

  • 建筑形式的逻辑概念


    中文版译者序 托马斯教授是在现代主义影响下成长起来的建筑师,早年有自己的事务所,1969年著有《系统建造》(Bauenmit Systemen)一书。他在慕尼黑工业技术大学曾主持的建筑建构与设计教研组(Lehrstuhl Fuer Entwerfen und Baukonstruktion)一直是系里高年纪的核心教学单位(托马斯教授的后任.便是现在国内读者较熟悉的赫尔佐格教授Thomas Herzog)。作为慕尼黑工大最受学生欢迎的建筑设计教授之一,他在建筑设计教学中不仅指出学生的问题,还告诉他们问题的原因。在他看来,设计工作的基点往往来源于朴实的动机和简单的原则. 对于基本问题的全面认识才是构成我们正确设计观念和设计方法的前提。而作为教学工作则更是如此。他强调在设计教育中,不是依靠学生的"天才灵感"或者为师者的"老经验".而是应当总结设计规律转化成为相应的设计观念和方法。 对教授来说.在中国的工作经历转化成了对中国的热爱。后来在德国见面时,他对中国的关切之情常常溢于言表。在一个西方建筑专业教育工作者眼中, 中国见到的更多是问题和遗憾。正因为这种对中国文化的热爱转化而咸的关切和忧虑, 以及对自己几十年教学经验的总结,促成了这一本书的写作。在华南理工大学任教时写下的初稿,可以说是他的教学经验在中国现状触动下的结果。1998年重新整理出德文版,现在出中文版,应算是"回归"吧。 认识托马斯教授是在1994年,教授退休后到我们系当客座教授。1996年教授专程带着我们几个教师在德国瑞士进行了为期一个月的建筑考察,参观了不少在这本书中提到的例子。后来由国家公派留德,经教授介绍到了慕尼黑工业大学建筑学系进修。期间对现代建筑思想进行了重新的"补习",使我对设计的基本概念有了重新的理解。而当我读到教授的书.结合起自己的体验,这本"简单"的册子很让人触动。译这本书初稿时我还在慕尼黑.可以常常与教授对一些问题的理解进行讨论,也更加深了对书的认识。我相信书中内容.也是读者们乐意去重新熟悉和思考的。 建筑设计的思想在书中用简明的方式被表达,而简单的道理又包含了丰富的内涵。如果我们带着问题.这会是一本充满应对思维的小册子,每一个章节都可以引伸出丰富的专业内容。因为翻译的缘故我不知来回读了多少遍,但每次仍有新的感慨和认识。这本书虽然是针对建筑学专业年轻学子和年轻建筑师的.但对于资深建筑师来说,也何尝不是一服"解毒剂"。 最后.要衷心感谢中国建筑工业出版社的支持及徐纺编辑的全力协助,还有德国卡尔卡马出版社的慷慨授权。 2002年12月于广州
  • In The Footsteps of le Corbusier

    作者:Carlo Palazzolo,Ricc

    西扎讲的是:重访萨沃依; 埃森曼的话题是:现代主义的一面:多米诺住宅与自我援引的符号。 库哈斯讲的是:光明之城。。。。。
  • Louis I Kahn

    作者:Robert McCarter

    Born in Estonia in 1901, Louis Isidore Kahn was to become one of the United States' most important architects of the post-war period, alongside the Modern masters Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier. Although renowned for a number of seminal modern works, he came to question many of the precepts of the Modern Movement. In particular, he questioned the ability of the International Style of Modernism to house the social spaces required by the latter half of the 20th century. In 1947, Kahn was appointed Professor at Yale University. He was to continue teaching throughout his architectural career, influencing a younger generation of architects along the way. His teaching enabled him to further develop his own concepts and to inform his ever-evolving definition of design. Kahn was drawn to investigate monumentality in architecture, creating buildings out of heavy, solid materials and forms and incorporating vivid plays of light, in complete contrast to the lightweight glass and steel structures being created elsewhere by his peers. This monumentality was also imbued with his concern for the ritual of human experience. His career, although extending to just over 20 years, was a rich and varied one, where he continually readdressed the issues of light, mass, structure and materials. Following a predominantly chronological order, this monograph identifies major themes and examines key works according to these themes. A comprehensive list of projects by Kahn spanning his lifetime and drawn from the Louis I. Kahn Collection at the University of Pennsylvania Archives is also included, listing over 231 projects, at least 30 of which were previously unattributed.
  • Computer Organization and Design

