

  • 刘嘉概率论通识讲义





  • 统计学习方法(第2版)


    统计学习方法即机器学习方法,是计算机及其应用领域的一门重要学科。本书分为监督学 习和无监督学习两篇,全面系统地介绍了统计学习的主要方法。包括感知机、k 近邻法、朴素贝叶斯法、决策树、逻辑斯谛回归与最大熵模型、支持向量机、提升方法、EM 算法、隐马尔可夫模型和条件随机场,以及聚类方法、奇异值分解、主成分分析、潜在语义分析、概率潜在语义分析、马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗法、潜在狄利克雷分配和 PageRank 算法等。除有关统计学习、监督学习和无监督学习的概论和总结的四章外,每章介绍一种方法。叙述力求从具体问题或实例入手, 由浅入深,阐明思路,给出必要的数学推导,便于读者掌握统计学习方法的实质,学会运用。 为满足读者进一步学习的需要,书中还介绍了一些相关研究,给出了少量习题,列出了主要参考文献。 本书是统计机器学习及相关课程的教学参考书,适用于高等院校文本数据挖掘、信息检索及自然语言处理等专业的大学生、研究生,也可供从事计算机应用相关专业的研发人员参考。

  • 数据挖掘概念与技术

    作者:(加)Jiawei Han;Michel

    《数据挖掘概念与技术(原书第2版)》全面地讲述数据挖掘领域的重要知识和技术创新。在第1版内容相当全面的基础上,第2版展示了该领域的最新研究成果,例如挖掘流、时序和序列数据以及挖掘时间空间、多媒体、文本和Web数据。本书可作为数据挖掘和知识发现领域的教师、研究人员和开发人员的一本必读书。 《数据挖掘概念与技术(原书第2版)》第1版曾是受读者欢迎的数据挖掘专著,是一本可读性极佳的教材。第2版充实了数据挖掘领域研究新进展的题材,增加了讲述最新的数据挖掘方法的若干章节。本书适合作为高等院校计算机及相关专业高年级本科生的选修课教材,特别适合作为研究生的专业课教材。 海报:
  • 复杂数据统计方法


    《复杂数据统计方法——基于r的应用》用自由的日软件分析30多个可以从国外网站下载的真实数据,包括横截面数据、纵向数据和时间序列数据,通过这些数据介绍了几乎所有经典方法及最新的机器学习方法。 《复杂数据统计方法——基于r的应用》特点:(1)以数据为导向;(2)介绍最新的方法(附有传统方法回顾);(3)提供r软件入门及全部例子计算的日代码及数据的网址;(4)各章独立。 《复杂数据统计方法——基于r的应用》的读者对象包括统计学、应用统计学、经济学、数学、应用数学、精算、环境、计量经济学、生物医学等专业的本科、硕士及博士生,各领域的教师和实际工作者。
  • 精通Excel 2007数据分析与业务建模


    《精通Excel 2007:数据分析与业务建模》全面详尽地论述了Excel2007强大的数据处理功能,结构独具匠心,以生动案例组织每个主题,介绍了Excel中与数据分析和业务建模密切相关的众多重要函数和工具,如单变量求解、规划求解和假设分析等,有助于帮助读者解决实际的业务问题。《精通Excel 2007:数据分析与业务建模》还给出了一些解决日常问题的方案以及预测体育赛事结果等颇具娱乐性的案例。
  • 漫画统计学之因子分析


    《欧姆社学习漫画:漫画统计学之因子分析》是世界上最简单的因子分析教科书,它通过漫画式的情景说明,让你边看故事边学知识,每读完一篇就能理解一个概念,每篇末还附有文字说明,只要跟着这些简单的习题进行操练,你将能在最短的时间内成为因子分析达人! 有趣的故事情节、时尚的漫画人物造型、细致的内容讲解定能给你留下深刻的印象,让你看过忘不了。通过这种轻松的阅读学习,读者可以掌握因子分析的常识。《欧姆社学习漫画:漫画统计学之因子分析》也可以作为广大青少年的因子分析知识读本。
  • Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics, 4th Edition

