

  • The Great Terror

    作者:Robert Conquest

    The definitive work on Stalin's purges, Robert Conquest's The Great Terror was universally acclaimed when it first appeared in 1968. Edmund Wilson hailed it as "the only scrupulous, non-partisan, and adequate book on the subject." George F. Kennan, writing in The New York Times Book Review, noted that "one comes away filled with a sense of the relevance and immediacy of old questions." And Harrison Salisbury called it "brilliant...not only an odyssey of madness, tragedy, and sadism, but a work of scholarship and literary craftsmanship." And in recent years it has received equally high praise in the Soviet Union, where it is now considered the authority on the period, and has been serialized in Neva, one of their leading periodicals. Of course, when Conquest wrote the original volume two decades ago, he relied heavily on unofficial sources. Now, with the advent of glasnost, an avalanche of new material is available, and Conquest has mined this enormous cache to write a substantially new edition of his classic work. It is remarkable how many of Conquest's most disturbing conclusions have born up under the light of fresh evidence. But Conquest has added enormously to the detail, including hitherto secret information on the three great "Moscow Trials," on the fate of the executed generals, on the methods of obtaining confessions, on the purge of writers and other members of the intelligentsia, on life in the labor camps, and many other key matters. Both a leading Sovietologist and a highly respected poet, Conquest here blends profound research with evocative prose, providing not only an authoritative account of Stalin's purges, but also a compelling and eloquent chronicle of one of this century's most tragic events. A timely revision of a book long out of print, this updated version of Conquest's classic work will interest both readers of the earlier volume and an entirely new generation of readers for whom it has not been readily available.
  • 出逃的斯大林女儿


  • 震撼世界的六年


    据英国曼彻斯特大学出版社1993年版译出。 苏联曾是世界上唯一能在军力和经济上与美国抗衡的超级大国。然而在6年多一点的时间里,戈尔巴乔夫推行的“新思维”和“人道的民主的社会主义”路,彻底葬送了这个超级大国
  • 不忘过去 着眼未来


    1932—1933年苏联发生过大规模饥荒了吗? 是斯大林蓄意制造的对乌克兰的“种族清洗”吗? “大饥荒”对当代乌俄两国关系造成了怎样的影响? 本书就苏联1932-1933年饥荒以及乌克兰对这一事件的态度、立场和诉求,尤其是它对当代乌俄两国关系的影响做了极为详细系统的论述和梳理,从而清晰、完整、立体、真实地勾勒出了这一事件的全貌及围绕这一事件所展开的各种政治博弈,既让人对乌俄间的历史旧账和现实纠葛一目了然,又使人对西方与俄罗斯在乌克兰未来发展中所起的作用能有个较为客观的判断。
  • 蘇聯的最後一天

    作者:康納.歐克勒瑞(Conor O'Cler

    世界兩大超級強國之一的解體,以及由列寧所創建、由史達林加以鞏固的體制之崩潰,是一段針鋒相對、各懷鬼胎、爾詐我虞的故事。兩名二十世紀重量級角色之間的惡劣私人關係,最後把事態激化到圖窮匕見的地步。 康納.歐克勒瑞圍繞著一個日子──1991年12月25日──扣人心弦地敘述了蘇聯的解體過程,而米哈伊爾.戈巴契夫就在那一天辭去總統職務,蘇聯從此走入歷史。歐克勒瑞以當天為起點,回顧了之前六個年頭各種波濤起伏的事件:戈巴契夫著眼於「公開性」(glasnost)和「重建」(perestroika)的改革政策;波里斯.葉爾欽灰頭土臉地遭到免職,以及其後的登峰造極;蘇聯百姓日益艱辛困頓的生活;昔日俯首聽命的各個加盟共和國變得日益桀驁不馴;以及共黨強硬派試圖扭轉頽局而在1991年八月發動的政變。 八月的流產政變既削弱戈巴契夫,同時也強化葉爾欽的聲勢。事態於是快速演變成十二月時的局面,接著在一座冰天雪地的中歐森林內舉行秘密會議,決定了那個共黨巨無霸的命運,時鐘隨即滴滴答答地走向末日。攤牌時刻所呈現出來的形式,則是兩名對手進行為時九小時的談判,其結局為戈巴契夫淚流滿面,而葉爾欽勝券在握。 最終促成蘇聯解體的東西卻並非戰爭或反革命行動,而是疲憊不堪的戈巴契夫於助理們含淚目光的注視下,從一位美國記者那邊借來簽字的鋼珠筆。當西方國家正在歡慶耶誕佳節之際,克里姆林宮上方的紅旗冉冉降下,「蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟」已不復存在。米哈伊爾.戈巴契夫那位心思細密、以改革為念的共產黨領袖,是西方人眼中的英雄,結果他卻被其飲酒無度、大搞民粹的對手逐出辦公室和總統官邸。 歐克勒瑞曾在1991年擔任派駐莫斯科的通訊記者,並與一位蘇聯公民結為連理,後來更多次返回俄羅斯。他針對一個關鍵性的世界事件,做出了既生動有趣又細緻入微的研究報告,而其依據是對許多實際參與者進行採訪的內容,以及各種聚焦於那些私人恩怨與政治大戲的回憶錄、日記和官方文件。本書既是敘事史,同時又具備了一部冷戰驚悚小說的緊張節奏與懸疑氣氛。
  • Empire of Nations