    作者:David A. Patterson,J

    A revised printing for this book will be available in June 2007! Whats New in the Third Edition, Revised Printing The same great book gets better! The revised printing features all of the original content along with these additional features: Appendix A (Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator) has been moved from the CD-ROM into the printed book Corrections and bug fixes Click here to request a desk copy of the revised printing! About the Third Edition In addition to thoroughly updating every aspect of the text to reflect the most current computing technology, the third edition *Uses standard 32-bit MIPS 32 as the primary teaching ISA. *Presents the assembler-to-HLL translations in both C and Java. *Highlights the latest developments in architecture in Real Stuff sections: + Intel IA-32 + Power PC 604 + Googles PC cluster + Pentium P4 + SPEC CPU2000 benchmark suite for processors + SPEC Web99 benchmark for web servers + EEMBC benchmark for embedded systems + AMD Opteron memory hierarchy + AMD vs. 1A-64 New support for distinct course goals Many of the adopters who have used our book throughout its two editions are refining their courses with a greater hardware or software focus. We have provided new material to support these course goals: New material to support a Hardware Focus +Using logic design conventions +Designing with hardware description languages +Advanced pipelining +Designing with FPGAs +HDL simulators and tutorials +Xilinx CAD tools New material to support a Software Focus +How compilers Work +How to optimize compilers +How to implement object oriented languages +MIPS simulator and tutorial +History sections on programming languages, compilers, operating systems and databases Whats New in the Third Edition New pedagogical features Understanding Program Performance -Analyzes key performance issues from the programmers perspective Check Yourself Questions -Helps students assess their understanding of key points of a section Computers In the Real World -Illustrates the diversity of applications of computing technology beyond traditional desktop and servers For More Practice -Provides students with additional problems they can tackle In More Depth -Presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced student New reference features Highlighted glossary terms and definitions appear on the book page, as bold-faced entries in the index, and as a separate and searchable reference on the CD. A complete index of the material in the book and on the CD appears in the printed index and the CD includes a fully searchable version of the same index. Historical Perspectives and Further Readings have been updated and expanded to include the history of software R&D. CD-Library provides materials collected from the web which directly support the text. On the CD CD-Bars: Full length sections that are introduced in the book and presented on the CD CD-Appendixes: The entire set of appendixes CD-Library: Materials collected from the web which directly support the text CD-Exercises: For More Practice provides exercises and solutions for self-study In More Depth presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced or curious student Glossary: Terms that are defined in the text are collected in this searchable reference Further Reading: References are organized by the chapter they support Software: HDL simulators, MIPS simulators, and FPGA design tools Tutorials: SPIM, Verilog, and VHDL Additional Support: Processor Models, Labs, Homeworks, Index covering the book and CD contents Instructor Support + Instructor Support is provided in a password-protected site to adopters who request the password from our sales representative + Solutions to all the exercises + Figures from the book in a number of formats + Lecture slides prepared by the authors and other instructors + Lecture notes System Requirements Operating System Most of the content on this CD can be used under any operating system that includes an HTML browser and a PDF viewer. This includes Windows 98 or later, Mac OS 9 and OS X, and most Linux and Unix systems. Some contributed software on this CD is operating system specific. See the installation instructions on the Software page for details. HTML Browser The navigation framework and some of the content on this CD is delivered in HTML and JavaScript. It is recommended that you install the latest version of your favorite HTML browser to view this CD. The content has been verified under Windows 2000 with the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0, Mozilla 1.6, Netscape 7.1, Opera 7.23. Under Mac OS X with the following browsers: Internet Explorer 5.2.3, Mozilla 1.6 , Netscape 7.1, Safari 1.2. And under Mandrake Linux with the following browser: Galeon 1.3.8. The content is designed to be viewed in a browser window that is at least 720 pixels wide. You may find the content does not display well if your display is not set to at least 1024x768 pixel resolution. PDF Viewer The CD material includes PDF documents that you can read with a PDF viewer such as Adobe® Acrobat® or Adobe Reader®. Recent versions of Adobe Reader for supported platforms are included on the CD. Visit the Adobe Reader home page for more information. Browser Plugins Some of the material on this CD makes use of Flash® animations. To view this material, you will need to have Macromedia® Flash Player installed. You can install the Shockwave® Player (which includes Flash) on Windows and Macintosh from this CD. Visit the Macromedia homepage for more information. Note that recent versions of some browsers, including Internet Explorer, Netscape, and AOL, already incorporate Flash Player. Some of the material on this CD contains photographic panoramas that can only be viewed with the iseemedia Zoom Viewer browser plugin on Windows and Mac OS 9 platforms. Visit iseemedia's website for download instructions. For instructor resources click on the grey "companion site" button found on the right side of this page. This new edition represents a major revision. New to this edition: * Entire Text has been updated to reflect new technology * 70% new exercises. * Includes a CD loaded with software, projects and exercises to support courses using a number of tools * A new interior design presents defined terms in the margin for quick reference * A new feature, "Understanding Program Performance" focuses on performance from the programmer's perspective * Two sets of exercises and solutions, "For More Practice" and "In More Depth," are included on the CD * "Check Yourself" questions help students check their understanding of major concepts * "Computers In the Real World" feature illustrates the diversity of uses for information technology *More detail below...
  • 计算机体系结构

