

  • 靳·柯布西耶全集(第2卷1929-1934年)


    《勒·柯布西耶全集》共8卷,约400万字,由瑞士Birkhauser出版社引进,堪称建筑界有关柯布西耶资料最为详尽的权威著作。全套书囊括了 1910~1969年柯布西耶的作品及理论,图样详细、照片丰富,文字生动。 “该如何丰富我们的创造力呢?”这位伟大的建筑大师、哲学大师柯布西耶给我们指引的方向是:“去向那无疆之域,去自然的瑰丽多彩中发现”,“满怀激情地投入到对事理的探究中来,至于建筑变成了自然而然的结果。”他的设计没有边界,没有桎梏。在他而言,建筑师应该“成为整个社会之最杰出——精神之最富足”, “对任何事情都是开放的。” “建筑,是一种思维方式,而非一门手艺。柯布西耶教给我们的不仅是知识和方法,更是深入人心的思想和纲领。柯布西耶的语言是慷慨激昂的,柯布西耶的设计是激情四射的,柯布西耶的理论是历久弥新的。让热爱建筑的莘莘学子捧起这套书,共同聆听大师的演讲吧!
  • 不分类的建筑


  • Between Silence and Light

    作者:路易斯·康,John Lobell

    In the development of contemporary architecture, no one has had a greater influence than Louis I. Kahn, whose many buildings include the Salk Institute, the Yale Study Center, and the Exeter Library. He is remembered, however, not only as a master builder, but also as one of the most important and creative thinkers of the twentieth century. For Kahn, the study of architecture was the study of human beings, their highest aspirations and most profound truths. He searched for forms and materials to express the subtlety and grandeur of life. In his buildings we see the realization of his vision: luminous surfaces that evoke a fundamental awe, silent courtyards that speak of the expansiveness and the sanctity of the spirit, monumental columns and graceful arches that embody dignity and strength. Updated with a new preface, this classic work is a major statement on human creativity, showing us Louis Kahn as architect, visionary, and poet.
  • 建筑现象学


  • 差异


    本书收录了西班牙著名的建筑师与理论家伊格拉西·德索拉一莫拉莱斯在过去廿年间所发表的十篇文章。其中有一些是先前未被翻译成英文的文章,而且作者也特别为英文版的发行写了一篇新的导论。 面对当代艺术与建筑,伊格拉西·德索拉一莫拉莱斯认为并没有什么方法可以描述目前的实践;他反而强调如何清楚地说明由对比、多样性与张力而形成目前的动态性。 在理论基础上,伊格拉西·德索拉-莫拉莱斯打破正统的方式同时从海德格尔的现象学以及德勒兹的后结构主义中获得启发。由于结合这些哲学的遗产使得他不必与古典人文主义产生关联,也无须宣告客体之死,便能够重新唤起人性的主体。他对艺术与建筑所作的探讨,尤其是回顾自第二次世界大战以来的发展.激发他着手设计、筹划。并且最后建立了主体性如何在现代主义中发展的谱系。所得到的成果是以极具煽动性的方式建构了一种流动的“地志”。清楚地呈现而非描述我们目前的艺术与建筑生产所基于的这片动摇的地平面。
  • 现象学与建筑的对话

    作者:彭怒 主编,支文军(编),戴春(编)

  • The Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping / Harvard Design School Project on the City 2

    作者:Jeffrey Inaba,Rem Ko

    For several years, Harvard's design graduates concentrated their studies on the phenomenon of shopping as a primary mode of urban life. As Sze Tsung Leong writes, "Not only is shopping melting into everything, but everything is melting into shopping." ICK! So why did we pick up this book? Because Hannah at Quimby's told us to. Hannah's right; the design is very impressive, even if the motivation for it creeps us out.
  • Experiencing Architecture

    作者:Steen Eiler Rasmusse

    Profusely illustrated with fine instances of architectural experimentation through the centuries, Experiencing Architecture manages to convey the intellectual excitement of superb design. From teacups, riding boots, golf balls, and underwater sculpture to the villas of Palladio and the fish-feeding pavilion of the Peking Winter Palace, the author ranges over the less-familiar byways of designing excellence.At one time, writes Rasmussen, "the entire community tool part in forming the dwellings and implements they used. The individual was in fruitful contact with these things; the anonymous houses were built with a natural feeling for place, materials and use and the result was a remarkably suitable comeliness. Today, in our highly civilized society, the houses which ordinary people are doomed to live in and gaze upon are on the whole without quality. We cannot, however, go back to the old method of personally supervised handicrafts. We must strive to advance by arousing interest in and understanding of the work the architect does. The basis of competent professionalism is a sympathetic and knowledgeable group of amateurs, of non-professional art lovers."
  • Atmospheres