    作者:Andy Field

    Unrivalled in the way it makes the teaching of statistics compelling and accessible to even the most anxious of students, the only statistics textbook you and your students will ever need just got better! Andy Field's comprehensive and bestselling Discovering Statistics Using SPSS 4th Edition takes students from introductory statistical concepts through very advanced concepts, incorporating SPSS throughout. The Fourth Edition focuses on providing essential content updates, better accessibility to key features, more instructor resources, and more content specific to select disciplines. It also incorporates powerful new digital developments on the textbook's companion website (visit sagepub.com for more information). WebAssign® The Fourth Edition will be available on WebAssign, allowing instructors to produce and manage assignments with their studnets online using a grade book that allows them to track and monitor students' progress. Students receive unlimited practice using a combination of approximately 2000 multiple choice and algorithmic questions. WebAssign provided students with instant feedback and links directly to the accompanying eBook section where the concept was covered, allowing students to find the correct solution. SAGE MobileStudy SAGE MobileStudy allows students equipped with smartphones and tablets to access select material, such as Cramming Sam's Study Tips, anywhere they receive mobile service. With QR codes included throughout the text, it's easy for students to get right to the section they need to study, allowing them to continue their study from virtually anywhere, even when they are away from thier printed copy of the text. Visit the publisher's website to preview the MobileStudy site. Education and Sport Sciences instructor support materials with enhanced ones for Psychology, Business and Management and the Health sciences make the book even more relevant to a wider range of subjects across the social sciences and where statistics is taught to a cross-disciplinary audience. Major Updates to the 4th Edition Fully compatible with recent SPSS releases up to and including version 20.0 Exciting new characters, including statistical cult leader Oditi, who provides students access to interesting and helpful video clips to illustrate statistical and SPSS concepts, and Confusious, who helps students clarify confusing quantitative terminology New discipline specific support matierlas have been added for Education, Sports Sciences, Psychology, Business & Management, and Health Sciences, making the book even more relevant to a wider range of subjects across the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences is taught to an interdisciplinary audience. An enhanced Companion Website (visit the publisher's website for more information) offers a wealth of material that can be used in conjunction with the textbook, including: PowerPoints Testbanks Answers to the Smart Alex tasks at the end of each chapter Datafiles for testing problems in SPSS Flashcards of key concepts Self-assessment multiple-choice questions Online videos of key statistical and SPSS procedures
  • An Introduction to the Bootstrap

    作者:Bradley Efron,R.J. T

    Statistics is a subject of many uses and surprisingly few effective practitioners. The traditional road to statistical knowledge is blocked, for most, by a formidable wall of mathematics. The approach in An Introduction to the Bootstrap avoids that wall. It arms scientists and engineers, as well as statisticians, with the computational techniques they need to analyze and understand complicated data sets.
  • 商务统计学


    《商务统计学》(第4版)是一本久负盛名的统计学教材,在国外大学中广泛采用。《商务统计学》(第4版)涵盖了应用统计学在当代商务经济领域中几乎所有的重要应用,并且将统计软件(包括Excel.SPSS Minitab)的使用贯穿全书始终。书中提供的大量实例、练习使课程极富实用性,所附的软件操作说明能帮助学生快速掌握统计软件。《商务统计学》(第4版)经过中国人民大学统计学院贾俊平教授改编,非常适合作为我国经济管理类本科教育的统计学双语教材,也可用于MBA、EMBA相关课程的教学,还可作为商界人士的培训参考书。
  • Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language

    作者:Ron P. Cody,Jeffrey

    Suitable for use by departments ranging from statistics and Engineering to Psychology and Education when the objective of the course is to learn to use the SAS programming language to perform statistical analysis. As the SAS(c) programming language continues to evolve, this new edition follows suit with up-to-date coverage of this combination statistical package, database management system, and high-level programming language. Using examples from business, medicine, education, psychology, and other disciplines,Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language is an invaluable resource for both students and applied researchers, giving them the capacity to perform statistical analyses with SAS without wading through pages of technical documentation.
  • 基础统计学