    作者:Francine Hirsch

  • 解体岁月


    总序:我的俄罗斯情结 上篇 混沌世界 幕落时分 称呼:历史的缩影 酒,女人和醉汉 警察和倒买倒卖的人 “瓦乌契”之恋 “合资公司”的神话 扎罗娃总经理 他没有信仰 宫廷大臣的后裔 中篇梦在他乡 “围城”莫斯科 “绿票子”的故事 “莫斯科不相信眼泪” 灰色商人 “特里布哈” 台商俄罗斯遭抢记 和俄罗斯警察一起“蹲坑” 预审室里的漫漫长夜 法庭记事 下篇 相逢白桦林 大街深处 底层 彩色林荫道 去泽列诺格拉特镇买画 伊兹梅洛沃“文化集市” 干杯,画家们! 教授、报纸和编辑 布良斯克的森林 晨雾未散时 安纳托利和乌兰大夫 山口村别墅 森林、蘑菇和人 后贝加尔斯克之夜 跋:北方往事 后记:跋:北方往事
  • 戈尔巴乔夫的改革与苏联的毁灭


    作为纪念苏联解体15周年的一部图书,《戈尔巴乔夫的改革与苏联的毁灭》运用大量文献资料展示了戈尔巴乔夫六年改革的浮沉,对于苏联解体的政治、经济、民族、历史等因素进行了多方面分析,并对苏联解体历史教训做出理论性的总结。作者谭索作为在情报战线工作 多年的老特工,为我们了解苏联解体的历程提供了自己的视角。
  • 莫斯科三次公开审判


  • 俄罗斯和苏联科学简史

    作者:[英] 洛伦·R.格雷厄姆

  • Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More

    作者:Alexei Yurchak

    Soviet socialism was based on paradoxes that were revealed by the peculiar experience of its collapse. To the people who lived in that system the collapse seemed both completely unexpected and completely unsurprising. At the moment of collapse it suddenly became obvious that Soviet life had always seemed simultaneously eternal and stagnating, vigorous and ailing, bleak and full of promise. Although these characteristics may appear mutually exclusive, in fact they were mutually constitutive. This book explores the paradoxes of Soviet life during the period of 'late socialism' (1960's - 1980's) through the eyes of the last Soviet generation.Focusing on the major transformation of the 1950's at the level of discourse, ideology, language, and ritual, Alexei Yurchak traces the emergence of multiple unanticipated meanings, communities, relations, ideals, and pursuits that this transformation subsequently enabled. His historical, anthropological, and linguistic analysis draws on rich ethnographic material from Late Socialism and the post-Soviet period. The model of Soviet socialism that emerges provides an alternative to binary accounts that describe that system as a dichotomy of official culture and unofficial culture, the state and the people, public self and private self, truth and lie - and ignore the crucial fact that, for many Soviet citizens, the fundamental values, ideals, and realities of socialism were genuinely important, although they routinely transgressed and reinterpreted the norms and rules of the socialist state.
  • 中苏走向联盟的艰难历程


  • 被枪决的苏联元帅


  • “解冻”的赫鲁晓夫


    本书由俄罗斯亚历山大·佩日科夫著成,是在最新解秘的档案资料的基础上,叙述和评论赫鲁晓夫十年执政历史的专著,对于深入了解赫鲁晓夫其人其事具有重要的参考价值。 从缓和西方到交恶中国,当政十年的赫鲁晓夫不仅掌控着苏联,而且影响了整个世界。 1964年,赫鲁晓夫黯然下台;为了防止“中国的赫鲁晓夫”上台,1966 年毛泽东毅然发动了“文化大革命”。 如何认识这一精力充沛、性格暴躁、充满矛盾、新招迭出、对中国影响巨大的政治家?几十年来,对赫鲁晓夫的评价上天入地,毁誉交织,幻化着政治的荒诞与沧桑。 历史,往往需要拉开时间距离去观察。本书大量利用解密苏联档案中鲜为人知的第一手材料,对曾经封冻又解冻的赫鲁晓夫及其执政的苏联内幕,进行了不带偏见的客观还原。 “前事不忘,后事之师。”相信读者温故知新,对赫鲁晓夫及其改革的意义、作用和经验教训会有更深入的了解。
  • A Failed Empire

    作者:Vladislav M. Zubok

    Western interpretations of the Cold War--both realist and neoconservative--have erred by exaggerating either the Kremlin's pragmatism or its aggressiveness, argues Vladislav Zubok. Explaining the interests, aspirations, illusions, fears, and misperceptions of the Kremlin leaders and Soviet elites, Zubok offers a Soviet perspective on the greatest standoff of the twentieth century.
  • 苏联国内资本主义复辟纪事(1953-1973)


  • 苏俄经济改革二十讲


  • 出卖苏维埃帝国


  • 戈尔巴乔夫沉浮录