    作者:Peter Zumthor

    In neun kurzen, illustrierten Kapiteln erzahlt Peter Zumthor - gleichsam in Form einer Selbstbeobachtung - was ihn umtreibt, wenn er die Atmosphare seiner Hauser zu erschaffen versucht. Dabei sind Bilder von Raumen und Bauten, die ihn beruhren, ebenso wichtig wie bestimmte Musikstucke oder Bucher, die ihn inspirieren.
  • 从贝尔拉赫到库哈斯

    作者:[荷兰]林·凡·杜因 Leen van

    《从贝尔拉赫到库哈斯:荷兰建筑百年 1901-2000》重点介绍了较有影响力的几种设计倾向:传统主义、表现主义、功能主义、理性主义和后现代主义。这五种倾向对建筑设计和社会发展的意义被诸多文章所分析,同时被放在一个国际性的视野下进行比较,突出相似性与差异性和促进不同方式之间的交流与对比。
  • Gaudi

    作者:Isabel Artigas

    Gaudi was a master of twentieth century architecture with his organic multicoloured and positively bizarre designs. his works celebrated individuality aestheticism as well as practicality and pure artistic innovation. taschen has brought us yet another essential 2-volume box set charting not only the evolution of gaudi's works but also how they represented transformations in the way people thought and manifested their visions.
  • Modern Architecture

    作者:Kenneth Frampton

  • Modern Architecture

    作者:Kenneth Frampton

  • Modern Architecture

    作者:Alan Colquhoun

    This new account of international modernism explores the complex motivations behind this revolutionary movement and assesses its triumphs and failures. The work of the main architects of the movement such as, Frank Lloyd Wright, Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier, and Mies van der Rohe is re-examined shedding new light on their roles as acknowledged masters. Alan Colquhoun explores the evolution of the movement from Art Nouveau in the 1890s to the megastructures of the 1960s, revealing the often contradictory demands of form, function, social engagement, modernity, and tradition.
  • Theory and Design in the First Machine Age

    作者:O Banham

    First published in 1960, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age has become required reading in numerous courses on the history of modern architecture and is widely regarded as one of the definitive books on the modern movement. It has influenced a generation of students and critics interested in the formation of attitudes, themes, and forms which were characteristic of artists and architects working primarily in Europe between 1900 and 1930 under the compulsion of new technological developments in the first machine age.
  • 没有建筑师的建筑


  • 罗马风建筑


  • 城境 -- 香港建筑1946-2011


  • 20世纪建筑学的演变


  • 材料呈现


    《材料呈现:19和20世纪西方建筑中材料的建造空间空间双重性研究》在国内首次从理论角度阐述了材料的建造和空间意义,并梳理了西方建筑学中的相关研究成果。在森佩尔以外,还重点论述了早期现代主义时期的路斯、柯布西耶和密斯,以及卒姆托、赫尔佐格与德莫隆、安藤忠雄、坂茂、巴埃萨、帕森等当代建筑师。 材料是建筑学的基本问题。建筑中对于材料的呈现也有不同的态度——压抑或是张扬材料的特征,并由此而至对于材料的隐匿或是显现。《材料呈现:19和20世纪西方建筑中材料的建造空间空间双重性研究》突破了以往仅从材料的结构属性或技术角度出发的研究视角,而是从材料的表面属性和空间角度来进行探讨,对于正统建构理论中对于材料结构属性的过度关注,以及由此而来的材料与空间之间的失衡状态作出了批判性的解读,以期获得空间一材料的同时性呈现并达致它们真正意义上的平衡。作者首先以“本性”和“真实性”为两个关键线索总结了西方至19和20世纪之交的材料研究,然后从材料、“面饰”与空间的关系方面集中考察了森佩尔的建筑理论思想,从而得以区别于结构理性主义,把研究的焦点集中到材料的表面属性上,建立材料和空间在知觉意义上的联系。接下来,作者分章节对材料的显现、材料的隐匿以及材料的透明性等一系列问题进行了分析研究,详细考察了材料的建造和空间双重属性。最后从“抽象约减”与“材料回归”两个方面对于这一问题的思考进行深化并做出总结。