影したお笑い写真までも…。女優として、またひとりの24歳の女性として、中谷美紀のすべてが凝縮されたこの『NAKATANI』は、彼女にとって初めてのプライベートな表現作品と呼べるような写真集です。 内容(「MARC」データベースより) これまでほとんどその素顔を明かすことのなかった中谷美紀が自ら企画立案。パリのアパートや街角、ノルマンディーの田園、そして東京のスタジオと、その時折に移り変わっていく彼女の表情を余すところなく収めた夏休みの断片。
  • 图片报道


  • Looking at Photographs

    作者:John Szarkowski

    Originally published in 1973, this marvelous collection of photographs with accompanying texts by the revered late Museum of Modern Art photography curator John Szarkowski has long been recognized as a classic. Reissued in 1999-with new digital duotones-this volume is now available to a new generation of readers.This is a picture book, and its first purpose is to provide the material for simple delectation," says Szarkowski in his introduction to this first survey of The Museum of Modern Art's photography collection. A visually splendid album, the book is both a treasury of remarkable photographs and a lively introduction to the aesthetics and the historical development of photography.Since 1930, when the Museum accessioned its first photograph, it has assembled an extraordinary and wide-ranging collection of pictures for preservation, study and exhibition. Among the outstanding figures represented here are Hill and Adamson, Cameron, O'Sullivan, Atget, Stieglitz, Steichen, Strand, Weston, Kertesz, Evans, Cartier-Bresson, Lange, Brassai, Ansel Adams, Shomei Tomatsu, Frank, Arbus and Friedlander.Some of these photographs are classics, familiar and well-loved favorites, many are surprising, little-known works by the masters of the art."
  • Lee Friedlander

    作者:Lee Friedlander,John

  • Elliott Erwitt

    作者:Elliott Erwitt

  • Patrick Demarchelier

    作者:Patrick Demarchelier

    The unique vision of photographer Patrick Demarchelier is instantly recognizable in the pages of fashion and culture magazines across the globe. He has captured the world's best - known faces and models wearing the latest couture season after season. Yet beyond the inconstancy of celebrity and fashion, the focus of Demarchelier's photography is consistently form. For this book, Demarchelier has selected his most successful and striking images to make a multi-faceted artistic statement. Portraits of personalities ranging from Princess Diana to boxer Oscar de la Hoya are juxtaposed with Demarchelier's most iconic fashion images as well as unpublished work that includes safari animals and sumo wrestlers, people from exotic lands, and evocative underwater nudes that showcase the sensual female form. For anyone with a finger on the pulse of photography, fashion, and art, Forms is not to be missed.
  • A girl like you 君になりたい


  • Joel Meyerowitz

    作者:Joel Meyerowitz,Coli

  • 数码摄影方法


  • 数码摄影完全手册


    这是一个数码影像技术大普及的时代,随着数码器材性价比的不断提高,数码影像的获取、处理以及发布的模式,正在一部分实用摄影领域逐渐取代传统的胶片技术。所以,从现在开始,掌握并且熟悉数码影像的方方面面,将是每一个摄影人的必修课。 在这本手册中,我们给大家提供的既有全新的数字化空间的技术和观念,也保留了多少年来积累的实践经验和影像思维方式,以便让所有喜欢摄影的朋友举一反三,从真正的意义上享受摄影给我们带来的乐趣。
  • The Beautiful Boy

    作者:Germaine Greer

    在线阅读本书 From Adonis and images of St. Sebastian to James Dean and Calvin Klein models, beautiful boys have been quietly admired since the beginning of time. While most agree that women have been treated and depicted as sex objects, Germaine Greer's sensational thesis is that the erotic charge of male imagery has been rigorously repressed throughout history. Men and women alike have been blind to the sensuality and flirtatiousness found in images of boys, as well as to the many depictions of female bodies based on the juvenile male-from Michelangelo's female figures to waif like supermodels. This iconic ideal of male physical beauty is revealed in hundreds of dazzling images by the world's greatest artists and photographers. The Kritios boy, Caravaggio's Love Triumphant, Larry Clark's Oklahoma City, Nijinsky in "L'Apres-Midi d'un Faune," Cellini's Narcissus, Donatello's David, Thomas Eakins' young swimmers, and many other examples, provide striking evidence that the models of today- with their wide shoulders and narrow hips-echo the boyish ideal.
  • Sugimoto

    作者:Hiroshi Sugimoto,Tho

    Sugimoto's new body of work, consisting of two parts: Mathematical Forms, photographs of late 19th and early 20th century plaster models used to provide a visual understanding of complex trigonometric functions, and Mechanical Forms, photographs of late 19th century mechanical models used to demonstrate basic movements of modern machines. Catalogue for the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain. French/English.
  • Unknown Weegee

    作者:Luc Sante,Cynthia Yo

    The viewing public’s image of Weegee is of the prototypical New York tabloid news photographer: tough, garrulous and on the scene, ready to cover two murders in one night. But the inventive Jewish immigrant Arthur Fellig (1899-1968), who assumed the self-mocking nickname Weegee, was also one of the most original and creative photographers of the twentieth century. His work for The New York Times , the Herald Tribune, World-Telegram, Daily News, Post, Journal-American and Sun, his images of the masses at Coney Island, the confrontation of wealth and poverty at opening night at the opera, and the aftermath of brutal crime scenes are, by now, classics. But beyond the iconic images that have been so widely circulated, what do we know of Weegee the photographer--his history, his methods, his meaning? Drawing on ICP's unique archive of nearly 20,000 prints by this celebrated master, Unknown Weegee presents 120 photographs that have never been made available to the public. They reveal a politically astute and witty social critic and attest to the seriousness and self-consciousness of his photographic endeavors. With essays by Luc Sante and ICP curator Cynthia Young.
  • 数码摄影入门百问


  • Photoshop图像修复与润饰

    作者:艾斯曼(Eismann K.)

  • 咔嚓民间影像


  • Daido Moriyama

    作者:Felix Zdenek

    Daido Moriyama, who was born near Osaka in 1938, is one of the most influential representatives of contemporary Japanese photography. His unmistakable style, influenced by the work of Weegee, William Klein and Andy Warhol, has been evolving since the 1970s. His images, often made with a small, hand-held camera, draw viewers in with their diffuse, suggestive layers of gray. Moriyama is aptly characterized as a ìhunter of light,î and his preference for the atmospheric and enigmatic leads to beautiful abstractions of the Japanese urban landscapes. Shinjuku 19XX-20XX features previously unpublished photographs taken in the Tokyo district of Shinjuku, whose labyrinthine streets and dark eddies have always drawn Moriyama in. He says of the district, ìEven though it wasn't a town that I liked because I wanted to like it, or became obsessed with because I wanted to be obsessed with it, the town of Shinjuku has a strange narcotic effect, and there is something about it that traps me and puts me under a spell.î