  • 外语教学研究中的定量数据分析


  • Categorical Data Analysis

    作者:Alan Agresti

    Review "...a highly satisfactory text on methods for categorical response variables...more complete and technical [than the First Edition]..." -- IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering "...this classic book is substantially modified and expanded..." -- International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 32, 2003 "...written in a highly scientific but vivid style, intelligible for all researchers in that field...simply expressed, grand..." -- Zentralblatt Math, 2004 “…the essential reference text for statisticians…comprehensive and readable…” (Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Vol. 14, 2005) "...careful, thorough, up-to-date volume...the new content and emphases in the second edition are sufficient to justify its purchase even by someone who already owns the first edition." (Journal of the American Statistical Association, June 2004) "I liked this revised edition and recommend it highly to statisticians and graduate students." (Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation, March 2004) "...a highly satisfactory text on methods for categorical response variables...more complete and technical [than the First Edition]..." (IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering) "If you own the 1E, you absolutely need to upgrade to the 2E. If you do any analysis of categorical data, this is an essential desktop reference..." (Technometrics, Vol. 45, No. 1, February 2003) "...this classic book is substantially modified and expanded..." (International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 32, 2003) "...it is a total delight reading this book, which should be considered as the current standard textbook for teaching analysis of categorical data." (Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 20, No. 6, June 2003) "...written in a highly scientific but vivid style, intelligible for all researchers in that field...simply expressed, grand..." (Zentralblatt Math, 2004) the essential reference text for statisticians comprehensive and readable (Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Vol. 14, 2005) "...careful, thorough, up to date volume...the new content and emphases in the second edition are sufficient to justify its purchase even by someone who already owns the first edition." (Journal of the American Statistical Association, June 2004) "I liked this revised edition and recommend it highly to statisticians and graduate students." (Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation, March 2004) "...a highly satisfactory text on methods for categorical response variables...more complete and technical [than the First Edition]..." (IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering) "If you own the 1E, you absolutely need to upgrade to the 2E. If you do any analysis of categorical data, this is an essential desktop reference..." (Technometrics, Vol. 45, No. 1, February 2003) "...this classic book is substantially modified and expanded..." (International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 32, 2003) "...it is a total delight reading this book, which should be considered as the current standard textbook for teaching analysis of categorical data." (Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 20, No. 6, June 2003) "...written in a highly scientific but vivid style, intelligible for all researchers in that field...simply expressed, grand..." (Zentralblatt Math, 2004) Each chapter ahs been extensively rewritten...gives an overview of methods for analyzing categorical data, both older, now standard methods, and methods developed in recent years. (Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. LXI, No. 2, June 2003)
  • 应用商务统计分析


  • 应用回归分析

    作者:何晓群 刘文卿

  • 抽样调查设计导论


    抽样调查设计导论,ISBN:9787562439431,作者:(美)扎加(Czaja.R.),(美)布莱尔(Blair,J.) 著,沈崇麟 译
  • 非参数统计


  • 数据挖掘技术


    本书是数据挖掘领域的经典著作,数年来畅销不衰。全书从技术和应用两个方面,全面、系统地介绍了数据挖掘的商业环境、数据挖掘技术及其在商业环境中的应用。自从1997年本书第1版出版以来,数据挖掘界发生了巨大的变化,其中的大部分核心算法仍然保持不变,但是算法嵌入的软件、应用算法的数据库以及用于解决的商业问题都有所演进。第2版展示如何利用基本的数据挖掘方法和技术,解决常见的商业问题。 本书涵盖核心的数据挖掘技术,包括:决策树、神经网络、协同过滤、关联规则、链接分析、聚类和生存分析等。此外,还提供了数据挖掘最佳实践、数据挖掘的最新进展和一些富有挑战性的研究课题,极具技术深度与广度。配套网站www.data-miners.com/companion提供了每章的练习和用于测试各种数据挖掘技术的数据。全书语句凝炼、清新,对复杂概念的实际应用进行了生动解释,是必不可少的数据挖掘教材。
  • 深入浅出数据分析

    作者:迈克尔•米尔顿 (Michael Mil

    《深入浅出数据分析》以类似“章回小说”的活泼形式,生动地向读者展现优秀的数据分析人员应知应会的技术:数据分析基本步骤、实验方法、最优化方法、假设检验方法、贝叶斯统计方法、主观概率法、启发法、直方图法、回归法、误差处理、相关数据库、数据整理技巧;正文之后,意犹未尽地以三篇附录介绍数据分析十大要务、R工具及ToolPak工具,在充分展现目标知识以外,为读者搭建了走向深入研究的桥梁。 本书构思跌宕起伏,行文妙趣横生,无论读者是职场老手,还是业界新人;无论是字斟句酌,还是信手翻阅,都能跟着文字在职场中走上几回,体味数据分析领域的乐趣与挑战。
  • 量化数据分析

    作者:Donald Treiman (唐启明)