    作者:[美] John L. Hennessy

  • 梁思成建筑画


  • 世界建筑师的思想和作品


    本书以现代世界建筑文化的交叉流为主题,介绍了51位活跃在世界建筑舞台上的国际型建筑师。之所以称他们为国际型建筑师,是因为他们的建筑创作活动,并不局限在本国之内,而是世界性的。很多建筑师都在本国以外开设有自己的分事务所,甚至,有些建筑师还主要活动在母国之外,所以当今的这种文化交流现象,也可以被看作是本世纪末世界建筑发展的特征之一。 这本书中共介绍了51位世界各国的建筑师,可谓异彩纷呈,他们的思想和作品从某种意义上说,是代表了世界建筑界的最新动向。许多创作理念和作品都具有超前性和探索性,当然,这并不是说走在前面的就一定是好的,它的真正意义也不是仅仅提供一些新的创作方法,而更重要的,是它所展现的当今世界上的新的建筑观念和新的艺术价值取向。勿庸置疑,这些对于我们了解世界建筑的发展状况,开拓创作思路,是十分难能可贵的,而且,有些建筑师还是首次在我国亮相,很多资料都非常珍贵,是我国近年来翻译出版的精品建筑图书之一。
  • 世界建筑大师名作图析

    作者:克拉克 , R. H,波斯 , M

    译自: Precedents in architecture/Roger H. Clark, Michael Pause. -- 2nd ed. -- 美国: VNR, 1996. -- 汉英对照序言、再版序言、简介、目录、分析目录. -- 附建筑师索引
  • 建筑学教程2:空间与建筑师


  • Computer Organization and Design

    作者:David A. Patterson,J

  • 建筑设计的材料语言


    “本书主要从建筑设计创新和建筑设计方法论的角度来分析建筑外表面材料及其构造,通过对材料的特性及形式,具体实例、具体构造的分析,使建筑师对建筑饰面材料能够有清晰,系统的理论认识。本书可作为建筑学专业学生,职业建筑师学习建筑设计、建筑材料及构造的参考书,同时也可为建材生产安装厂商等提供建筑设计选用产品的相关信息。” 国内关于建筑新技术和新材料的书很少,多半是翻印日本和欧美的书,有些市场条件因素使得很多东西只能停留在欣赏角度,另外翻译不到位也很难看懂,读者能书中学到的甚微。这本书的好处不在于是国内编的,而是作者都有国内工程经验,虽然这些材料已经不算领先,但在国内建筑品质的发展过程中是必须的。这本书的不足是资料不全,每一章节都感觉是点到为止,其实单单每一个章都能写成一本资料集。252页的篇幅其实很难说清楚技术细节,这也是书价便宜的原因吧。另外,彩色印刷质量还不错。
  • Louis I. Kahn

    作者:Heinz Ronner,Sharad

    This book owes its concept to the transparency of the work process of Louis I. Kahn, whose ideas are preserved in the wealth of sketches he did whenever developing new concepts or working out details for new building projects. Sketches and plans of different developmental stages of his projects are laid out in a basically chronological order and these are complemented by relevant extracts from his writings and speeches and by his commentary while this documentation was being prepared in 1973 - the year before his death. As in the first edition, the authors` aim has not been to interpret or evaluate. Rather, they wish to provide the scholar with a solid base for further research, allowing him to follow the traces of a remarkably creative mind that revered architecture as a manifestation of man´s spirit.
  • Computer Systems

    作者:Randal E. Bryant,Dav

    This book explains the important and enduring concepts underlying all computer systems, and shows the concrete ways that these ideas affect the correctness, performance, and utility of application programs. The book's concrete and hands-on approach will help readers understand what is going on “under the hood” of a computer system. This book focuses on the key concepts of basic network programming, program structure and execution, running programs on a system, and interaction and communication between programs. For anyone interested in computer organization and architecture as well as computer systems.
  • 计算机体系结构


  • 建筑的复杂性与矛盾性


  • 建筑学教程:设计原理

    作者:[荷] 赫曼·赫茨伯格

    赫曼·赫茨伯格(Herman Hertzberger)的建筑作品在世界范围内受到广泛的青睐。在这本根据1973年以来赫茨伯格在代尔夫特科技大学(Delft University of Technology)授课内容编写的专著中,建筑师把本人的设计作品和构思时的设计理念用文字的形式进行了表述。本书涵盖广泛的主题和众多的项目,汇集了大量的实践经验和对建筑物用途的评价。该书1991年在荷兰初版以来,多次再版,并已在德国、意大利、葡萄牙、日本,以及中国台湾等国家和地区出版。 在世界建筑中,科技的进步推动了建筑的发展。通常科学、技术创造了惊人的成就,也成为人们最关心的因素。今天建筑业成了万物发展的晴雨表,从中很容易看到人们的需求是什么。另一方面,我们仍在追求一种建筑——一种不受地域或时间限制的建筑,从而不断地影响着人们的家庭生活工作,使之丰富多彩。《建筑学教程:设计原理》一书追溯了人们最基本的生活环境。然而面对建筑承担的大量责任,这种“回归本体的建筑”却总是太容易被人们忽视。每一次,我们的目标都是创造一个令人满意的环境,即适于人们使用的、舒适的环境,使人产生宾至如归的感觉。
  • 林徽因建筑文萃


  • 旅途上的建筑


  • 建筑文萃

